Orono Wekly TIm a~ ...................1994... Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roughley, Orono, are pleased to announce the fortbcoming marriage of their daughter Deanna to Lee Riddle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riddle, Bewdley. Wedding ta take place, June l8th, 1994. Memorial "Heartier Eating' Life styles" March is National Nutrition Month,' an appropriate time for Memorial Hospital to launcb its 'Healthier Eating Lifestyles" prograiri Headed up by dietition Marybeth MacNeil, the 12-week program will be starting in early April and running Tuesday' evenings. Marybetb will be teachmng and counselling on the 'bctof nutrition to small ~-"asses. The Lifestyle program promises no crash dieting or rigid seif-denial. The method taught can easily fit into a persons present lifestyle to ensure healthy, ntural eating habits. Marybeth is available ta speak with interested community groups about any topics related ta nutrition. Laidlaw wants to mine Newtonville area dm A week of rest one could almost caîl last week, a week of rest. The snow is a little wet for cross country skiing and there is a small down blip in tbe -arrival of birds from the soutb, The weatherman is not going to improve outdoor conditions for skiing but the change will be beUter for the return of the birds. Waterfowl will bc in the front line, for the rest of this month and you can rest well assured it will bc off to Presquie Park for at least the next couple of weeks. For those wisbing a good birding experience waterfowl are one of tie best because tbey stay still long enough ta zero-in for an identification and tbey corne in large flocks at this time of the year. Presquile Park over the next two week-ends sbould be excellent for a waterfowl outing especially on March 26th and 27tb. Blinds are erected for viewers and those witb all the bird knowledge are there ta belp) in making identifications. Tbey are a friendly group and ready ta answer all questions and to bring a close look througb tbe viewing scope s that are provided. All was not lost last week bowever and we were able ta enjoy tbe recently cleared ski trais on the tree nursery property out from Station Street. Late Thursday was a day that one could hardly resist witb bright sunshine and a good covering of snow. A little sticky in places but passable. It always seemns that a temperature at and around zero degrees does make it difficult for cross country skiing. It clogs up on the bottomn of the ski and at times impossible to pusb or kick ahead. The outing did bring in somne birding as a Coopers Hawk beld bis percb in a maple trec while we passed witbin fifty feet of the tme. Kept an eye on us but didnt take off. 'Me round corners of the tail were most obviaus from bhis perched position along witb the cbest and side-body markings. It was an easy identification. 1No doubt the Homed Lark bas been around witb us for at least the past montb but our first sighting came Sunday wben a couple were feeding along the roadside on Best Road at the corner withthe Seventh lins. Ibis is not an uncommon place ta flnd these birds at this time of year. Tbey have been noted in this location in otber years. Sid Rutherford always reported a pair of Horned Larks appearing at the end of the lane every year and always about the same time. There bas ta be sometbing about sucb locations as baving tie right environment for the birds. No doubt it is best tbey keep it a secret. T'here is no doubt bowever that tbey do find weed seeds in the short grass alongside tbe roadways. That's il for this week and just maybe we could have sometbing a little more interesting for the coming week. Gary Herrema ready for anoherterm of office The Toronto Star reports that Gary Herrema who bas been chairman of the Region of Durhami since 1980 may well be back following the election late this fali. The regional chairman bas been fighting multiple myeloma for the past couple of years whicb cancer almost drove him to the brink of resignation last year. The article states hie is now back in form to the point that hie will ask for anotber terni of office after the November election. The position of chairman is an appointment made by the elected councillors which, of course, bas ta be undertaken following their election. Chairman Herrema states hie is feeling quiet good. He still doesn't walk too far without the use of a cane but after For more about the program contact Marybetb MacNeil at 623-3331, extension 5750 or 5752. Edward Cunningham is also available ta answer questions t wo years of exbausting cbemotherapy, doctors at Sunnybrook bave told bim the cancer is under control. Herremha, 54 is now undergoing a new drug treatinent and if it keeps him in his presnt condition be said be will be seeking tbe appointmnent again as Regional Chairmnan. It is unlikely tbat tbere would be opposition to tbe re- appointment from members of the council. He bas worked bard and long in the past for the region and bas well-earned support from bis councillors. Tbe Regioncomes in witb a zero increase in this years budget and an increased public works program due ta the infrastructure program of the Province and Federal governments. Chairman Herrema expects the Ontario Ministry of tbe Env îronment to give approval this year for the $64 illion Ajax- Pickering water treatiment plant. Herrema said this would provide a source of affordable serviced land eust of Metro. Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. held an Open House on Wednesday, Marcb l6tb in Newcastle Village in wbich tbey announced what tbey called their new and innovative landfill reclamation program. It is the intent of the waste management company ta undertake such an operation at their landfill location north-west of Newtonville. George Filed, General Manager of Durbanis Landfill for Laidlaw Waste Systems states that the company bas been working witb various levels of government ta reduce, reuse, recycle and now ta recover as much waste as possible. Laidlaw on Wednesday launcbed its newest tecbnology wbich they caîl "Landfill reclamation". A news release from Laidlaw states that tbe new operation involves the excavation of materials from a landfill for recovering, reusing and recydllng. Tbey state tbat at the same time environmental upgrades will be made ta the landfill site. They further state that the process is an environmentally safe operation that is consistent witb the 3Rs. It is stated that the process wili add additional protection ta ground and surface water and create additional landfili capacity to, off-set the cost of improve- ments. It is stated that ta secure a higher level of environmental protection Laidlaw will be installing a geosynthetic limer and a leachate collection system. Site improvements made during the reclamation process will further protect ground and surface water. Michael Walters, general manager of the Ontario Division of Laidlaw states that the benefits will be many and that Durham Region would set a standards for diversion initiatives. He said such projects will dranatically reduce the amount of waste in landfills and propel Durbam and Ontario tawards the provinces 50 percent diversion target faster than expected. Orono Fire Calis The Clarington Fire Department, Station 3, Orono, tire calis for the weeks February 24tb through Marcb 9tb were: February 28t1i, 7:19 p.m., 3938 Conc. 4, ambulance assistance. March 2nd, 12:08 p.m., 50 Main St., ambulance assistance. Marcb 2nd, 5:23 p.m., 5595 Reg. Rd. 18, assisted Station 2. Marcb 3rd, 4:44 p.m., 8754 Langstaff Road, cbimney lire. Marcb 3rd, 6:43 p.m., 8318 Maynard Road, chimney fire. March 5tb, 6:24 p.m., Hwy. 115 nords bound, motar vebicle accident. Marcb 6tb, 4:01 p.m., Main St., south of Taunton Road, motar vebicle accident. Marcb 6th, 4:28 p.m., Main St. & Taunton Road, motar vehicle accident. Marcb 7th, 11:51 a.m., 6108 Manvers Darlington Townline, barn lire. SHOP AROUND, GET YOUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US FOR YOUR The Ornus ehtersAssociato.T. wodie to extenther fomurAnax pimguDane$$eonSaurdayrch th. Acl e Smre MabCo elsV5,llage C0af. The8A0p3e1B8154oorShop calce's 8Garage The ODonut refgaler sscitone ruclktopetn hi The Anut BosShop OronoeectGrage Driftes izza& Sbe ron el Lumber Esso PiaPizza Orons o rfiers adisux.o DarihFaimre onyC-p15ydesign p I.G. saurantphHadwartcen Jh un GalWryd tutVs Phrcto Labaotta Waroo llacAto Sppl Haïr spith air eledmae urdesinthrsceafieet