2 - Orono Weekly Timu~, Wodnesday, Marcb 16,1994 u *pujb4ktenfs Mao AegwtmtýQo NoQ, WU Pshrq 47 isaus Anrualy at the Ou c f Publcatfon 531C Mialnri VMrono, Ontaro LOB 1 MG Teephotie 416-983-53OI Roy C. Forrester, Qwnar-Edit<or Su bscriptioni $1 7M0 per annurn Sound Speli Two weeks ago th e Minister of Education, Dave Cooke, announced that tie ministry would be carrying out testing of reading and writing in Grades 3, 6 and 9. The tests wil bc based on the common curriculum that luas been set by tic Ministry. The -tests wili flot bc carricd out unil after thc Royal Commission on Leaming reports later this year. The Ministry bas set a number of criteria on wbich subjects are to bctaught in thethrce grades, 3, 6and 9,. It is interesting te note that Uic ministry cails for what they cal "Sound Speli" when a student does flot know how te sped a particular word. This is recommended te be uscd in Grade 3. It certainly sounds like the use of phonics in rcading. Thbis is something tbat bas been dcbated vigorously, pro and con. Ais Uic use of phonics bas becn a topic ini recent meetings on education in Uic Clarke arca where parent bave, on thc most part, called for Uic local Northiumberland and Claington system make better use of phonics in reading rather tdim on thc "Whole Language" approach. Many do dlaims that thc fact Uiat reading bas dmopped is attributed te Uic of Uic "Whole Language" mcthod - when you sec it you know it or don't - then you guess. One would have te Uink if the Ministry supports "Sound Spdl" for spelling then Uiey would certainly sec benefits in Uic use of phonics in reading. Educatien Minister Dave Cooke aise statcs,"wc need te fmnd out through assessment and testing how weli Uic system is working". Ibis again, is something that parents have been calling for years. It was flot until within Uic past couple of years Uiat Uic mmnistry got Uic message. flic question can bc asked should it flot have been Uic local educational systems dut should bave seen Uic need for testing and Uic desire for such action by thc parents.? t would net have been a difficuit processfor Uic local systems te carry eout a proper assessment of quality. fice most difficuit proccss would be te use Uic information te make cbange for Uic benefit of ail. Our local board is consulting wiUi ail stakeholders in Uic local educational systcm te wbich one must give credit. Later Uis year it is te heped that a forthight assessment is made of Uic exercise and prescnted te thc community at large. It should bave benefit te ail. We will take it with pleasure If Claringten had come in with an increase in municipal taxes Uicre would have becn a great outcry. That Uis hasn't been Uic case and in fact there bas been a modest decrease, Uice fact should lic recognized on Uic positive side for boUi council and Uiir staff. We have seen littie, up te this point, as te a drop in service and as far as Uic municipality is conccnied it net likcly will happen. To cushion Uic loss of funds froni Uic province and other sources is an indication that the town must lic somcwhat seund financially, a great position te lic in at Uis tume. Thc cost of services te Ceurtice luis yet te be reach Uic budget stage and perhaps will net in 1994. Geod show Happ e, n in, g s. . Euichre Resuits nelic uchre resuits for the.Orone Town Hall for Wedncsday, March 9 with 9 tables in play: High scores - Ivison Tamblyn 79; Vance Cooper 78;.June Wilson 76;, Eva Smith, Norma Moffat and Robert Casey each wiUi 73. Low score Olive Littie. Draw winncrs Gladys Greenwood, Tom Wilson, Roy Tennant, Grace Coatham and Marg Cooper. Euchre is held every Wednesday 8 p.m. Lunch is previdcd. Science Fair t Orono Public School 'Mic Orone Public Scheol arc holding their annual Science Fair at Uic school on Wedncs, Mardi 23, ail day Thurs., March 24 an Friday morning, March 25th. Memorlial Accreditation, (Contmnued from page 1) Council cf Hcaltb Facilities Accreditation which is a voluntary group operating independently cf governmcnt agencies. The CCHFA bas representation froni bodies such as the Royal College cf Physicians and Surgeons, Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian College cf Healtbh Services Executives and the Canadian Health Association. Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowcry Well bave we had cneugh of winter, aftcr ncgetiating the ski bill on Wednesday night, I bave. 1 have ceme through the Rockies twicc in the winter, and neyer experienccd anything like coming up and going down the ski bill; that niglit, if my hair wasn't alrcady grcy, it weuld ho now. Sunday was a nice day, net much sun but Uic snow is going down, let's hope Uiat froni now on it wiil get houter. There was a goed turnout at Churci, the hymns werc, "O Young and Fcarlcss Prophet." "Ail Glery Laud and Hionour" and "Because He Lives'. Thc children's bynin was "He Paid a Dcbt". Rev. Black led in worship, and callcd Uic childrcn forward, lie told them that this morning Uicy wcre going te take a moment te give thanks fer ail their grandparcnts, Uieir aunts, uncles and all members of their famiies, who love -theni and have helped theni te grew. Instcad of saying Uic Prayer of Seif-Exainination and Uic Words.a of Assurance we quietly sat and sang the hymn, "Dear Lord Whose Eycs Can Sec". Tbc Scripturc readings werc from John 10: 23-31; 39-42; John Il: 1-7, 16; Mark 11: 1- iil. The Sermon was titlcd, "Time For Decisien". Lt was net easy for Jesus, te make the decision te go te Jcrusalem. He kncw what would bc awaiting him there. Jesus waitcd two days before turning a round and going te Jerusaleni. He spent Uic tume in meditation and prayer. Whcn He told bis disciples that He was returning, Uiey said Uiat thcy would all go with Him and die witiHl-m. Jesus sent for a donkcy from Councîl sets budget (Continued from page 1) often Uic new computer would ho used wbcn a staff person is already available te assist council members with town work. "I sec ne nced for this piece cf cquipment", she said. Counc.. Hannah said he said it weuld help councilors te ho more efficient but would support the wiUidrawal of Uic item from Uic budget., Mayor Hainre said she would aise support the witbdrawal noting that Uic present council is nearing Uic end of their term. She said, if it was at Uic bcginning of the terrn of council she could support Uic purchase. Counc. Scott said he would net make use of Uic computer. The item was withdrawn. This organization sets standards for Canadian bealth care facilities and evaluates compliance with theni. The standards address seven major areas from statement of purpose te staff developmcnt, patient care, and quality assurance. the village, He rode Uic donkey into Jerusalce, Uic people Uircw their coats and Uircw palm fronds on the road before Hlm. This was net a sign of bumîlity, but a sign cf majesty and dignity. Jcsus was proclaiming te ail that He was Uic Son cf God, that He was a King. Donkcys werc ridden by Kings going mbt battie, only Kings rode there. Jesus rode this donkcy in defiance, proclaiming wbo He was. Jcsus knew what it was te work, te do without, te face hardsips. HIe bad spent Uic first Uirty ycars cf His life werking te belp support the family, HIe had stayed home. He had net gene eut and found what lIc wanted for Himef, He could net carry eut Ris ewn work. We ahl have things that wc must live with, Life, is not fair and just, but it is life. Life is flot fair for Christians, Jesus did not promise that life would ho fair. Jesus died se we ceuld have life, net this life, but etemal life. 1People have many complaints, thcy bave te stay home and look after an agcd parent, thcy both have te work and have ne time for their family, the busband works tee many heurs, net enougli heurs, there is ne work. Al these complaints are valid, this is net fair, but it is life and life must ho faced and deait-with. Life was net fair te Jesus. Jesus was crucificd, lIe promised, was this fair. lIe dieti for our sins, se that wc migbt have eternal life. What is etemal life? Eternal life is Peacc. t means God is with you, you arc neyer alone. ThIe journcy to Uic cross shows the wholc range cf buman emotionf. Jesus did net have te go te the cross, lIe could have said ne. Jesus wrcstled with this temptation and Jesus chose the way cf eternal life with God. No matter what you may do, go out and get drunk, get higli on drugs, run away from home, life, will stil ho there waiting for you. Life is net fair but God wil ho there. Whcn wc face cvii and ORONO, ONTARIO temptatien, God wil ho Uiere. A tape of Kcith Barrie singing "Follow in the FÔotstepsi" was played, the werds are very meaningful. Following Uic service a time of fellowship and lunch was cnjoyed.' Wc wcre vcry sorry te lcarn of ic dcath ef Lawrence Farrow, a lifetime resident of this area. The sympathy cf tUicocmmunity gees out te bhis wifc, Martba, bis childrcn and grandcbildren and bis many brethers and sisters. Seen in Paper ... Woman said, "He pushcd Uic barrel of a gun in my chcst and said that bc was going te blew my brains eut". St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Intcerlm Mnîster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. d~PASTORAL KirbyUnitd Chuch 930 rn Orono United Chrh pn meets every Th rary0pm 983-5009 March l7th St. Patrick's Day *Cards by Carlton* i -J