Durham Residents are invited to Rekker's Garden Gallery Composter Sale Day to purchase a composter for just $15. The composters havebeen subsidized by the Ministry of the i,-nvironment and Energy, and are made avaîlable through the Region of Durham's Waste Reduction Programs. Regional staff will be on site ail day offering free information and presenting Composting Workshops to ail interested Council Biriefs The Durham Region Federation of Agriculture in a letter objects to the use of agricultural land in south Courtice for residential developaient. The letter states that the land is some of the best agricultural land in Ontario. It is said that the planninrocxess does not appear to take into account long terai need for agricultural Landi. The Ontario Multi-Material Recycling Incorporated group have informed ail municipalities that by the end of April ail soft drink cans will be manufa ctured of aluminuai liminating cans of steel. it is stated that revenue from, rec ycling aluminuai cans will be set at $1200 a tonne and that this amount will increase revenue for recycling. The Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education noted for council's information that the budget process should be coaipleted for the board at a meeting on April 28th. The Municipality of Clarington has reappointed Mr. Craig Brown as the municipality's representative on fte Memporial Hospital Board. The Hospital Board is also asking that Mrs. Roxy Barnes be reappointed as the Regional representative on the hospital board. Fawcett joins uniofliziflg protest Joan Fawcett, M.P.P. Northumberland, has joined farmers and other lobby groups in opposing some par-ts of the ,-posed provincial legisiation xv ,diich would allow fann workers to, forai a collective bargaining unit. The proposed legislation would allow as few as two workers to forai a bargaining unit. Those opposed to the legisiation state it would be the end of the family farai. resîdents. The free information, and free workshops are available to all, no purchase is nlecessary. Residents currently coaiposting are encouraged to drop by with questions they aiay have, or to purchase a second composter. Purchase a composter, and join over 27,000 Durhami Residents who are already coaiposting. Together we can reach our goal of 50% Waste Diversion by the year 2000! - Women ' S Support Group An eight week group is being formed beginning April 11, 1994 for women who are new to the Claington area, having difficulty adjusting to the communtiy, withi no immediate family sup;port or support systems in this area. The group is also open to those experiencing difficulty coping with day to day struggles, small c hildren, life changes, financial difficulties, stress, caregiver burden and social isolation. Registration for -the group is required. Cal Janice Kroft, program manager, COPE Mental health Program at 623-4123. Make a trade for new guns Police officers in Port Hope are ready to trade some of their $19,000 uniform allowance so that the board would have some funds for new semi-automatic' revolvers. The new guns are expected to cost in the area of $21,000. Ministry name change The Ontario agricultural ministry has had a name change. 'Me ministry is now known as the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. It is stated the new namne better reflects its present-day mandate. Shepherd in the House of Commons Alex Shepherd, M.?. Durham made reference to the Canadian Employaient Commission in the House of Commons lately which in 1993 was instrumental in arranging to have 9000 workers brought into the country for seasonal work. The Durham M.P. suggested that due to the high levels of unemploymient in Canada fari organizatiolis and the Employaient Commission re-view, this process with a view to hiring Canadians. Hydro to she@Iv@ new hydro fine Ontario Hydre is about to shelve construction of a power lime froai Millbrook to Port Hope which would cost $51 million. Ontario Hydro states that lower demand can be expected and that the Port Hope area could be served by other aieans that the Millbrook line. Hydre had previously said there was a need for the line due to increased use of hydro in the Port Hope area. N4êw Bîngo hall to open 1Port Hope is to have a new bingo hall operation that will open on Good Friday. Construction of the new hall is now coaipleted with the ribbon cutting to be held on Friday at 7 p.m. Bingo Country who own and will operate the hall have a list of '19 chiarities who are prepared to be a part of the operation of the hall.1 Outdoors Sunrise Celeb ration Easter at Bond Head Park, Newcastle 7:ý00 a.m. BREAKFAST TO FOLLOW at, St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Church Everyone Jnvited CL,%IMGTON LAST MINITERIAL And thank you composter distributors, To date, over 27,000 composters have been distributed. This tells us that Durham residents are keen on reducing waste. With the help of the distributors lsted below we can ail pitch in by purchasing a composter or making our own. We can ail help our gardens and our community grow healthy and strong. __ For more information on Composting or Grasscycling please contact the Durham Region Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or cali the Compost Hotine at 1-800-667-5671 i0o e * M Ontario Funded in pat by the Ministry of Environment and Energy D HA Durham Composter sale at Rekker's Gardens ý_oronoWeekly Times, Wednesday, March 30,1994-9 OÏ ...