~ffl~~Orono Woetdyr i linos, Wednesday Februrny ~ 1004 7) implemented June 6th, 1994. Graduates Licensing is a two- level system affecting new drivers applying for a car or motorcycle licence. Car drivers must spend a minimum of 12 months at Level One during which time driving privileges are limited. At thse end of tdis period they are eligible te take a road test ta enter Level. Two. (Drivers may reduce ta eight months Level One if they take and successfully complete an approved drîver's 'education course). Drivers are given more IGOO» HEALTH - NATURALLY by Sandra Topper, Cert. Reflexologist, Aromatherpist Parti- What's That Smell Our sense of smell is, the most powerful and perhaps the most instinctual of ail aur senses. Have you ever smelled somethiing tisat triggered a remembrance. Many smells remind of aur childhood sucis as mother's perfume, crayons, playdougb and cooked apples. Some aromas make us féel good and others make us feel ill -Did you know that there are about 30 million smeil (olfaction) receptors i each nos"ri which is why we are so sensitive to odors. Much of wisat we taste is really through smell perhaps this is a bulit in warning system. When we have a cold our nasal passages become blocked which is why food seems dull and tasteless. Test it out, cut a small piece of apple and a small piece of potato pinch your nostrils together and taste, it is very difficult to teli thse difference between tisem. Scientists have discovered that our sense of smeil is inborn rather than acquired. Newborn infants will screw up their faces to an unpleasant food odor even before they have tasted any food at ail. New fresh grass, blossoms and tise distinctive smell of manure are tise signs of spring - yeah! It won't be long now. Next Week- Part 2 - What is Aromatiserapy? CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY' ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. __ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EARN EXTRA $$S.Farl-f ime or toit lima. Neoein, e segiîeg. , oexeenoec ecesar. Caadien fased ceeçÇany. HIgh financlal rwafs Fr FREE Informafion cafi (705) 335- 5285 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 yr-red Iomes on eltrox 325'wafartteeage. 4 acres, neoly epdaed, excelent eppettotry, sale due 1. Ilîe. 400,0001fI1-1-05662-6531 FRANCHISE OPPORTUN fIV tle r e-se recycle filad. GeographlcalIly proeec arase. Ptoverasoîf . Non dîclsare agreomeef roqited. Pres eftat af $2000. Cl (51) 438-3970 f0oequie. BUSI NESS SERVICES CALL CANAOAS LEADER MN FARM TAXSERVICES. Otcoone, tu,. GST. foeldeeplng. isancilfstafeasnts. ISA and oe, raund paetdeg. For FREE ceonslaioneet 011TaGuerd t day 1- 80-28-1002. CAREER TRAINING LEARM AUCTIONEERING af the Soufhwesfere SScloco f Auctoeceeg. Neul Cas; March 12-18. -lIformaton, ceef est. Solifhwesfetn Onfaro chool of Aucfîcneereg, R.R.#S. 60004sf 0011 Onfadio FIS 7V9. (1)537-2115.1 HELP WANTEO.- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT SOMMER EMPIGYMENT eqpered for Onaro canal ship. Lîe abeard, Mayi iOct. 12. Requiro confs, sorvrs, .decldtaeds. Apply ie handrigOnaie Wafeay Crises, Box06, ODla, L6V-19. SALES IELP WANTEO TAKE THIS JOB and lave Il LANTANA ts e feadîso f006100 nitorOmarkeing compaery fooking for people 1160 you f0 becore Faeolon Cnulagts. Cal 1800.463-8609. TODAVOS NEWEST. HOTTEST basiness opperlasty le 125 yeas old! W60,8dm le fhe 5001 buses pperommWaalable tedayl For 125 year WatkBm Bhas oo.rcd qality prodots asd IejdsyIeadieg support serices. YV e l ewe ou rsel! tf0 fake a dloser look a Wafkls Fr ris Informafion a0o00f Watkids. the bsiness of0fhef60 s, cnfat ndependcnf Ditedeor, 1-800- 283-2889 Caada. MISCELLANEOUS DOOGE DIESEL PROBLEMS? Jets ext group for action. Sfregth le oumbere. Tegef Br mc cansieerfn somete. genetmet and4 mee.utefoer. DO IT NOW DONT WAIT. Caîl Ryos.etIlae, RR *, Belle,11Ie, Ont. K8IN 4Z5 or 613-962- 9717 eoanîng. MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE! Coentioealioquoy tes and 2n45. Consoîidaf e bille et o Io- montlly paymeet. raeooate or finarnce business. Raefront S.25% Cal fe-frec 1-808O-266-2694. BUFFALO BILS CATALOQ - 1993 AFC. Champieeehip and Super 8001 apparat o avaleble. Pot FREE CATALOG and letetteefos 0cal1-716-382-4766. FAX 1-716-382-7750 RELOCATINO? RURAL COMMUNITY ffers qüalty wolr cltpply. 0ow crme rate. paocd mod. deelop-rceprnpcrty. Sm fousîng ces. schnls. hespifaf, rcteef 10e Iscludîeg go. switernng pool. curling hockey and edotg. lenqire f0 Box 344. TtcBern, Maifoba ROG 2V. Phosel (204) 723-243. RECIPES WATED. PeBlsher lociîn for cri gisal r.cps., P8o.dty glvn o a reopes CwIlh ae nfreelng backgounId stotft Recpes sed talîf Be ackcowledged le peblcetiles eer PulBishing, 263 Labosse Ae. Poinfte Claire, Ouebec fiR lA3. POETRY CONTEST $12»00ln prizes yearfy. Posible pulicafIonSerd one onginal poom 20 fines or oese: Ntonal Lbrey of Poef1(t. Box 704-NO. Otings ills.Md 21117 P ERSONALS *THINK MORE CLEARLY. Cone o0i f tet cfog 0f dregeend enxommnnefe toxine. Reed Ce, Body Ce, Mnci, 150 Rideu S.,Ottawa, K1N 156(613)230-5701. LIVE A HEALTHIER AND LONGER LIFE! Rid your body of hesefl ef 0000fs of deiy oiiafon. Boy and read 'Ceer Body CGear Mnd 5y L Ro Hbberd. (Z2200) cal[ -000 61-608. LACK 0F MONEY? ESfeCt of te ecenotoy? Wrned about jobs? Be hppy and suweed leIel Bey & Read *Prohieneof 000,1 by L Ron HbbatS <0S30.00) Caeil 1800-561-5808. GREAT SEXtno, age imit. emeete erection probilesceeeed by prostae csergery, 41050100. cing etc. .. Gethf e desfront Perfomance Medcaf. Box 418, Veenont, BC., VOE 2Z. 1. 800-863-0121. ADOPTION PREGNAN? THINKiNr. 0F ADOPTION? Mrricd coupe werete gise yor chid a loIng orne and scuro fturoefe f eS, Oel llec (905) 731-4902. RIEAI. ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND ,srnerhptînettre 001 fSeI!f Arenas largeef, oldesftemle ceeningheuse. Resort Sales IsttnefOal 1-800-423-5967. Teehate entais needed Cali 24-Bootsa dey. STEEL BUILDINGS WATKINS DESIGN DEAER FOR Slcclxlay Building Syoîetn, CSA cerf 1110, areas , cemmercillatm, etc. Tep ifualify ..elr et , 1 efeelbilding. Cenfrecting avallabe 1-613- 7643552. BEST BUILDING FRICES - Seel Sfrafeel Type - netqeeneef 3254 $7.899; 40072 $11924; $0400 $16,e54; 60e126 $25883 . ether 512eaalale - MîsocIiesouscleareSc - Patagon - 24 Hers f-00-263-0499g. ALJ. STEEL BUILDINGS, Sfraghf Sded Mdels. Vaelle sizes -.g. 30Wx SOL - $7,152.00 IncIodîng ens d 54dee. Cel FutIe ,1-800-008-8653. SFAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Specel ffer fr eprsg rdrs plced belfote MeroS 1sf. 1994, Indusfrie, Ceommercial, Fane. Sfables/Arenas, Workshops, Fsanoing AvilabIe o..c. 24 fter 1.800561-2200. AFFORDABLE STEEL BUILDINGS. STRAIGHT IDES. Ceonsaf style roo. C.eetypen, easity rded Ends opionl 200x30 $2.8800. 25,X40 $3.028.00. 30 x400$4,7800.350x 600$10,074.00. Pione, 1.800.668-5422 A-Z PRE-ENG. BIILINGSINC. Fane. ef rege. cemmnercial Iedusidel. New Typas, etaollweed. quonseef. cledding Fr ftree value, ecfles & enentere - Walfy (416) 626-1794. FREE brohresn. C15p-eaoe. TFIAVEL RIVER CRUISES. Spend 4 or E eîgftfs crulcîng central Canada s caîm -foots lnexeqisoe 0004,fo aboard a modem, elegant replce efealebeaf. Oufefaedieg sceeety, weddc-cIes agtractins Fem $860. Fmeabrochure 1-800-2677868. WAOTED TOY BANKS. Yung beeker wmef c in as caeîg bans.efie or cet, mechahîcal o sf11. 89 Appeweed Coc, Guelph, Ont. N 683<(519) 823-8063 eveefdtgs. New drivers face change- as ofAprîl lst, 1994 New drivers applying for a licence after April lst, 1994 will bc thse first to enter Ontariols two- year graduated licensing system that increases driving privileges with experience-. "Qraduated licensing will ensure thse 300,000 new drivers on our roads each year develop the skills they need to avoid- accidents", said Transportation Minister Gfies Pouliot. "We are confident this system is gomng to save lives and cut healtis care COSs by reducing the number of injuries". Work to implement thse new licensing system is under way and the program will be fully privileges during Level Two which also lasts a minimum of 12 months. At the end of this period drivers are eligible to take a comprehensive road test to gain full driving privileges. Drivers who already hold a learner's licence when thse April 1 cutoff date arrives will continue under thse existing system until they pass a standard road test, or their learner's licence expires. Those who pass the road test before June 6, 1994 will not bc required to enter thse graduated licensing system. Those wbo pass their road test after June 6, 1994 will enter Level Two of, graduated licensing. Learner licence holders who do not pass their road test beforetheir licence expires will, on requalifying, enter Level One of graduate licensing and will be eligible to immediately scisedule a road test to Level Two. Since graduate licensing was announced ministry- driving examination centres have been flooded witis new drivers rushing to take their road tests> As a resuit, the number of drivers failing thse road test has climbed dramatically. To encourage new drivers to better prepare for the test, the ministry recently extended thse mandatory waiting period for retesti ng of learner licence holders to 60 days. Thse Minister states that the new plan will go a long way to reducing traffic collisions and fatabities on our roads. PUBLIC NOICE, 1WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS MARCH 1, 1994 TO MAY 13,1994 Weight Restriction Regulations wilI b. in force on ail roads, under the Iurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington from March 1, 1994 to May 13, 1994. The period of weight restriction enforcement has been extended for two weeks due to anticipated conditions as a resuit of extremely ,cold temperatures during the winter season. Vehicle Ioads are restricted to FIVE (5) TONNES PER AXLE, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, cH8, si 22. Water Evans, P. Eng. Director ai Public Works Municipality af Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Dates ai Publication: Wednesday, February 23, 199 Wednesclay, March 2, 1994 P.O. 3980 Alison Priestley RAN ;\Reax(ajon Therapy Home Visit by Appointrmnt (905) 983-9607 179 Church St., Orono, ONT. LOO i Mo COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHIANICAL SERVIC E TRUCK, R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB 1MO ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 MASARU KA RATE -CL UBz" SHORIN-RYU Classes, for Children and Aduits Rick Jones Newtonville 905-786-2793 UMJ13 35GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Ild. /UT11ORIZD EAERRO. unisorso etir 401 Phone ahead or by chance 3847 WriIcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 Mo VISA (905) 983-9540 ouad could appear in communif y neWapapera in Ontario, or right acbosa Canada, or any Sindividuel province. Space la Limited, so eau Tis Newspaper Todayt ..... .. ..... ... ... ...... ............ ............ ................ .......... ..... Z