.8 - Orono Wnokly Times, Wodnosday, Mardi 23, 1994 Newcastle'Lions Club News report On March 9, twcnty-seven Lions welcomed Chartes Stevens to a regular Lions Club meeting. A delicious, roast beef dinner was served by the Newcastle U.C.W. After dinner Lion Dave Gibson introduced the guest speaker, Charles Stevens. Chartes is the principal grower of High Bush Blueberries in Clarington, a business that he started in 1978 when he brougbt Uic first stock into this area. Bob took the audience through Uic long process of planting, pruning, irrigating and finally harvesting this deicious fruit. The Lions lcarned that, like most other agricultural crops, it is not as lucrative as it looks. After about five years thc plants start to. produce and three years later they corne into full production. At one point in the proccss Charles relatcd to the assembly that he aimost ploughed thc plants down. Many questions followed the presentation and Charles who is also a Lion with the Bowrnanville Club was thanked by new Lion Greg Forget. Lion Gord Moulton won the 50150 draw, totailing $12. Donations were approved to Durham Christian School, the Navy League, Clarke High School and Melntyre Park for die disabled. Nominations were finalized to make way for die Club ýElections to take place i n the near future, the new executive wil take office on July 1. It was decided to allow the Boy Scouts Group Committcc to use the Lions Room for four Committec Meetings this year. The Easter Bunny Committec urged ail Lions to get out.and sel their allotted bunnies. The next Newcastle Lions Club meeting wül be in the Lions Roomn at the Newcastle Community Hall on March 23. Dinner will be at 7:00 p.m. Guest are wclcomc, cali Dave Adams 987-4832. Womiens Hockey Assoc. lias Bowmanvilie meeling -Me Ontario Womens' Hockey Association bas announced Uiat they will be co-hosting an information meeting wiUi a local Clarington group of hockey enthusiasts interested in forming a girls hockey association in the municipality. The meeting is schcduled to be held in Bowmanville High Schooi on Tuesday, March 29Ui at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of Uic meeting is wo introduce Uic sport tw parents and girls of Uic comrnunity and to answer questions and establish a local steering committee to guide and nurture Uic growUi of femnale hockey in Clarington. In a news release Uic Ontario Association states Uire bas been an astounding 30 percent increase in registered teains in Ontario Uis scason. There are now over 530 tearns piaying in icagues and competition across Uic province. There arc a total of 50 sanctioncd tournaments in Uic province. Ontario girls also participate Mi Ontario and Canadian Winter games. This coming rnonth Canada wili defend their goid medal at the third annuai Women's World Championships in Lake Placid, New York. The news release states that female hockey is one of the fastest growing sports in Canada and young Canadian girls can also now look forward to the Canadian National Wornen's team competing for Olyrnpic Gold beginning at Uic Winter Oiympics in 1998. Claringtondrw near to ern plan specifies The Gencral Purpose Committee of Clarington is recommending to council the passing of an amcndment to Uic Town of Newcastle Officiai plan that sets in motion Uic payment of funds from Uic province for Uic Clarington Lakefront study Uiat has been undcrway since 1991. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Tourisrn and Recreation both have supplicd $50,000 towards Uic Uic first tbree phases of Uic study. Ciarington wili pay the full ainount for Uic final phase of die study. The approval of ic Official ameadment on Monday only incorporates stratcgic policy directions. The detailed land use designations and related policies for Uic watcrfront is intended to bc incorporated in the. new municipal Officiai Plan. QUier areas to bc affected by Uic new officiai plan along the lakefront and rciatcd to the lakefront study wiii be Bond Head cornmunity, Uic Greenway, St. Mary's Cernent and the Wilmot Creek community. It is aiso being suggcsted Uiat a conservation arca bcecstabiishcd at the mouth of the Wilmot Creek. As the Sun pours down One cannot not but hclp feel the warrnth of Uic sun in recent days and it gives a zap to life as it does to sap in the sugar maples. On Sunday it almost had Bull Bunting and I running along Uic extended sand beach at Presquile Park . The sun poured energy into Uic aid body frame and at, lcast had the legs pumping a littie faster. Evcryone seems to be carrying a littie extra 'width on their srnile these days and rightly so after a winter that scemcd to extend into an eternity. Wc bave passed ic hefirt day of spring having celebrated Uic equinox on Sunday with an equal dash of day and night. The position and heat of Uic sun is but anoUier indication iat spring has arrivcd. 0f course Uic reappearance of the early birds are but another. We are well on our way. This coming week-end and the one following are the big watcrfowl events at Presquile Park. Blinds wil bc erected with easy acccss to Uic roadway and qualified birders with viewing scopes are most cager to help identify the thousands upon thousands of ducks and otbcr watcr fowl tbat wil be staging in Uic bay. After Uic past couple of weeks Bay Ducks and Diving Ducks have been making use of Uic opcn water that cxisted in Presquile bay. The rain onMonday and Uic warrnth of Uic sun wili have Uic bay open in Uicernarsh areas and Uiis wili bc ic staging area for the Puddle Ducks, and possible Swans, Coots, Gallinus and Grebes. It should be a ful assortment. We rnentioncd Uic wide beach arca that has been created at Presquile duc w Uice low level of watcr in Uic lake. Neyer have we seen Uic drop so drarnatic as it is at Uis time. It is in this area Uiat Uic next Fro,» A ound............ AQUARIUM SUPPLIES *Thermal Compact Preset Heaer 200w - OSA Approved 24.99 eAquaClear Clip On Model 200 Power Filter 39.99 *Gravel Cleaner 7.49 *Cycle Biological Filter Supplement 1ioz. - 2.44 18 oz. - 9.79 STARTER KITS *10 gai. Aquarium Kit - Cockatiel KRt 79.99 reg. 99.99 54.99 meg. 64.99 Complete Hampster Kit 24.99 reg. 32.99 invasion of birds from the south will be seen - that being the shore birds. That is off for a few weeks yet, however. Speaking of the rain on Monday and the increasing heat of the Sun it ail made for much flooding along roadside in the area with some roads being temporarily ciosed while drains wcrc unplugged. At home it is some seepage of water into the basement as the frost leaves the ground the the water filters in. But that is ail about spring or at least some of it for spring. Nature, for the most part, cornes to life for its renewai, for another moment, another day, another year. The War Amps