s O -Cmi. WookyTIm...ed. .d.........1994 .. Wor-kfor S-pecial Olympics at Orono Public Senior Action committee Orono Public Scbool recently ran a fundraiser in association with Tbe Toronto Maple Leafs and Tbe Ontario Special Olympics. The students sold scratch and win tickets for a variety of prizes. The sellers also bad a cbance to win some prizes. Pictured bere are some of the winners along witb Orono Public Scbool Principal, David Gray wbo drew tbe naines of the winners. From the left are sellers Learn about Maple Syrup Wondering wbat to do on the week-ends? You could bc leamning all about tie process of making maple syrup. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is conducting tours on week-ends and during the Marcb break week, Marcb 1410o 18. Admission is free. Purple Woods sugar bush is located on Simcoe Street nortb of Osbawa at the tentb concession. For times cali 579-0411., Hydro receives award for care Ontario Hydro bas received an award for the care it bas taken mn bandling tbe remains of a 700 year old Iroquoian Village discovered near the Wesleyville plant li 1992. Tbe exact location bas neyer- been revealed. The village bas been dated to bave existed in Uic late l3tb century. About 8000 artifacts were recovered from the site. Recipfient of John Drainie Award A 70 year old Grafton man, Max Ferguson, was presented with John Drainie Award at the recent Gemini Awards night The award bas been granted to sucb as Peter Gzowski, Barbara Frum, Wayne and Shuster, Gordon Pinsent. Mr. Ferguson bas been in broadcasting for 58 years and was known as Old Rawbide and noted for bis portrayal of different characters. winners David Demers from grade 2 wbo won a $50.00 Leaf Sport gift certificate; Cberyl Mecod fromn grade 1, wbo won a "Pat's Garage" numbered print, and Donald Allun from grade 6 wbo Won an autographed Doug Gilmour jersey. The main prize winners were Ashley Hendry from grade 6 wbo won first prize "A day witb the Leafs", and. Jessica Knapp from grade 3 who won a "Pat's Garage" numbered Oshawa to build new south city pool The issue of a south Oshawa swimming pool and community centre bas been on the agenda for a couple of years. By a vote of 8 to 6 tbe $5 mfillion project is to get underway this year. The city bas authorîzed borrowing $3. 1 million to build the pool Taxes lower in Oshawa City The city level of taxation is dropping sligbtly this year by $3.00 for tbe average assessed home. Tbe average City tax is estimated at $580.00. Alcohol/drug centre to expand Bob Rae, Premier of Ontario, stated last week, along witb Gord Milîs, M.P.P. Durbam East, tbat Oshawa Hospital will get an expanded alcobol and drug treatment centre. The centre will be expanded to 20 crisis beds comparing with the four beds at the presentt dîne. The expansion is expected to be completed witbin a year. At tbe presenit time 800 men and alI women who need crisis care for alcobolism and drug abuse Rae being referred to centres in Toronto, Belleville and Barrie. Premier Rae also strongly binted tbat Osbawa would likely get a cancer treatment centre that should be announced in the near future. He said that building sucb a centre li Oshawa made sense. Car/truck sales at GMup GM of Canada car and truck print. Other winners not present were Vern Iverson from Osbawa wbo won a $ 150.00 Leaf Sport, gift certificate and Janet Ripley from Courtice wbo won a $100.00 Leaf Sport gift certificate. 1Tbe school raised approximately $830.00 from tbis campaign. Proceeds went to tbe Playground Equipment Fu 'nd. A big tbank you to ail those wbo sold and bougbt tickets. sales in February were up 35 percent over that of tbe samne period in 1993. Ford of Canada sales for botb cars and trucks were also up by 37 percent wbile those for Chrysier increased by 12 percent, Stew Low of GM said everyone is upbeat even thougb tbe comparison is being made witb a poor sales montb in 1993. Makes bld for radio station A regional tirm bas made a bid to purcbase the assets of CHOO - AM radio station from Golden West Broadcasting of Manitoba. If tbe sale is approved by tbe Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission the station would change to a FM fr-equency in order to span over a larger area of the Region of Durham. Pay cheques prove worthless wSome 55 laid-off Skycraft employees are stuck with worthless paycheques and little bope of getting their money. Skycraft wbicb operated an air s ervice out of tbe Oshawa airport had declared bankruptcy prior to issuing the cheques. Under provincial law the workers would have been eigible for back wages and severances. It is understood that the airline comes under federal law. Skycraft bad been dealing with Air One, a Malton-based firm, for a take-over tbat to Ibis point bas not materialized. To stand trial for growing marijuana A Clarington fatber and bis two sons who are accused of growing more than 2000 marijuana plants at their nursery near Hampton bave been ordered to stand trial. holding April Following a survey in 1988 the council of tbe then Town of Newcastle appointed a Senior Citizens' Centre Steering Commite which was directed to investigate the need for and the feasîbility of creating a Seniors Activity Centre in the munici- pality. The committee with council's support hired tbe consulting flrm of Gireer Galloway to undertake a feasibility study and to make recommendation as to wbat could and should be undertaken in tbe mnterest of Seniors. The Feasibility Study was complete after contacting close to 300 residents and according to the consultants the need for a Seniors Activity Centre was made Seigfried Ulrich, 65 and'bis sons Aaron, 23 and Brandon 33 bave chosen t0 be tried in general division court. Tbey arc scheduled to appear ini court in June to set a trial date. lOth annual Winter Harvest The Visual Arts centre in Bowmanville is holding uts loth annual Winter's Harvest exbibition wbicb runs until Marcb 3lst. Tbe Visual Arts Centre is located at the soutb end of Simpson Avenue. - Tbe exhibition includes works of sculpturing, jewellery, carvmngs, woodworking items and others. 20 luncheon known durmng the survey. t was suggested tbat a multi- purpose auditorium, meeting and activity rooms and provisions for parking sbould bc provided. The Centre would be located in the Town of Bowmanville. In tbe faîl of 1993 the Clarington Seniors Community Action Committee was formed. This comâmittee is made up of some of the original steering committee members. A five-year plan is being set li motion wbich is expected to address the need of facilities, programs and services for older adults by establisbing an interim Activity Centre. The commiutee is seeking the support of community service organizations to. inform them of the existance of the SCAC and to seek their support. The Seniors Community Action Committee is holding a kick-Off luncheon on Wednesday, April 2Otb in the Bowmanville Legion Hall. Further information can bc sought from Roxie Barnes 623- 2261 or Jennifer Cooke, 623- 3379. A ripple effect Many of the convenience stores are finding that thc retumn of smokers now smoking legal cigarettes is causing a ripple effect in the sale of lottery tickets. The lottery ticket sales bave increased witb tbe sales of cigarettes. GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS Limousine Service wili get you there and back in safety, com fort and stye. CALL TO RESERVE EA RLY