Vol. 58, No. 10 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1M9 Hielga gets the message across .Clgon puts final stamp of approval on Clarington council on Monday night put the final stamp of approval on the 1994 municipal budget whicb comes in 0.89 percent less dian last ycar. Mayor Hanire thanked staff for their part in making it possible te continue with services and yet set a rate some under 1993. She said through staff efforts the municipality bad become more and more efficient ""We have even seen some enhancement ini service", said the 1994 budget Mayor. She also spoke of the salary freeze that had been negotiated last year. She also thanked council. The budget was accepted with the exception of one item. Counc. Dreslinski said she could not support the expenditure of $4 100.00 for a new computer for council. She noted that councilors aiready bad access te a computer ini the administrative building. She questioned how (Continued page 2) Memorial Hospital gains Three Year Accreditation Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 1-lga nas a different message commitee aoove witn lielga: ville, has, successfully used a periodically and as such her Robin Donandclerical, Richard cartoon character, "Helga the appearance bas created interest Elston, president, Don Jones, Cow" as the carrier of for staff at the hospital. She is an engineer, Harold Homes, stores information and messages to interesting integral part of the and Mel Green, director. establish a staff commitment for educational systern at Memorial. Helga designed by Cindy quality service. The Medical Advisory Lister at the hospital. Tnpgu to Clarington council nets Orono groulp'$2,OOOl0.O 1Reprsentatives of the Orono Parent Teachers Association, Mr, Rick Ernst and Ms. Wendy Bangay, bit it rich, with the Municipality of Clarington on Monday nigbt wben the Münicipality granted the Orono group $2,000.', The Orono PTA had requested some $5,000 through the grant process which was deait with earlier this montb. At that time the request was tumned down by --Happenings council members with the exception of the two Ward Three reps. The Orono PTA bas been working over the past year to raise funds to construct a new playground structure replacing one that bad been dismantled as it had been determined te be unsafe. The new playground structure is estimated to- cost in the neighbourbood of $ 14,000. Mr. Ernst told council on 0 0 0 Semti-final games scheduled for Family Auto Atoms The Family Auto Atom hockey teain scbedule of gaines for tbis coming weekend - Game one of the semi-finals will be played i MacTier (20 miles south of Owen Sound) on Saturday, March 19; gaine 2 will ho played in Orono on Sunday, March 20 at 5:00 p.m. Match & Win Event at Oshawa Ski Hill SAGA will ho hosting its fourth Annual Match and Win Event on Saturday and Sunday, March 19 & 20 at the Oshawa Ski Hili, froin il a.m. to 2 p.m. A total of 18 prizes wil ho given away eacb day. The cost to enter is $4.00,per person. Registration starts at 9 a.m. Al wceds donated to SAGA. Travelling Alone - Question and Answer Period TOPS will ho sponsoring a Question and Answer Period regarding "Travelling Alone" witb guest speaker Constable Gerry Smith, on Marcb 22nd, 7:30 p.m., Orono United Churcb (MaiHal). Donations may ho given to the Denise Hlouse. Dance at Orono Town Hall The Board of Management of the Orono Town Hall are planning a dance te ho beld on Saturday evenig, March 26th. Janette DeSousa wifl ho providing the dance music for the occasion. Monday that the Oronoi group had raised $9000.00 toward the cost of the project and would need a furtber $4670.00 to bave sufficient funds to pay for the playground structure. He said be understood that council bad not supported the project as it was felt that it would set a precedent for sucb projects on scbool property ini the future. He said the Orono project was somewbat unique ini that it would bc on school board property wbicb us also used for municipal sporting events. He said kids of the community would make use of the equipmnent other tban during school bours. It was pointed out that the lands were used by duree groups, tie school, the town and the Orono Atbletic Association. Counc. Scott said be appreciated the effort being made by the Orono group. He asked what financial support may be available from the school board . It was said there would be no funding from the scbool board for the playground. Counc. Hannah also pointed out that the project was te be on school property but he could sec the benefit te the Town. On a motion of Counc. Dreslinski and Counc. Hannah approval was given for a grant to be made te the Orono PTA for the playground equipinent in an amount of $2,000.00. Memorial Hospital. Bowman- ville, was proud te announce last Friday that the hospital had received its tentb consecutive 'Tbree Year Accreditation" which dates back to 1967. The announcement was made by Richard Elsten, president of the Board and on bebaif of the Medical Advisory committee and -alstaff of the opa. Mr. Elston said it was indeed a proud moment for ail involved i the operation of the hospital.,' He also said there generally are a number of recommendations from the Accreditation teain but in the case at Memorial in the latest survey-only five recom- mendations were suggested. He said that the accreditation reacbed into ail aspects.of the bospital operation. The president also made note of, the fact that the accreditation tear was particularly interested in the Emergency ward code and rïad taken Memorial's manual te use as a guide for other hospitals i the province. "TI fact, be said, "the acdtation team îook dte of our binders with tbem to bc used as guides". The accreditation is undertaken by the Canadian (Contmued page 2) Young winners at Orono Public Two young students at the Orono last week presenting the Orono Public School were plaques to Eryn McGlynn, competitors at the recnt placing second and Rebecca Bowmanville Legion speaking Jackson, piacing first. Assisting .contest. with the presentation David Grey, Norm Baker (loft) was in principal. 1