O~ono WkIy TJ*n~, W.dno.dy, Mrçt~ % 1904 - J SALLY STAPLES, .associate broker Member of Re/Max 100% Club JUST LISTED m44 PICTURE PERFECT AND CONVENIENTLY LOCATED.. Custom blinds anid vindaw treatments harmonize with the unique decar. Better than new and -luxuriously upgraded, right dawn ta the spatless linen braadloam. 3 bedraoms, 2 baths and sliding glass walk-aut ram dining roam ta patio . .. $1 32,900. 623-6000 24 hour pager Easy to Main tain A lavely oak eat-in kitchen, main floar family room with walk-out, fireplace, 3 baths, double garage, and fenced yard - completely maintenance free - an a quiet courti A spaciaus 4 bedroamn home, ideally located in the village of Hampton. Main floar master bedraom with ensuite and main fl0cr laundry - al an a huge fleld-backed lot! CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR 100 acres - Possibilities Plus! The charming traditional farm house overlooks the rolling acreage - just east of Orana. Includes 2 large barns, driveshed, workshop and feniced paddock - one of a kindl Hall News On Friday, Pebruary 25th tisere were 6 tables of card players present. Ivison Tamblyn took Ist place with a score of 88; lune Wilson piaced 2nd with 78; Tom Wilson 3rd with 72 and Norma Moffat 4th witis 70. Tise draw was won by Norm McGilveray, and the draw for free admission to thse next card party was won by Frank Drinkie. Next card party wil be held on Friday, March 1litis. On Sunday, Marcis 6th the bowling taurnament between the Men of Kendal L.O.L. 405 and the Ladies of Kendal His L.O.b.A. 142U and friends was held at "is Bowmanvile Bowling Lanes. After bowling ail returned ta thse Hall in Kendal for a Salad Supper. Sorry ta report, tise men won over tise ladies by 233 pins. Trophies were presented ta Bil McNabb, high single for thse men, higis single for tise ladies went ta Doris Gimbiett. Higis triple for men went ta Richard Lowery, iigis triple for tise ladies wenîta Marlene Stacey. Tom Wilson won the men's low and Doreen McGillveray won the low for tise ladies. A good ime was had by ail and tisere was pienty ta cat.. The men had their Lodge meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd. The Junior Lodge wiil be meeting on Thursday, March 101h when they wiil be isaving a special speaker who will be telling them how tise Junior Lodges got started. The Ladies Lodge will be meeting on the 3rd Thursday this month. A Penny and Bake Sale wiil bc held at the Kendal Hall on Saturday, March 26th. Iis event willbe sponsored by the Ladies L- rhse baking wiil be soid in theaftrnoon between 2 - 4 p.m. T'Me Penny Sale draw wil start at 8 p.m. You may put your tickets on tise Penny Sale items in the afternoon and leave your numbers if yau are unable ta attend in tise evening. Ail winners will be natified and prizes delivered if you are not present. P. Lowery Tales Told Twi ce .luly 1972 On June 27th aur last meeting for the season opened witis a Pot Luck supper after .which ladge opened according to the ritual which Noble Grand Gloria Todd presiding, assisted by Vice Grand Carole Boyd. The Orono Chamber of Commerce held tiseir annual Beef Bar-B-Q on Wednesday evening of 1l'ast week. The event along with firewarks, was most successful with a small increase in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer take pleasure in announcing the forthcoming marriage of their daugister Valerie Edna, to Mr. John Witheridge, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Witheridge of Kingston. The wedding will take place on the l9th of August 1972, at 2:30 p.m. in Orono United Church. Thse Orono Tennis Club with a membersisip of seventy-eight persans met last Wednesday evening when consideration was given again ta tise construction of a second tennis court. Wayne Helson, president, stated tisat tise cost would be in the area of $4,000.00. The group approved. in principle, tise second court and thse executive was authorized ta meet witis the Park Board ta find out what financial arrangements could be made. Steve West of Orono, Ieading scorer fast season for Oshawa Generals of the Ontario Hockey 'Association Junior A loop, has signed witi tise Minnesota Norths -Stars -of tbe National Hockey League. Keith Powell, a south-paw pitcher and AI Pears, catcher, botb of Orono are baving a good season with tise Port Hope COMING EVENTS1 1 TH-E HALIBURTON SCHOOI. 0F FINE ARTS s offernng 200 Arts and Crats Courses duing summer 1994. For information or brochue contact S.S.F.C. Box 839, Haliburton, Ontario KOM 1 SO, (705) 457-1680. WOODWORKERS - JURIEO COMPETITION. Augusi 5-7. $5000 cash prieus. Fiva categonies: Chairs, Bird C arving, Bird H ouses. Tursîng. Miniaturas. Applications: The Wood Show. Boa 920, Durhsm, Ontario NOG 1iROT. (519) 369-6902, Fax (519) 369-1 5750. BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITYr s COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 yr-md homen on appo. 325' ater frontage, 4 acres, newly updated, excellant opportunity, sala due te llness. $400.000 i"a 1-95-662-6.533. BE PART et Vancouvers expansion as a Pacific Rita cuvIer Eslablîshed 'Business Damolition andi Excavation' for sale. Information call: Mr. Carl LaBossiara, 1 (604) 879-2322 Regent Park Landmarh Realty). BUSINESS SERVICES CALL CANADAS LEADER in Farm Tax Services: icoea ta, GET, bookkaaping, fnancial statemants, NISA and yaarroand Planning For FR55 censultation, Cal TaxGuard today 1-800-265-1002. CAREER TRAINNG BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR. .. mth our graut hom-tudy o r.1 Calfr a FR55 BOOK. 1-800- 267-529, courshatf.tdS hcl,962-38 McArthur Ave.,. Ottawa, Ontano KiL 6R2. OFFSRING THE BEST Chat Trinîng and Pastry& Deserts dîploma programo. Fal-tme 17 eehe. Accommodation and lob placement assistance.1 Dubrulle Frnch Culinary chool, Vancouver 1 (604) 738-3155 FR55 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. Train-t- homne: Acxounîîng; Arcendtioning, Bookkeaping; Businens; Computers; Elecîronîcs: Law Estorcamant;i Medîcal Secretary; Paralegal: Psychoîegy; Social1 Worer Travel. Cxi 1-800-361-1971 Ioday LEARN AUCTIONEERING aI the Southmelem School o Aucioveerng. Net Clans: July 16-22, Infonmation, contact: Southetem Ontaro Sohool et Auctionenrng,i R.R. #5, Woodtock, Ontanio N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115 SALES HELP WANTED TAKE THIS JOB and love il LANTANA es a leading tashion network marketing company oolvng for people lika you te become anhion Consultants. Cali 1-800 463-8659. FASHION FORTUNE' Fan, Freedota and uoctîng eaming-potentiel. Becotne a Dîtributor selling MA i CHERIE LINGERIE. OUALITY & SERVICE mahe us ffi sînce 1975. Oelil 1-500-661-3305. BE FIRST IN YOUR AREA. Makat sheer non-rus hosiiy high asehien jawehry, atches. Home based. Traî,nn, excellant profits, tallpar-tima. Management positions availebla Cati 1-800-749-3296. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $12,000 in pHzes yaarf y. Possible pu=îaon, Sandtiens otgihel poum 20 fines or taon: NainlLiraiy 0f Poatry, Box 704-NO, Oinge Mlsu. Md 21117. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - agas 18-30 mth agriculture aoperienca te iv/mork with tamily in Australie, New Zeeland, Europe, Japan. Costeldutaits - 1-800-253-1527, #206, 1501 l7th Avenue, S.W. Calgaiy, AB T2T 052. LOVE A MYSTERY' Send tis ad with your nome & address te: Mystury, Corgi Souks, 105 Bond S., Toronto, Ontano MB 1Y3. Firt 500 rspendants mvilI recise a firasrystery tromn runowned author Robert Goddard. FERSONALS LIVE A HEALTHIER and longer Ilit!, Rid yoar hody et harmtuî ffects t daly pollution.,Bu8y& red CI.ar Body Clear Mine b y L. Ron Hubbard (S 2200re). CuIt 1- 800-561-5808. LACK 0F MONEY EBuecte et the economy? Woffed about jos? Beu happy and uccued in ii!Boy and read 'Pmrbtems et WerW< by L Ren Hubbatd ($30.00). Cati 1-800-581-6808. ADOPTION SOMETIMES I CRY MYSELF TO SLSEP. We ant a chiîd ta, love mth att our heurt. Pregnant IL hurting tee? Oonsideting adoption' Cai coîtet 1-416-467-5515. REAL ESTATE GiOT A CAMvPOROUND membershiptimeshame? Wattl take iti Ametcan argent, oldest resale ctearingheusa. Rasott Salas Intumationut 1-800-423-5967. limeshare rtasnee.Cat124 heursasday. STEEL BUILDINGS WATKINS DESIGN DEALEh>for Steetway Building Systems, OSA certified, arnias, commercial, lain, etc. Tep quaaity wood/steet or ait, steel building. Contracting avaîlable 1 -613-784-3552. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straîlmail Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11.524: 50x90 $16.954. 60e128 $25.883 - cther sîzes evaitable - Msceianeoun clearance - Paragon - 24 Harts 1-800- 263-8499. SPAN-TEON STEEL BUILDINGS LT. - Top quality struîghtmaîI, mooditet & ail/steel buildings, OSA Certiieti, workshops, bamns, arasas, stables etc. large or emal. contractng & financing avaitabte, 24 heurs 1- 800-5-2200. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS, Straght Sîded Models. Vadnas szas. ug. 30Wxe50OL - $7.152,00 nctudîng ends and door Cai Future 1-800-668-8653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. Farm. storage, commercial industriel. New types, stea/wood, quonset, cîaddîng. For tmue value, action & answers - WaIIy (416) 526-1794. FR55 brochures, clip and sase. AFFORDABLE STEEL BUILDINGS. STRAIGHT SIDES. Guonsut style roof, learspan, easity erected. Ends optionul. 20 o 30 2,688.00, 25 o 40 $3,826.00. 30 c 40 $4.788.00, 30 x 50 $5.,938.00, 35-e 60 $10,074.00. Pioneer 1 -800-658-5422. Midgets. Recentiy they both played prominent parts in defeating Oshawa 8-1. Powell going the ful fine innings, gave up only four hits. Pears drove out a single and a double with three RBI ta bis credit. JuIy 1982 1Last Thursday evening Counc. Diane Hamre, representing the Town of Newcastle, presented a cheque ta thse Orono Horicultural Society in the amount of $260.00. The cheque was presented to the president of the Society, David Harrison and during thse Society's strawberry festival. Construction has started on the sait dome at dhe Public Works yard in north Orono. The estimated cost is $98,000 which is $19,000 more than' budgeted for the project and $ 15,000 more than- the estimate un early June. A recommendation from the property and finance committee was received by thse Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education suggesting thse closing of the Kendal Public School and thse Maple Grave East Public Scisool in the Town of Newcastle and Cook's Scbool in- Hamilton Township. Thse board wil naw hold public meetings in thse fali. At thse present time some 60 students attend Kendal Public and with the closure thse students would be accommodated at the Kirby Public Scisool. Work bas started on thse construction of an addition ta St. Saviour's Anglican Churcis in Orono. A basement is being included with the addition. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality O Family Stylp Roast Beef Dinner Weddmngs - Anniversaries - Business Funetions Hockey- Basebali Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 Co# 1 me to buy or seli... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones > 983M6O13 Aecilty -Ne ASSOCIATES (DURHMl 1050 SIMCOE ST N. #103- OSHIAWA TEL.(905)721-2112 WONDERFUL 1.55 ACRE LOT WITH WOODS & STREAM RIGHT IN TOWNI CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEII ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. ____ Vour ad could appoar in corrmunity newpapers in Ontario, or righl across Canada, or any individuel pro vince. Space s Limitud, s0 Cail This Newspapur Today! ............ ............ 2