m Shepherd has. eye on Institute for Durham Drug charges dropped in, court Drug charges have been dropped in court againsi three people who were arrested by Durham Regional Police lst year in a north Oshawa home. Drug officers charged the three after searchig the north Oshawa apartment fmnding a small bag of marijuana and three marijuana plants growig in the apartment. Ail charges except one were dismissed. The defence lawyer said the search was illegal because the officers hiadtnet obtained a search warrant te, undertake the search. Welfare cases continue to rise Welfare cases continue te rise in Durham Region with a further 333 cases i January and 62 more in February. February was the fourth month in a row for the increase iDurham. Overall there are 12,262 famlies on welfare representing 20,885 people. Old headquarters, being demolished GM's old Canadian headquarters is about te be demolished after being in the dewntown for a period of 70 yemrs The four-storey building hasn't been used sfince 1989 when GM meved their offices te their new location in seuth-east Oshawa Northumberland 's lose is Clarington gain There is te be a shift of separate school trustees prier te the November election. Northumberland Counîy that bas had four trustees is te lose one which will be added to the present iwo for Claringten making three reps eut of Clarington. The separate school board representing Victoria and Peterborough Countys as well as Northumberland and -Clarington are net maldng any change in the total number of trustees.. Lilce the local public school board they.are net following a suggestion by the Ministry of Education that the number of Trustees bc reduced. Seven days a week -24 hours a day The emergency ward ai Port Hope hospital is now being manned 24 heurs a day, seven days a week. The staffing includes both local doctors and docters working for a Toronto- based fim, MedEmerg. The local docters in Port Hope weer finding it impossible te maintain their own office heurs while answering emergency calîs at the hospital. Dialysis study being undertaken A study of Norihumberlandi dialysis needs is being undertaken even though some idney docters state it is a waste of money. The president of the Northumberland chapter of the Kidney Feundation said he knows of about six local people who go to Belleville, Kingston, Oshawa and Toronto for dialysis treatment but feels it is net a hardship fer those involved to have te go te Oshawa. Grant cuts could hurt school programs Rumors that the provincial government could cut upwards of $2 billion froni payments te hospitals, municipalities and school boards breugjit a comment froni the president of the Northumberland and Clarinzton local of the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation. Harvey Balakofsky said he is deeply concernedl over further possible cuis which would ameunt te ihree percent. Hie said ho could net sec how the trustees could bring in a 1994 budget without making cuts te school prograffs. Infrastructure cash means building repairs Gord Savage, the assistant business superintendent for the Northumberland and Claringten Board of Education, said the board intends te spend their portion of the $2 billion infrastructure program devised by the provionces and the federal governments. The portion available te the local public schoolboard amounts to $2.3 million. The lisi of work which could be undertaken includes upgrading and replacing heaiing systenis, roofs and windows. The board would have te corne up with $690,000 for their share of the $2.3 million, This money, $690,000 is already available as it had been put away fer such work The board intends te ask the federal government for more funding i the program if il h net claimed by ohers across the country. Men's clothing store closing Thie Geo. A. ONeil Mens and Boys Wear in Port Hope is closing in Port Hope due te the rmtrement of uts ewner, Charles Mark. The store epened in about 1912 and bas coniinued under a number of owners since that lime. Mr. Marks purchased the business and building in 1972. No threat to public A spokesperson for the federal Resources Minister bas stated that a letter bas been sent te Port Hope council stating that the Ministry , like the federal Task Force, dees net agree, with coundil's contention that the nine waste sites in the Town are a threaite the health and safetv of the community. It was added that federal experts had consistently concluded that the sites proved te bc dangerous te the public. Alex Shepherd MP, Durham It could mean 60 direct jobs and dozens of spin-off positions if we can entice the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IAMT) to move te Durhamn. Located in Ottawa IAMT is a branch of the National Research Council. They conduct research into innovative technologies, in collaboration with manufacturers, te be usedin the production of manufactured goods. IAMT is prestigieus, ih bas built a well-deserved reputation integrating technolegy, jobs and know-how which ini turn canr get products and manufacturing techniques into the marketplace. But se what? hts prestigious, it's full of academics and futurists, dees it ail mean anything te you and me. Yes it does, if they meve here, as we rapidly meve ie the next Century we'll be creating a technological network thai stretches werld-wide. We'll develop a reputation i the region for being ai the forefront of technological change. To borrow for infrastructure monies The Town of Port Hope is prepard te borrow $800,000 s0 as te have funding available for the the infrastructure prograni available through the provincial and federal geverniments.. Port Hope would spend $2.4 million for works over the next two years., Projects considered are making the Town Hall wheelchair accessible, the reconstruction of one street and a new roof for the Jack Burger Sports complex. Conservation dinner slated for A pril 16 The Fifth annual Ganaraska Conservation dinner is slated te be held on April l6th at the Liens' Centre in Cobourg. Tickets are available at $40.00 a persen and are available at the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority office, Port Hope. The tickets provide a buffet dinner, silent and live auctions of frarned artwork and raffle prizes. Two vie for off-track betting Two Cobourg businesses, Best Western Cobourg Motor Inn and Amanadas Restuarant, are vying te become the local teletheatre location for off-track betting. The two businesses see the teletheatres as a way te increase iraffic. A decision as te the busines te get the teletheatre must await an agreement te be reached between teh Kawartha Downs Raceway in Peterborough and District Three of the Ontario Harne.ss Herse Association. 'Me province is mnterested i setting up ihese centres as is the owners of tracks and herses te increase betting on their sport. We'll show the world our manufacturers are just as competitive as anyone anywhere else i the world. To date I've met with many people i Ottawa te impress upon them that Durham College is the place te build the istitute. 1Gary Polonsky, president of Durhami College, bas consented te donate land te build IAMT a research facility. I've met with and received assurances froni Regional Chairman Gary Herrema and Oshawa Mayor Nancy Diamond that they wil kick in municipal taxpayers' meney te build IAMT a building of their -own on Durhamn College's campus. The region has aise consented te pay the moving experiences of founding IAMT staff. As you can tell getting them here will be a team effort. And everyene ai the federal and municipal level of government understands this is the only way te gel them here I'm proud of ail the ce- eperation everyone bas given me. Currently a number of other areas in southern Ontario are trYing te get the facility but I think it bas corne down te Durhanm and Brantford. I'm working at my end, I've asked municipal peliticians te help at the local level, now lets ail keep our fingers crossed 'The, SClarke #Connection . Moare than a store A eunique experience ONE OFA KZND HAND-MADE CAMNADAVCRAF'TS POTTCRY - WOOD - SILICS - TOYS AND M11CR MUCH MORE MAIN STREET. ORONO 983-93140j TUES. -FR. 11t 66SAT.9to 5 f,C MU,,NICIPALITY 0F ~Iaingon ONTARIO GOOD FRIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION GARBAGE REGULARLY PICKED Up ON FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1994 WILL BE RE-SCHEDULED FOR PICK-UP ON FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1994. Due to the expected volume of garbage; please refrain from putting out large items on this date. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Browning-Ferris Industries (Garbage Collection) 433-5075 L Waste 3 Systems BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES Municlpallty ef Clarington Public Warks 40 Tempeance Street Bowmianvllle, Ontario Li C 3A6 (905) 623-3379 SUN*AM n i. ,8RB No N'ame > CAT FOOD, 97 20 kg. SAVE 3'.52 Balanced Feeds & Farm Supplies Durham Farmers' Co-op Taunton Road at Hwy. 115 Telephone 905-983-9134