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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1994, p. 3

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àmGWed ieWdêsaMihO~~4& (Celebrate SOth Anniversary Len and Rena Pears, former Orono residents, recently celebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversany. Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mis. Robert Copping, Orono, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marage of their daughter Karen to Mike Howran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Courneyea, Peterborough. Wedding to take place, May 7th, 1994. Orono Road program (Continued fromn page 1) It is pointed out that Princess Sýtreet is very narrow and very In speaking of the project Counc., Ann Dreslinski stated that a public meeting wil k held before the project is in its final stages of planning. She also said the undertaking of the project depends on the approval from the Ministry. The cost of the project is estimated at $670,000 and wouid Marking the occasion was a family dinner held in their honour at Cullen Gardens, Whitby. take 721 person weeks of employment. SOtiier projects approved by thc commitice and of-which approval is heing sought from the ministry is the reconstruction of Church Street from Liberty to Tempenance Street in Bowmanville 'and as well Wellington Street from Liberty te' Temperance Street. The estimated cost of these two Bowmanville prejects are $800,000 and $600,74 1 respectively. Through Community Services A number of projects have been submitted to ic Ministry as to recreational activîties in, Bowmanviile and Courtice. The report recommends the undertaking of Phase IV of Rotary Park in Bowmanville featuriag a dlock tower, patio, a pavilion over-looking the valley and a paved maIll It is also proposed te continue with further development at the Bowmanville Recreation Com- plex which would include an elevated terrace overlookiag a naturalized pond which will feature a rock garden and waterfall in the summer and an artificial ice pad for public skating in the winter. Estimated. cost $750,M0. A sum of $350,000 is estimated for renovations to Uic existin g Bowmanville Fire Station to ke used as a Senior's Centre. The fine station building will become available when the fire department moves to their new location on Highway 2 in Uic west of Bowmanville. And IasdthUi general purpose committee has slated $700,000 for the Courtice Community Centre which will comprise of a leisure pool, library, fitness component and a commuaity hall. Two year jail term A-Lindsay truck driver who was involved ia a fatal hit-aad- run accident near Port Perry in 1992 has been seateaced te the maximum reformatery terni - tow yeans less a day., Joseph Buckley, 50, was aise banred for driving for five yeans. 9ueen Par from Gord Mils MPP Durham East Last week, as no doubt you have read, I spent four days in Orillia with my government 1 cofleagues, at Our Spring retreat. Tlhe room I was given did have a fineplace in it, but there wasn't any fire going in the hearth. Anyway, I didn't have any dîme at ail, to sit in front of a -fireplace. Apart fromn a few hours spent at a social on thc Iast evening, it was very busy, and the pace rather hectic. 1 know Uic Toronto media paint one of thosc pictures that gives taxpayers the impression that we are ail living it up. But honestly, I would have much preferred being at home for those days. The trouble with holding Uis type of retreat in Toronto, is keeping people together,, and out of their offices. If you are in Orillia, it is difficuit to slip off te do something unrelated- to the reas on for getting together. The cost of these meetings comes fnom our individuai budgets. BoUi the Liberal and Coaservatives, also held&their respective retreats out of Toronto. Like our's, their' cosns alse came fnom budgets set by Uic Legisiative Assembly. The only differencebetween ail thcee parties being, their's was not reported upon by Uic media. But what's new! Perhaps the most important discussion, certainly the mest heated and emotional, was our discussion on Uic Sunday evening over Uic saine sex spouse issue. It continued into early Monday morning. Our Caucus is divided over this issue, and that shoulda't bk any secret. However, a nanrow majerity of our members favoured proceeding with legisiation to recogaize saine sex- spouses. In recent weeks, as I toid you in a previeus columa, I have> received several petitions and dozens of letters, coademning saine sex relationships. Its aiso fair te say that these have come from folks with attachments to fundamental churches, with certain religious beliefs. I haven't heard anything about the issue freni others, or from anyene who may have a different point of view. I wish I could get the feeling from across Uic riding. I look forwardte hearing what you Uink about Uic issue. What do I think of this? l'mn sure you want te know. First off, most of you know by now, Uiat I loathe discrimination of any sort. Having said that, I want te look at Uic samne sex spouse issue froni a Human Rights perspective. And that was Uic substance of Liberal TimMurphy's Private Memker's Bill 45, "An Act to amend the Human Rights Code with Respect to Sexual Orientation". Presentiy, Uic Human Rights code prohibits discrimin ation on the basis of sexual orientation in relation to accommodation, services and facilities, contracts and employment. Mn. Murphy wanted sexuai orientation added te the Code. Since the announcement was allow people of the same sex to marry! There is nothing coming that will aliow this to happen, and of course, such direction wouldn't ke within the scope of jurisdiction of the Provincial Govemnment. What we have now in Canada is,-that couples living common- law, are recognized after two years together ini the sanie way as traditional manriages. This gives such relation ships the same protection and benefits enjoyed by married couples. In Ontario, same sex couples do not enjoy many of the rights and obligations given to couples who are living common-law. Perhaps to make this point clear, we have given unmarried opposite sex couples, protection and benefits, rights and obligations, that opposite - sex couples who are legally married eajoy. Same - sex couples are now asking that they also have the same protection and beneflus, rights and obligations. Employers such as the Toronto Public Library, Bell Canada, and the Ontario Government and others offer sanie - sex couples the sanie protection given to those common-Iaw couples and to those married. Some people have told me that same sex relatioaships are wicked, are unnatural and so on. I'm quite sure that many traditional couples living common-law and in manriage, have a relatioaship without a sexual component. I also am equally as sure that many same - sex couples have the same type of relationship. And, judging by some cases presently before the courts, ail traditional marniages are net always healthy and wholeseme. The point 1 want te make is, whatever sexual component, or lack of, ex ists in traditional maniages, in common- law relationships, in same-sex relatienships, are not Uic business of anyone, not you, not me, aad not the government. Once the content is taken out of the discussion, it just bouls down to an issue of fairness and equity. 1 agnee that some of the legal issues in providing equal rights for same-sex couples are complex, hewever, the underlying principle that same-sex couples are deserving of equal treatmeat under the law is flot in doubt. I am waiting te see the draft legislation before makiag a commitment of support or non-' support. At the end of this month 1 wiil have been workiag (if you include my preseat employment) m for 52 consecutive years, 38 of those years in Canada, without any breaks in time. I do not have, the advantages gained through college or university attendance. 1 do have a Ph.D gained at the University of Life. As an immigrant, 1 do take offence to the statement made by Conservative Leader Mike Harris just last week, that immigrants are "frez-loaders". What a cheap shot to take at immigrants by using them to illustrate his Reform Agenda for fixing the economic woes of Onario. Also from last week's retreat, Premier Bob asked me to co- ordinate the Provincial Government's celebration of "D Day". I feel proud and honoured to have been asked to do this. Again, such tasks are as a rule designated to Ministers. I have already begun to work on the project. My first move has been to try to secure Dame Vera Lynn to share with us in the celebrations planned at Queen's Park on June 4th. I will also ke working closely with Canadian Legions across the province. 1 want to make the day one to honour and remember, for those that took part, and ail of us Who are here today because of their sacrifices. Until next week - remember - to get people to like you - try liking them flrst! The War Amps 3 PICKUIP TRUCKS The Ganaraska Rogion Conservation Authority requires threo (3) pickup trucks on a 36 month basis lease beginning June 1, 1994. Specifications and Bld Forms may be obtained fromn: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority P.O. Box 328 (JnIct. Hwy. 28 & 401) Port Hope, ON LiA 3W4 905-885-8173 Quotations will be recoivedi until March 25, 1994. The Iowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. GANARASKA REG ION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Working together for res ponsible siewardship of the ecosystem. SHQP ARQUND, GET YOUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US FOR YOUR BETTER PRICE We use the full 7% G.S.T. Credit to give you the maximum $$$ for your Trade-In. 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