OrowW.Iy ime, WvisayFab.~y1*, 14- Participants -in the. Yo ut h bowl levent This group of youngsters bave Bowl For Millions, support by ai least being one of been playing their part in Uic Make sureyou add your Uic sponsors on the bowlers lisi. ly Helen MacDonald Last week 1 heard Judith Plant spcak at Trent. She is one of North America's foremost "bioregional" theorists and visionaies. Her topic, "Lifestyles on Uic Line: A Consuming Issue", began with a critique of the concept of ' sustainable dcvelopment'. Plants critique is very timely as some of us in our community struggle wîth developing a bioregional vision. I refer, ipart. to Uic establishment of an Environmental Advisory Committec. Many in government and business have embraced Uic idea of 'sustainable development' which is about sustaining the status, quo --- wiUi Uic beief that, cveryone on Uic planet cari bave Uic saine quality -of life by about 2010. Everyone! The idea of 'sustainabl e development --- that more than 6 billion people can achieve Uic sanie livig standards that we, i Uic first world, have grown fond of --- is plain stupid to most environmcntalists, ecologisis, eco-philosophers, and others. 1A - picturle emerges: everywhere, two-car garage homes flled wiUi Uic latesi toys. Fast food establishments crowd the paved landscape. Drive- -e ugh bank machines, funeral '_,omes and prflicks kec so the go as we tryto fit into the ever shorter day enough hours to earn a living. There are no woods, fields and streams for children to romp in, but Uiey have Uic latesi in terminator dolis and can fi their days with any number of television choices to bc made from among 500 channels. Human contact is through fibre, optics: people order Consumer goods through, television shopping, and life partners are met on information highways.,, ,What tliis picture means is that Uic planas LIMITED 'resources' will lic consumed ever faster, and once gone --- well. I suppose all cf as will bc faced with Uic saine life-style. But the idea of so-called sustainable development was intended to mean that for the many to achieve equal living standard, thc few (you and I in thc first world ) will bave Ito make many adjustmnents --- indeed, sacrifices, The cynic in me feels, this wil not occur. Because of the obvious difficulties many have.with embracing 'truc -sustainable practices, sustainable development has, instead, been intcrpretcd to really. mean business-as-usual: exploiting ail Uic economic resources regardless of the cffects on land and people. Plant told hier audience Uiat Uic only thing that will make a difference; is developing ecological, action that will lic effective in addressing thc weli- being of Uic whole. And this, she believes, cannot happen in Society (Our society) run as a political economy where somne are always better than others, and Most of those 'some' get More than Uie rest. Bioregionaiism is about living w ithin patterns that relate te Nature. This includes for many bioregionalists a spiritual connection, and for all, an ethical underpinning. In other words, bioregionalism is about getting to know one's ,place' intimately, and being involved in the decisions that affect Uiat place. SAGA exhibits this basic philosophy in its commitmcent to the Ganaraska watershed. Members live in the bioregion, and work at educating Uiemselves and the community about it's natural patterns, and about how we can better understand living within Nature's patterns.- SAGA is Kendal Hall News Despite the cold winter, events at tic Hall bave been preuty wel attended. L.O.L. 405 met at the first Wednesday and were pleased to have two visiting Brothers attend the meeting. The Ladies of Kendal His L.O.B.A. 1420 met on the second Thursday and had a work night. Everyone was busy making crafts for a Craft Sale and also working at quilting on a quilt that Uiey are' entering in a competition at St. activcly involved ini the decision- making process: ensuring that ecological decisions are given consideration. And SAGA believes that more active involvement by al citizens ini tie making of local decisions -will have positive ripple effects on the land, and Uic lifestyles we wish to lead in this place. That is why we need a locally-bascd Environmental Advisory Cornrittee., Always,ý the most profound social change cornes from the grassroots: where Uic 'personal is the political', and where commitrnent cornes from fmnding a place, staying Uiere, and taking care of il by having as littie impact upon it as possible. Bioregionalism is about walking softly on the land: an ecological footprint created by the bare foot, rather than with the jackboot Uihat we have too long been stornping about with! Johns, New Brunswick. This wil bc the 100Ui Anniversary of the Ladies Lodge. The Junior Lodge, Brooks Memorial will be holding their annual winter party Uiis coming Sunday Uic 20th. The Bowling Party is planned for Sunday, March 6Ui. This will bc Uic Sth tournament and so far the ladies have won 2 and tbe men 2, this year will tell cubher who bowls best or who has the besi scorekeepers, only kidding guys and gals, we know that it is reaily skill that tels Uice tale. On Friday, February 1 lUi there were 9-1/ 2 tables ai the card pat.High score Norm McGillivray with 85, second Don Richardson wiUi 77 and Bull Boyd and Norma Moffat tied with 76. Doreen McGillivray won the draw and Lil Bolderstone won free admission to the next card party on Friday, February 25Ui. P. Lowery Hospice looking for volunteers Hospice Durhami is offering a course at Memorial Hospital to train volunteers for in-home hospice care of patients facm*g a life-threatening illness. The course is to begin on Marcb Ist and will1 continue for eiglht consecutive Tuesday for a period of two and a haifhours in the evening. Mo re IRENE -ILLâd Northumberland Mal We would like to, extend a warm invitation to you, to j oin us' and get a "HEAD START ON SPRING" Saturday, FebIruary 19, 1994 from 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. We will be previewing our, Regular and Petite merchandise selection for your enjoyment. To celebrate WE WIELL PAY THE TAX on any purchase made during this event. Please feel free to bring a fiend along. ýDon't miss out.. join us for titis exciting event! Refreshments.