Intent on the Ynif h Bowl outcome It is not tbat 1 want to play cupid but of course it is but two days past tbe annual -Valentine event, an event tbat one doesn't want te pass over ligbtly. Our little story starts back at Kirby on Sunday at tbe Unitcd Churcb service wben wc became somewbat impresscd ,witb tbe story for thechcildrcn. Nick Vickery, Ryan preston team and tbat of Bowmanville. Witb your support tbrougb and Ken Jansma, chairman of th The Youth Bowl event is the pledging for the bowlers or Bowi For Millions event in opeming of the Bowl For Million takcing part in the bowl with your Clarington arc kecping a close program that continues this list of sponsors it is possible for eye on the competition ist Saturday with thic Celebrity, Bowl the event te raise $ 12,000 as it Saturday at Liberty Bowl commencing at 3:30 p.m. This is bas in the past between thc Newcastle Youth also held at Liberty Bowl. John Veldhuis, chairman of the Newcastle Community Liaison Group, reported te council on Monday as to the progreas of the studyby the cormmittee. The CLG-is stariing its second year on Phase Four of a study relating te thc ultimate remnoval of waste from Uic Port Granby Low-lcvel Nuclear Wastc site. Mr. Veldhuis said Uic group mects cvery Tuesday cvening at fler off=c in Ncwcastle Village commencung at seven in the evening. The chairman outlined the present activities of thc group anud spoke of various committes and sub-committees of a technical nature that bave been formed within thc local group. He said lue would expeet that ail three CLGs in the, area, Claringten, Hope and Port Hope, would meet togefler in Marclu for wh at may be a wind-up of site- specific studies within uicefliree communities. Mr. Veldbuis expects a report te be availabie foliowing the me eting. He suggested that thc work of the cemmittec would bc completcd in Marclu and that reports would bc complctcd over flhe next year., .The Cbairman said flic iocal CLO did need councils input as te what tbcy wished as the degrce of dlean-up at tuc Port Granby site. "How clean do you want us te go", he said latter ii the meeting. t was thc second time fiat m is has asked a meeting \w,trcouncil as te their position on the final decisien of Port Granby. Mayor hamre asked tbat the chairman make a fermai requcst for the meeting. .The chairman aise spoke of what he called a Pathway Analysis, fie boring of heles ito the waste site-dctcrmining the content of the wastc site. 'He said 15 boles, were drillcd in Port Granby to a depth of 65 feet and thc contents listed. He said arsenic, aluminium and antimony were the tbree major concerns found in thc dump. He said that negotiations were undcrway with Deep River in, nortbern Ontario at whicb at least ten sites could, possibly be host sites. It was said that thc gevernmcnt was going to fast- track drilling in this area to sec if the location was satisfactory for permnentstorage of the low level waste. Mr. Vcldhuis spoke of stabiizing uic Port G3ranby site, placing a wall around thic site and capping thc site. When askcd by Couinc. Scott if hc was satisfled with uic progress of the recent studies thc chairman said, that he was. He aiso said that uic committec was composed of the most dedicated and knowledgeable ten people. He said the progress was incredibie and that the Ciarington group wcre far ahead of those in the other two neighbouring communities. lue assured Counc. Scott that the process would be over in 1995. Counc. OToole said without being emotional is there an option availabie of doing nothing. The chairman said "you just cant walk away from thc issue unlcss it is a cail of this coun&-il. Council BDriefs A request for thc fre rentai of the Bowmanviile Recreatienai compiex for two days and flic use of bail diamonds for a sio-pitch tournament as a money-raising venture for Cystic Fibrosis has been rcfcrred to the budget,, process wbich is te start ini Marclu and is cxpccted te bc complctcd witbin flic mondu. Tbe slo-pitcb organization bopes te organize a tournament of some 18 to 24 tmains as well as holding a dance and other events. A small victery. Counc. Hannab said be claimcd a small victory wbcn the Minister of Transportation bas informed Clarington fiat the Ministry will be reviewing Uic policy-of grass cutting along road side in urban arcas. Counc. Hannalu bad souglut and did gain support froun council te bave flic Ministry cut grass and weeds in the Courtice area alongside bighway 2 near an intersection. The Minister bas said they- wiil review thc poiicy of cutting back on grass cutting cspecîaliy when it aise unvoives noxieus wecds. Valiant Properties Manage- ment, Robert Hann, compliments Town staff and members of council for their timely and professionai proccssing of their sbopping centre at the corner of King Street and Townlune in Courtice. Mr. Hann aise singled eut Frank Wu and bis planning staff. Counc. Dreslinski said she was neyer so0 glad te scecthc fire dcpartment as sbe was on ýMonday at Utheflhe intersection of Liberty and Church Streets in Bowmanville where a two-car accident bad injured some of dic occupants. She said upon cailing 911 flue ambulance was on the scene shortly te be folioed by fie ire department anid boUi were, busy comforting those involved in thc accident and gctting tbcm eut of dlic cars. She said it al bappencd se fast andi she said she bas ne conccnns now as far as 911 is couicenrcd It was Bonnie Reid witb a bandful of red bearts wbo pointed out to bier young audience that wben you give love it gocs in a circle te return. As Bonnie made flic arc of flic circle, waving flic becarts, fic littie beads, sbowing above tbe seat backs, wcrc foilowing the action and tbe message that wben you gave love -love returned. 1 t is not thiat tberc are that many littie beads in tic Kirby congregation, four, but uicy wcrc most willing te distribute tbe bearts toecaclu one in tbe, congregatien. You give and you reccive - a geod message for Valentine's Day. ILt was then that Rev. Russel took usý back te tbe Fourtb Century wben Emporer Claudius ruled the smallworld of that day. Tbe Emporer was of tbe opinion that married men had far tee mucb conccrn for their wifc and family back bome te do justice in die battie field. flic dece of flhe day was that tbosc in tbe army must lie single mcen. Tbis decrec was strongly objcctcd te by the Bisbop Valentine and for his strong views was tbrown into jail. It was bere that thc Bishop Valentine fail in love witb the jailer's daughter. He-passed ber a note expressing bis love and signing it simply "Your Valentine'. This was an act that bas neyer been set aside tbrougb ail uic ages and bold truc to tradition to-day. One could justly say it is an indication of our enterprising spirit as well as that of bolding to ,tradition. It was only a small jaunt from Kirby to tbe Ganaraska Forest Centre being well patronized. on Sunday by cross country skiers. Our main purpose on this trip was te take advantagc of flhc new fallen snow cover during thc niglut making skiing a delight and uic countrysîde beautiful with its new blanket of white. Our target s0 far lias been the, sbort 4,km ydllow trail. It is easy on the climb andi no sudden ninety degree turns at uie bottom of uic few buls that do exist on it. We can't say it any other way tban it was beautiful inside uic forcst on Sunday. Wc have always been unpressed wiui uic first section of uic trails as thcy pass tbrougb uic stately stands of red pinc that stand se, straight and tail. It is aiways a good excuse to stop and vicw and it was breaflu- takig on Sunday. 0f course there is aIse reason for uic stop - to prepare for flic next portion of the climb. Sunday was the sixth or seventli outing this -ycar for cross country skiing and 1 bave te say tliat uic medical work on thc old body appears to have everything functioning as it sbould. I couldn't bc more satisficd wiui the resuits allowing the enjoyment.te move around as on Sunday past. We do hope fiat, you passcd your message through duc bars on Monday te tbat someone special. M.O SUNFLOER Balanced Feeds & Farm Supplies Durhiam Farmers'OCo-op Otono, Ontario Taunton Road at Hwy. 115 Tekephon 905-983-9134 CLG1 looking for direcetion from Clarington council