u 4 - Orono W.okIy Timos, Wodnesday, March ~S, 1~4 Orono J&M Custom Tyjkes win BRUL tourndfllPft Major Plumbing Novice hold on for the win Teain members pictured above Garrett MacDonald, Mike Caruana, Brent Vanstone, Derck - front row (1-r): Mark Kelly, Carl Sirniana, Evan Moore, Garett Scilars, (back row) coaches Glen Tordiff, Amanda Adegcest, Doug Wood, Joey Konopka; (third row) Wood and Jim Garlick. Absent - Garlick, Ian Knox.; (second row) Erie Keuning, Mike Fuiler, Justin Jason Geraldi. take on al In what they hope te bc a tune- up for their ycar-end play-offs, Orono's J&M Customs Minor Tykes took on all corners at Lait Fridays Bowrnanville Recreational Hockey League (BRHL) annual tournarnent. In the early morning first game against Beaver Lumber,. Beaver opened the scoring before Doug Garlick (#5) scored te tic it on a pais frern Garett Wood (#12), and then on te complete a natural bat trick witb two unaisisted goals te finish the first period, J&M leading Beaver, 3-1. .In the second, Evan Moore (#9) scored from Mike Siriana (#15) and Brent Vanstone (#7) before Beaver rcplicd to end the period 4-2. In the third pcriod, neither team could fmnd the mark, until in a desperate attcmpt Beaver pullcd their goalie witb thrcc minutes reunaining. Beaver kept tbe pressure on J&M but, Joey Konopka (#35) bung tougb in goal for J&M, and witb 2.8 seconds remaining Evan Moore on a lead pais from Mike Sinian found the cmpty net. Final score J&M - 5; Beaver - 2. In an intense and ernotional game, J&M' s opponent in gaine 2 wai A&R Flooring. Evan Moore (#9) opened tbe scoring in tbe first period froin Mike Simiana (# 15). Near the end of the period, Mike Siniiana posted J&M te a 2- 0 lead on a pass from Evan Moore. Early in the second pcriod, J&M bad several good scoring chances foiled by A&R's nc-tninder. By this time, the crowd was getting quite noisy and engrosscd with the game. A&R scorcd te cut J&M's lcad in haif. Then, Evan Moore (#9) scorcd again froin Mike Simiana te restore tbe two-goal lcad. Unfortunately witb 13 seconds lcft in the period, A&R scored once more, closing the period corners with J&M leading 3-2. 1The tbird period saw A&R's goalie close tbe door and take away several good scoring opportunities by J&M wbo bad sustained considerable territorial advantage for most of tbe period. With only 28 seconds remaining, A&R managed to slip one bebind Brent Vanstone (#7) in net to leave J&M with a 3-3 tic, but still undcfeated at the tournarnent. Having qualificd te play in the deciding gamne of 'the tournament, J&M met witb Skylight Donuts to close the day as toumney champs. In tbe first period, Skylight took a tripping penalty whicb led to a power-play goal by Derek Sellars,(#3) from Garett Wood (#12) and Mike Fuller (#6). Near the end of tbe pcriod, Doug Garlick (#5) was robbcd on a shot tb'at ricochctcd off Skylight's netminder, only te corne back with but 10 seconds in the period left on a pasfrom Joey Konopka (#35) to close out the period leading 2-0. Tbe intense play of tbe second pcriod was made more so by J&M having te kil off a penalty. Score at tbe end of the period remained at J&M - 2; Skyligbt - zip. Early in tbe third and final pcriod of the tournamnent, Doug Garlick (#5) scored unassisted to give J&M a 3-0 lead before Skylight mounted their corncback. Skylight scored their first goal of the garne witb approximately 6 minutes remaining and another with but a minute lcft to pull within one goal. Skyligbt kept intense pressure on J&M but their defence and Brent Vanstone (#7) in goal beld the fort giving J&M the victory and the teurnanlent. Wcll donc, J&M! Not only bave you capped the teurnarnent of the seaion, but you endcd your seaion first ini the standings in the BREL Minor Tykes. Keep up the good teazwork in the playoffs! Orono Major Plumbing OMHA Novice hosted Millbrook Friday nigbt in a rematcb of an earlier playoff round. Orono came out flying with Curtis Robinson scoring on tbe first shift just tbirty-five seconds into tbe gaine witb a bard shot after taking a good lead pass frorn Jesse Gimblctt. Orono scored again just fine seconds later wben Jarnie Rowe grabbed a loose puck and fed Matt Caruana in front of the net wbo tipped it between tbe goalie's legs. Millbrook fought back with a goal of their own late in the first period to narrow the gap to one. Midway tbrougb the second pciiod Orono extended their lead with two quick goals just eleven seconds apart. Nathan Adcgecst scored from bebind the Millbrook net after taking a pass from Tyson Gimblett. Seconds later, Matt Caruana took a long pass from Rougbley Novice active during March break Rougblcy Novice travelled to Port Pcrry on Thursday, March 17 to participate in tbeir Novice tournament. They opened play by facing bost Port Perry Haugens. The first pcriod was scoreless ai botb tearns felt cach otber out and got their skating legs back after a few days off tbe ice. Once Orono got on track they could not be stopped as they dominated play and scored 4 goals to Port Pery~s 2. Scoring for Orono was # 16 Jeff Mercier (2) assisted by # il Dtistin Weagant, # 9 Jeff Dickinson assisted by # 5 Aaron Robinson and # 16 Jeff Mercier and # 12 J.P. Pisani aisisted by # 5 Aaron Robinson. Tbis win sent tbe teamn to tbe "A" side to face Newcastle Bell Canada in the second game. Newcastle proved to be too mu ch for Orono as tbey were beat 4-0. Orono played their best but were sent borne early. Round Robin action started for the Novice bockey league division on Marcb 20th, after the league f inally made up their rninds bow to set up the schedule. Ibis gaine wai played with 1lday notice and the teain would like to tbank coacb Geraldi for spending so much of bis weekcnd phoning and letting evcryonc know about the game. Orono's first gaine wai against Ail Canadian Awards. Things did not look well for the teain as tbcy wcre down 6-0 before we put a mark on the board. It was very Stephen's Sporting Goods Hunting, Fishing 0& Supplies 1 697-2546 bard to get an offence going with 1 and sornetimes 2 players ini the penalty box. The refs mnust have bad a quota te fMI, ai they called a total of 7 penalties on Orono and starting. LP eased, 5Classeý Mike Garlick and broke in from the left side to score bis second goal of the gaine. Millbrook scored two quick goals of their own later in the second period to once again bring the Orono lead to one goal. The third period remlained scoreless as Orono held on to win this very entertaining and well played gaine by the score of 4 to 3. Orono ses their next action Wednesday night in Orono as they take on the Bowmanville Toros at 6:00 p.m. and Friday against the Bowrnanvile Selects. 3 on A.C.a. Finally at 12:00 of the third, J.P. Pisani scored 'for Orono, assisted by # 5 Aaron Robinson. 45 seconds later # 3 Mike Knapp assisted by # 16 Jef Mercier assisted by # 3 Mike Knapp netted # 3. Mike Knapp got the last goal with 16 seconds left in tbe gaine assisted by # 12' J.P. Pisani and # 14 Jordan Beacock The gaine ended witb a score of 7-4. Witb our regular goalie away, the tcarn called upon # 7 Brian Chartrand to strap on the pads. He made some superior saves and he'll be back in the hemp but on Wednesday, Marcb 23 in Darlington, as thcy play gaine 2. Spring Sale Saturday, March 26th -y2 0~% OFF «- ALL GREENWARE Greenware, Supplies, Classes, FÙing 5015 Main Street, ORONO rop by 983-5335 register Mon. Closed; Tues., Wed. 10- 5; 7 - 9, ýsfor $15 Thurs. F. 1 -5; Sat. 10- 3 CDA (19M8) DECORATIVE-ART STUDIO 86 CHURCH ST., ORONO FOLK ART& DECORATIVE PAINTING CLASSES & SUPPLIES -Studio Open for Retail Sales- Wed. & Thurs. 12 -4 p.m. (other times by appointment) To receive your copy 0of the Spring Newsletter cali: (905) 983-6408 J&M Custom Tykes ýp5- %46,