OmiêW.4çtvtmosWdnemy....... . ....~ I On visiting Mount Kirby on rope tow right from tee bottom to urday our attention was the top. Therc is always ckly irccted to what wc someteing new to sec. uld caîl the Disneyland of SAGA Event )unt Kirby. The Save thee Ganaraska Again Even before tling to Marvin committee held thcir annual pîcton, the fantasyland Match and Win contest at Mount igner, it was apparent Uiat tee Kirby Saturday and Sunday. The ls were enjoying tee fcature. event attracted double tee number rk states that it is a great competitors as were recordcd lbut raction teat keeps thee lds busy year. while mom and dad go off skiing on their own. The projeet includes a straw bale obstac le course, jumps, tunnels, miniature slalom course. Thé young skiers arc also provided with their own small There has been a little too much of this "invasion of my privacy" staff going around. Photo Radar - an invasion of our privaey. Finger printing those that receive wlfare -- an infringement on human rights. S"Wcll, what happons next?" people ask. Perhaps, a universal identification card, çompletc with fingerprint, photo, and vital statistics? 1 realize teat with some of you I arn going to buplacing my hcad on tee chopping block aftcr yon rend teis,, but I sec absolutely no problcm wite teis conccpt of a universal identification card. Gladly wiIl I Unme up for photo, fingerprint. etc., if the government can guarantec teat this will cut down on fraud in welfare, unemployment, hcalth care, illegal immigration, etc., etc., etc. We have to face Uic facts. Th e amount of scamming that is currcntly going on in teis country is gctting out of hand and even tee eternal optimist can't say teat tee situation is going w inprove. For example, one womnan upon being admittcd tw hospital for a hysterectomy, was told teat teis neration had aready been donc , .,-,er lier healte card numbur. As you know teis is generally ot an operation teat is donc more tlian once. There are countless cases of people collecting welfare while theck spouse makes good money in anoteer country. But I don't want to add to thc myth that it is immigrants only that are scamming the There was also good support from local businesses in providing prizes and tee crew from CHEX Radio did an excellent jobs of running Uic competition. You can't forget thc crew at tee ski hill for tieck part. govcrnment. How about the average Canadian citizen that does a few jobs, for which hie coilects his pay under tee table, so teat hie may continue to collect uiiemployment. I dont feel teat 1 amn alone in tee hope that this is all going tw end someday. My employment sems to do nothing but support these people. Come ycar end when I realize how little I made and how much 1 still owe in taxes, it makes me furious to realize that it is not simply thc govermcent and my country that is being scammcd.- In essence, it is me they are scamming, and yen, and ail Uic oteer decent hardworking people out teere. Sure as there are people that arc in legitimate need of services like welfare and U.I. there are those out there who simply enjoy Uic free ride. I have no problemn paying U.I. et al, out of my weekly pay, as long as I know it is bemng uscd tw help those teat really need it, and teat Heaven forbid, I should someday need it, it will be Uiee for me. And if all it takes is a simple card that I am going to carry around in my wallet teat may in tee future save me a few dollars and pcrhaps future hassles with any of our government services, s0 be it. I would hate to bc turned away at a hospital because somehow tece lobotomies had been donc on my healte card. I would hate to bu arrested because somecone was smuggling Uings into Uic country using my passport. I would hate for Revenue Sat qui wol mo Sta des kid Ma atr member of the Alliance House committcc which has been working towards n abuse care centre for Bowmanville for the pagt year an a haif. She said tee application of Uic Beteesda Housc of Mercy for a rezoning came as a complete surprise. Here again may questions arose as to the operation of the faciity and shc said people were confused and concerned over tee application. She also said to set up the care centre could adverscly affect Uic plans of Alliance House for theck centre. Mr. Pinheiro, chairman of thee Beteesda House committee said tee group had funding and would operate tic premises on a non- profit basis. He said there were two doctors on the board. The application has been referred back to the planning staff for a further report. Members of council asked that staff seek information as to what other municipalities have donc as to conditions for such an abuse centre. Counc. OToole statcd it was too bad that the two groups couldn't have worked together. Counc. Scott when asking how far along was Alliance House committcc as to establishing a centre was told that thcy still had wo go before council and didn't, as yct, have, a faciity. Niva Rowan states it was most successful and with excellent weather conditions. What!s Old Is New Again We learned about what they are calling Telemark skiing and according to Mrs. Scott Lee her son states it is awcsome. It may bc awesome to-day but the equipment looks somewhat like what we uscd to use before cross country skiis made their appearance. As to the technique we have seen it years ago but this is flot to say that we could ever do it. Maybe it is awesome but then in those days the hills werc not groomed as to-day. Seek rezoning for abuse care centre (Continued from page 1) considered for the abuse centre. He said neither was it a suitable location but residents in the area are -paying their dues with the other two care centres. It was stated that the area should not be overburdened with such facilities. Evelyn Stroud of Bowman- ville said there was a desperate need in Bowmanvüle for such a facility - "but I do have serious questions", she said. She said the facility would require 24 hour staffing and that such an operation is costly. "Is the moncy available?". 1Mayor Hamre said that the issue before council was_ a 'planning matter and that the town was not involved i the amount of possible expertise. Don Gilhooly, a ncighbour 10 the property, said the property was not large enough for the care centre. "lt is scary", he said. Others expressed the same viewpoint. Francine Nicholas addressed the meeting stating that she was a Canada (my personal nemesis) to contact me ten years in the future and somehow decide that I owe thcm $ 10,000 i unpaid taxes. In my opinion getting nailed for acts 1 did flot commit and having wo pay out huge amnounts of money to support, a few loafers, is a far more serious infringement on my rights, than simply carrying around an identification card. Chiropracflc Care Chiropractic Care can rdlieve pain and discomfort, and helps you achieve butter health tlirough the care and treatment of your spine. A healtey spine is vital to yout well-being. A doctor of chiropractic is fully qualified to provide you with high-quality -care. Your spine supports your weight and protects the nerves that carry messages butween your brain and thee rest of your body. Your spime is flexible to allow you w stretch, twist and bend. Do you sufer from lower back pain, a stiff neck, hecadaches or do you have numbness and tingling in your limbs. Often spinal subluxations arc to blame. A subluxation occurs when vertebral joints do flot move properly due to misalignments or other causes. Subluxations happen w hen you misuse or overuse your spine cither through trauma, sports injuries, poor posture, excessive weight. Sometimes you may feel no symptoms until montes or years after an injury. Upon visiting a doctor of chiropractic you will be given a thorougli spinal examination, your situation will bu evaluated and a treatment plan will be customized to your individual need. Your treatment programn may include spinal adjustmnents, execise and oteer forms of self- care. Spinal adjustments improve your spine's alignimemt and motion, relieves pain, pressure and irritation. During an adjustmnent Uic doctor places their hands on the spine to manipulate specific joints gently and preciscly. After an adjustment you may feel immediate imp rovement, alteougli for most peop le it is a gradual and progressive relief. The keys to good healte are: Regular Exercise, Good Nutrition, Stress Management, A Positive Attitude and Spinal Checkups. For more information visit your local Chiropractor. Source: Spinal Care, The Chiropractic Approach to Wellness, Kramcs Communications Consultant: Michael Pedigo, C.D. Note: When in doubt about any medical condition always consult your Doctor. IGOOD HE;AJLTrlH -NATrlURALLYL by Sandra Topper, Cert Reflexologist, Aomatheraist