B - Oono onklyTims~ Wdnsds...........94 by Carol-Ann Oster (Intended for Iast week) It was another fun and exciting first weekend of March for Newtonville. Friday night was the card party night once again. The winners were: Hilda Caswell 86; Lii Bolderstone 84; Robin Alldred 82; Evelyn Ingram 81; Jean O'Neill 81; Dorothy Stubbings 78. Draw winners were: Betty Walsh, John Foster, Ron Gibson, Marlene Stacey and Robin Alldred. The fun and laughter continued Saturday night at the Newtonville United Church. Once again thec curch was the location for thc Time & Talent Auction. There was a good crowd in attendance for this event, once From thefamous Frank Stapleton, with bis lovely assistant, take bids on a, variety of goods from Uic famnous again, and with certain pies selling for as high as $15.00 Uiere is Ilittle question that a large amount of money was raised. Needless to say, the bakcd goods were indeed thc big sellers. It seems that there were many sweet-tooths attending. In fact, I distinctly heard an audible gasp when a tray of chocolate macaroons went on Uic auction block. The many handmade and donated items, as well as the talent items, such as dinners, were aise big sellers. The auction was the combined efforts of Uic tbrce arca churches, Newtonville, Kendal, and Shiloh. Frank Stapleton was again the auctioneer. Bake Table bake table. The baked goods always seem te be the hottest selling items. Local board entre nches' over trustee reduction SThe Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education is net about to move te reduce Uic number of trustees serving on the board. Last Thursday evening the trustees voted te retain the 15 trustees wbo new represent communities in Northumberland County and in Uic Municipality of Clarington. 0f Uic 15 trustees six are from Clarington - two from each of Uic Uree wards. Bob Willsher, trustee from Ward Thle, said Uic board spent a good heur on Uicý subject with seme good debate. Mr. Willsher said he dees get ired and fcdup with Uic Minister of Education taking action that bas net been approved by legisiation. He said Uic reduction ef trustees is yet another case of wanting something donc wiUiout passing legisiation. The Ward Three ti-ustee said if it is a matter of cutting costs then reduce the remuncration te the trustees. At the local Board trustees are paid $7,900.00. annually. Mike Slocombe of Bowmanville did put forward a motion that the number of trustees be reduced te 8 from Uic existing 15. The motion was second by Doris Linton, Campbellford area, for the purpose of being able te tel Uic Bowmanville trustee that he was grandstanding. Mr. Siocombe was Uice nly one te vote for Uic, motion. The Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland Clarington Separate School like the local public board held te maintaining their numbers. The Separate Board had 17 trustees. The one change Uic Separate Board did make was te shift one trustee member from Northumberland County te Clarington. Clarington wil now have Uree trustees as compared with Uic two in Uic past. College opposed to setting quotas Durham College is opposing the province who is seeking to have colleges set quotas on its board of governors. The provincial plan would have boards across Uic province include a member from organizcd labour, a disabledl person, as wel as an aboriginal person. Aise te bc included would be a member from high-profile community groups. These groups would be identified for Uic college by Uic Council of Regents. Assisted housing leads the way Housing starts in the Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry, Clarington area was up almost tbree-fold but of those units started 94 units wcre assisted housing. There were 134 starts in thc area duing Uic monUi. Would eleet Governor General Alex Shepherd, Durham M.P., has called for Canadians te be involved in Uic selection of the Governor General through the ballot box., At the present time the Govemnor General is appointed by Uic Queen on the advice of Uic Prime Minister. Shepherd also said it may remove one of the symbels that Quebcerslove te hate. Waterfront polie>' meeting March 21 The Municipality of Clarington is holding a public meeting on Uic proposed plan of Uic Waterfront SThe meeting will present a number of issues such as public access, protection of natural and cultural heritage, recreatienal oppertunities and a proDosed Waterfront Trail and Greenway. The meeting is being held Monday, March 2lst commcncing at 9:30 a.m. in Uic Administrative Building in Bowmanville. No inquest being called There will be ne inquest into the death of an ex-psychiatric patient who was found dead in a field near Bowmanville twe months ago. Mildred McSloy,, 78, was found frozen te death behind Uic Canadian Tire building in west Bowmanville, January 2nd. She had disappeared from Careview Manor Supervised Home in Bowmanvillc. Oshawa 9th best city for women Chatelaine Magazine has named Ottawa-Hull the best community for women te live in,, partly due te thc fact.residents stili praise its "small-town' feeling and neighbouriness. -1 Oshawa placed ninUi in Uic list. Library use increases The circulation of books,films and other materials at Uic thîc Oshawa libraries increased te 1.2 million in 1993. The annual report also shows 638,973 visits te the three branches and that membership bas grown te 64,178 up 5,370 since 1992. These advances were made inspite of cuts in hours of being open and a reduction in the number of hours thc bookmobile is on Uic road. Durham Board cuts 5 trustees The Durham Board of education bas voted te cut five trustee positions in preparation for the next municipal election AIR'TRAVEL . .. A great BARGAIN ... BUTI We have ail read the ads in the Toronto paer ... air fare to some exotic place for the LOW LOW price of only $129.00. Very small print lfromn + taxes". It is a woniderful ad and it does bring travel agencies a multitude of telephone calls, because of course everyone wants ta save money. However when your travel agent calis you back and gives you the price for the exact dates that you want to travel, and the coming this fail. At the present lime the board operates with 20 trustees. The reduction will save the board $200,000 over the next thrc years. Each board trustee earns $13,000 of which one-third is tax free. Register first rabid fox The first rabid fox of the year was found in an Ajax backyard. Health officiais warn that the disease can spread rapidly but it is feit that the Ajax fox had flot corne in contact with any domestic animal. Owners should have their pets vaccinated against rabies and further no one should approach any wild animal that appears sick. In an effort to eradicate rabies i the aiea the Ministry of Natural Resources last year dropped chicken meat laced with rabies vaccine over the Region. The results of the drop bas yct te bc determined. 1 7lie ainbow <Wed4ing Invitation Ensembles help make your wedding dreams corne true View the latest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weely Times Phone 983-5301 Main Street, Orono Iow low price has grown te be much mare than you had ever anticipated, don't be shocked or upset. Many times what you see advertised is a fare that may be departing within a day or two, or àt may be a special tare fer either children or seniors. The other thing that you must always take into consideration are the taxes that are added and even with a very low price it *s reasonable to add as much as $50 - $60 dollars. Remember when you think of Travel, Think of JBLESSINGS TRAVEL CNR Vanstone Ml 623-0005 Travel 77a1k with Elizabeth Belanger-Li n kle tter C TC