Vol. 58, No. 8 ORONO. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2.1994 Raise $5 1 0.00 for Beci Kits Kids could arrange Open: House at Orono Centre, Froni February 4 w February 18, 1994, The Orono Public, School staff and students raised $510.00 for Sleeping Children Around the World. This organization was started by Mwray Dryden, who works with third world countries providing bW kits for children. The cd Idts~ are appropriate wo the climate and are distributed totally by voluliteer. We raised the money thrugh various events including: a coolie sale, popcorn sale, penny driv, rummage sale aud several "Staff Dress Down Days". We had a great deal of fun raising the money for Sleeping Children Around the World. Our donation of $5 10.00 will purhase 17 bed kits and will bctakcn to the Philippines on Marcb 10, 1994. We will be receiving a picture of the chidren we helped before the end of tie year. Mfany thauks to all those who hclped us help childrcn less fortmate than our own. Pictured above Lynn Burke, representative of Sleeping Children Around the World (a former teacher at Orono Sehool); Malida Wilson, Chery! McLcod and David Gray, Principal. The Support Committee for the Orono Youth Drop-in Centre met on Saturday morning preparing for a meeting, to bc held with Mr. Gary Adams of the Provincial Culture, Tourism and Recreation Ministry. The meeting is to'be held this Thursday afternoon at the M. J. Hobbs Senior Public School. In preparation for the meeting the local group set a budget at $10,350.00 for the the year. 0f this amount they hope to raise some funding from community organizations and expect the young people to raise at least $500.00 and as wvell the local committee to raise a further $500.00. The province is expected to provide funding as well. As we-ll the committee finalized a suggested constitution and outlined tlhe purpose of the Centre. The project exists to provide a regular opportunity for young persons to meet together for comnpanionship and informal secreation of various jinds in a safe and adequately supervised surroundings. A number of objectives were established and as well the organization and conditions of operations of the centre were establisbed. The Support Group meeting was held at the Drop-In Centre on Main Street where they found it to, be equipped with two pool tables, table tennis facilities, seating facilities and oven .a microwave. It was suggcsted at the meeting that a proper sign be sou ght for the Centre and it was further suggested that the kids bold an open bouse sometinie in the future. It was reported that attendance ranges from 4 wo 20 kids witb the average being around 12 to 15. The Centre is open on Tuesday and T'hursday evenings. Ini spcaking with Rev. Mervyn Russell he said he would like to sec die opportunity arise to send leaders for training in operating a Drop-ln Centre. Shep,%herd's team euchred Seek ;$50,OOO to setup campign office fornew Courice Community Centre' Muriel Frizanc, on bebaff of Uic Courtice Community Centre Fundraising committee, spoke w counicil on Monday evening updaing council on Uic activiies of the committee and seeking support for the Courtice community complex from council Mrs. frizanc gave some of the features of a study undertaken for the Courtice complex with a $25,000 grant that was provided by the municipality to, the Courtice committee. She said that Uic report stated that a sum of $1.2 million was rffappenings unrealistic for the Courtice community to raise for the complex. 'Me report suggested that, the objective be set at $800,000.00. She said the report aiso said there would be need for strong leadership and she asked for full support froni council, members. The speaker said die Courtice community wanted to be assured that the facility would bc operaional 1994/95. 1She also said Uic cominittee was asking for $50,000 to setup a campaign office and wanted an a rtists concept of the new 0 a 0 Upcoming events for Newtonvile United Church The Newtonivile Pastoral Charge will be sponsoring a 'Time & Talent Auction' this Saturday, Match 51h, 7 p.. at the church hall, jetms such as baudmnade crafts, knit, sewn, carved, baked and time -ited for odd jobs etc. wifl be auctioned off. Corne on out for an evening of fun! As well the Newtonvile U.C.W. wiil be sponsoring a Roast Beef Dinner on Saturday, Match l9th, 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 each and may be purchascd by -calling 786-2239 or 786-2286. Entertainreent is iincluded Moms Time Out Corne to an informai get together on Match 8, 1994, 7:30 p.m. main Hall of the Orono United Church to put together ideas for starting a Young Women's Christian group. This is open to ail wornen of the comimunity of al faiths. For more information cal Donna Morrison 983-9107. facility. In outlining Uic facilities to -bc included Mrs. Frizanc -put a library facility at Uic top of Uic list and then called for a swimming pooî, a health room (Continued page 2) by "Pro-Life" Pro-Life supporters ouf- numbered the Support Alex Shepherd Team at the federal Durham Riding Association annual meeting on Monday nigbt at Eastdale Coliegiate in Oshawa. Having the edge in numbers the Pro-Lifer supporters have returned their officers back f0 office for another ye&r as well as appointing Pro-Life mnembers as supporters delegates te liberal events. The margin in favour of the Pro-Lifers in the various election contests was mn the area of 35 to 40 votes. Thbe total vote was 438 ballots. The meeting was not without its hot. spots as the two factions put forth their opinions as te the roll of the riding association. Alex Shepherd, M.P. for the (Continued page 2 Orono, Sparks entertain at Parent /Daughter event The annual Pineridge District Parent and Daugbter banquet was held Saturday evening in the Orono Community Centre'with 187 in attendance. The St. Saviour's A.C.W. catered tw Uic banquet. Entertainnient was provided by Uic Sparks as above, Uic 1sf and 2nd Orono Brownies, 2nd Orono Guides, 1sf Kirby Brownies, 1sf. Kirby Guides and the Orono Pathfinders. Mrs. Pam Allin, Orono, past District Commissioner was thanked for ber five yemr in titis positionnd tUic for the success of guiding in Uic district during her tenure. Mrs.-Marg Crashley, Orono, was1 congratulated being appointed to the position of District Commissioner Vol. 58, No. 8 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2,1994