* - Orono W..kly 'flnws~ W.dnesdsy, YSbmoey 16,1904 Bowmanville Business, & Professional Women's Club Oshawa man dies in accident An accident on Highway 2 near Bennett Road in Clarmngton has claimed Uic life of Dwayne Campbell, 26, of Oshawa. The accident happened about 1.50 a.m. Sunday morning. The Campbell vebicle entered into Uic eastbound lane collidfing with a VW Jetta driven by George Hatton of Newcastle Village. He was iisted in sefiaus condition on Monday at Oshawa Hospital. Blue Box Plan receives grant Durham Region i to get a cheque in Uic amount of $78 1,612 from thc Province according toaa recent announcement by Gord Mils. The choque is Part payment of a total amount of $1.6 million ta help thc region ta aperate their recycling and blue box program. Thic funding was announced by the Energy Minister, Bud Wiseman. Harbour cleanup possible Ian Orchard who operates Environment , Canadas contaminatcd sediment removai program told a Port Hope meeting that it is Possible for Uic radio- active waste in the Port Hope harbour ta be removed. He said ail Uic town bas to do is make a formai request and provide two-thirds of the cost. The federai government would PaY the other third cost as well as provide Uic expertise. Orchard referred to an undertaking in Collingwood where a fuil-scale clcanup of Uic harbour was undertaken. Therc bas been no estimate as ta the cost of removing the contarninated soul from the Port Hope harbour. One member of council attending the Port Hope meeting said the federal governmcnt should foot Uic enire bill. Pitcher joins Wall of Faîne Paul Quantrill of Port Hope who pitches for Uic Boston Red Sox han had bis picture included in Uic Wall of Famne at Uic Jack B urger Arena in Port Hope. His picture is with those of Stan Crossett, Jim Roberts, Dennis O'Brian, Ron Smith and- Paul Terbenche, ail who played in thc National Hockey league and from Uic Port Hope area. Paul Quantrills father and mother, John and Donna grew up in Hope Township as did his grand parents 1I o ward and Viv ian Quantrill as wcll as grandparents Gardon and Lorraine Scott. Passing $250,000 in first year Near seventy-five attcnded Uic first annual mccting of the Capital.Thcatre Foundation in Port Hope reccntly. 'he group in the first year has, raised some $250,(00 ta bc used ta restore and rencw Uic Capital Theatre in Uic town ta that of a first-class auditorium for festivals and performances. The group has set a target of $300,000 ta be raised over Uic next year. The beginning of a lineup A possible four have already voiced an intcrcst in seeking Uic provincial conservative nomination in Northumberland County. Ian Angus, reeve of Hope and Warden of Uic County is on Uic list of possibles along with Roger Wilson, a former Reeve of Hope, Doug Gaît, a former reeve of Cramahe Township and Pamn Jackson, Mayor of Campbeilford. The election is stili almost 18 months away.unless Bob Rae takes a swing at a return to power at an carlier date. Region to help fight against dump Durham Rcgion's finance committec and public works committee have rccom mended tliat Uic Region grant Pickering $150,000. The money would 'bc used to fight the location of a mega dump for Durham in Pickering. .Pickering had askcd Durhxam for a grant of $350,000 ta help offset the cost of fighting the mega dump. Last year Pickering spent some $500,000 fighting Uic Interim Waste Authoiity selection of a dump in Pickering. It is estimated Uiat it couid cost up to $2.4 million to continue ta baffle Uic selection of Uic Pickerig site in this final stage prior ta development of Uic site. Thieves leave empty handed Regionai Police are investing an attempted break-in in Bowmanvilie along with a break- in in Orono which resulted In some propcrty damage. A burglar alarm is credited with scaring intruders off recently when a break-in was attempted at Powerscreen of Canada on Lake Road, Bowmnanvîlle. Police have stated that a loading dock door at Nesting Furniture, Fifth line of Clarke, Orono, was forcedi open and with Uic intruders ransacking Uic office and desks. Nothing appeared to have been stolen. Whitby cuts tax rate The Town of Whitby bas announced that it will decrease Municipal taxes this. by somc 1.2 percent. The decrease conmes in spite of losing $700.000 in provincial funding. Savings for Uic Town came through a wage freeze, ending collection of grass cuttings and increasing some municipal fées by as much as 100 percent. The Town operated in 1993 with a zero tax increase. The inciement weather inherent of Cân~adian winters did not deter all the interested members ftomh attending the, Bowmanville Business and Professional Womens Club meeting on Jatlhlary 20th. Carol >Sharpe, the B.P.W., Provincial Representative ta the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, was the guest speaker. Carol is a certified human resources consultant running ber own business and is a member of 1.P.W.'s 'Durham, club. Ms. Sharpe gave some insight into the aims and objectives of N.A.C. and some of the history of the organization. B.P.W. has a long involvement with N.A.C. which is the largest Canadian feminist organization and was founded in 1972. It originated with a coalition- of 32 organizations banning together te as k for a Royal Commission on the status of women. There are now 550 member groups. Ms. Sharpe depicted N.A.C. as being a major voice of women's issues in Canada. An exampieof a project undertaken by N.A.C. was a votcr's guide published Iast year with suggestions about questions te ask your M.P. during the election. Also mentioned was the N.A.C. Conference and Annual General Meeting which will be June 10-13 in Ottawa this year. During this conference there are many informai, emotional sessions held with some fairly controversial topics. ms. Sharpe stated that N.A.C. has had 70% of their funding cut More non-profit housing for Oshawa 1Provincial funding through jobsOntarioHomes program is being made available to Denise House, Oshawa who intend ta build -sixty new units. flic same program is providing funds to The, Sea and Sun Housing Corporation of Pickering who wil construt another 63 units i Oshawa. The two groups wili now begin to look for sites and support from the community. Denise House hopes to built a Co-op Housing project. Both plans still have further approvals to obtain froni the provincial government. Hilstone stili alive in Oshawa? As late as last week the Hilstone project in Oshawa was still alive -as far as a representative of the British based developrocut corporation was conccrned. Thc representative, Alan Brookes, was in Oshawa attending thc annual address by Mayor Diamond to the Oshawa and District Chamber, of Commerce. But any hope that Hilstonc may have secms ta be totally dashed by comments from Gary Herrema, Regional chairman. He states thc deal is dcad. back. The organization started last year todo fundraising to hclp become more sclf-sufficient. In conclusion, she described the organization as a diversificd group working toether towards their main objective - equality of women. Club members then proceeded witi Uic business section of thc meeting witli-reports and B.P.W. issues being discussed. Upcoming events for the B.P.W. club arc the Annual Conférence in Windsor May 27- 29 and the National Bi-Annual Convention in Moncton July 19- 23., Guests are welcomc ta corne and attend any of the club's montbly meetings. Meetings are open to women from al occupations and are always unique witli a diverse format and stimulating guest speakers.. The ncxt meeting of the club wili bc held on Thursday, Fcbruary 17th.,There will be a, special Candie Lighting Ceremony which is a tribute to the International Federation of Business and Professional Women. As wcll, gucst speaker Lynu Burke wiil bc speaking ta club members about her recent travels with the organization "Sleeping Children Around thc World." The meeting wil bc held at thc Port Darlington Marina Hotel and includes a buffetdinner. Social time is 6:00 p.m. wiUi dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dinner tickets are $20.00. If you wouid like te make dinner reservations or require more information please cal Heclen Devitt at 623-3915. Carol Aider Letter to the Editor: Dear Editor, I wonder if there are many other persons like myseif who feel that the Federal Governments reduction of taxes on cigarettes is a slap i the face to ail those ordinary Canadians who volunteer their time and, energy ta go from door to door soliciting donations to the Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. For the sake of helping the political fortunes of the Quebec Liberals at the next election, the Federal Govemment is prepared to abandon the most successful strategy ta reduce cigarette consumption especially among the young. I would urge ail those who feel as outraged as myseif to phone the office of their MP and make their views known in no uncertain manner. Sincerely Mervyn Russel 'The Clarke te Moethan a store -unique experience ONE OFA KIND IIAND-MADE CANADIAN CRAMl POTTERY - WOOD - SILKS - TOTS A"D 'MUCH MUCK MORE MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-931i4 LTUES. -FRI. 11to 6 SAT. 9to 5 BY-LAW NO. 93-144 FORMAL NOTICE TO CLEAN SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS Occupants and property owners are required ta remove snow and ice from the public sidewalks in front of, and beside their properties within i2 hours ater a faîl of snow, freezing raim, or hall and to keep themr clear. These requirements apply whether or flot a house or any other building is erected on tho property. If you fail to clear and keep clear the entiro surface of sidewalks abutting your property, the Municipalfty wiIl remove the snow and !ce and charge the cost of such removal to. the property owners realty taxes. Clearing snow and !ce makes the Municipalitys sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice AT ALL TIMES wili be appreciated. IMPORTANT: Failure ta comply with the provisions of By-law No. 93-144 may resuit in prosecution. -- NOTE: No further notice wiIl be given. Dates o f Publication: Wednesday, February 16, 1994 p.0.29M7