4 ........ . .. . . . . . . .. . M ro 99 3 A busv mother nurses twelve Il is nothing new or unusual and sisters to ner own lot of eight. that a female dog should look The proud owner of Honcy is after a litter of twelve pups but Howard Myles of Orono south. Honcy stepped outside the family He tells us that one of the pups recently to- take o'ver four will be going to:Newfoundland motherlcss pups and care for while another trips out West. It them as she did for ber own eight. sccms that Howard is going to One is flot sure that she was make the trip ta Newfoundland awarc that they were baif brothers along with tbe pup. Tales Twic%;e- Told October 1972 Firoe arly Fiday marning destnoycd Fred's Oas Bar on Highway 35 at the Mospont Road. The Oas Bar owned by Mr. Fred Oraham of R.r. 1, Orono was totally destroyed. Both the Orono and Pontypool Fine Departments answercd the cal htwecn anc and two in Uic morning. Iho tire was too far advanccd to do anything. Mr. Jim Pollard had just complcted a snack bar at Uic site and it also was destroyed. Mr. Graham does nat intend to re- establish the business himscIl he cause of Uic fire is unknown. The Orono Chamber of Commerce supported unanimously ic establishmnent of a Senior Citizen complex in Uic Orono area. Last Friday Uic Orono-Clanke Pire Department was cailed to Uic property of Mr. Bud Virtue, east of Newcastle and south of No. 2 Highway, followmng Uic report of a fine. This is Uic second cail to the propcrty and an bath, occasions it is feit that Uic fires had.been intentionally set. The Orono Police Trustees, an Monday evening, granted Uic use of an upstairs room in Uic Orono Hydro Building ta ho used as a drap-mn centre. Permission was gnanted ta use the room three nights a week. The use of the municipal noom was conditional that the centrewas pnoperly supervised, open ta parents at any time, did not allow drugs or alcohol to enter the noom, no loitering around Uic building and that the group loak after thein own caretaking. Badminton is being p layed evcry Tuesday and Thursdayin Uic Gonera Purpose room of Uic Orono Public School. Activitios in this sport arc open ta anyono wishing ta play and is from Uic hour of seven a'clock to ton o'clock October 1982 All Seasori Holiday Ltd. located on Highway 115. souUi of Orono, are expected1 to commence construction of their showroom, offices and garage wiUiin thc next couple of days. The former building was destroyed by fire on September 10th. It is expected ta take some seven weeks to complote the construction under Uic direction of Mr. A. McLean of Orono Fuel & Lumber. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink of Hampton were Uic judges at Uic recent fail flowcr show sponsored by the Orono Horticultural Society and held in the basement of thc Orono United Church. The show had an increase in both exhibitors and exhibits over that of last year. The grade four class from Kirby School went to Century Pioncer Village on October 8th at Lang, Ontario. Monday evening at the Town Hall the Orôno Scout Týroop hcld their annual investiture. There wcre 15 ncw scouts invested into the trop with parents and fiends present. In spcaking with Bill Tominson, scout leader, ho statcs that Uic Orono Troop is now thc largeat in Uic West Durham area with 26 scouts enrolled. The ncw recreation centre at the Senior Citizons Lodge in Orono is quickly taking shape and is expccted io ho completed before Uic cnd of Uic year. Orono U.C.W.; Gencral Meeting ini Uie Main H1all, Orono Unitcd Church, Thursday, October 2lst at 7:30 p.m. Ouest speaker: Co-ordinator for Community Care. Evcryone wclcome. The Town of Newcastle council have received a signed purchase and sale agreement for Uic purchase of one acre of land in Orono wbich is intended to be used for a new Orono firehail. The Orono Reading Club concluded it's second year of interesting and fricndly monthly meetings; and the members are entbusiastically rnaking plans for Uic coming year. Mrs. Thelma Vagg was honoured last week at the regular U.C.W. meeting held in the Orono United Church, when she 1HERITAGE IIIGHLIGHTS Wild Goose Jac.k Hunter and Conservationist KINGSVILLE, ONTARIO 1908 - At first glance, Jack Miner, hunter and brickmaker, seems an unllkoly conservationist., However, this prominent activist foundod one of the first bird sanc- tuaries in Nortb America and played a pivotal rolo in establish- ing the conservation utovement. Jack only attended school for a total -of three months. Instead, hie spent much of bis childhood studying the habits of anirnals at the creek near bis bouse. At tiir- teen Jack began bunting for profit ta help support bis famaily. The community recognized Jack's superb woodsmansbip and a group of Kingsvillo's most promi- nent citizens askod him if hoe would accompany thom on a deer- ý,. hâe trip was successful and Jack began to spend more of bis ârne leading sportsmen. He acquired a noputation as "the groatest hunter in Canada." Then, on a moose hunting trip in 1898, a gun misfired and bit bis brother Ted in the back of the head. Ho died instantly. Jack was devastated. But in bis grief he was persuaded to go to church. Jack's sympathy went out to a group of disruptive young boys and ho volunteered to teach Sunday school. Jack entbralled the boys with adventures of the woods and had tbern read biblical passages relat- ing to nature. In return, the boys taught Jack to read. Moanwhile, Jack continued to take p loasuro in hunting. One morning ho spot- ted a family of six Canada geese nean bis home - a rare éent. Ho hitched up bis buggy and hoaded out to where ho tiiought the geese would be feed- ing. Sure enough, the geese headed straight for Jack. But when tbey came close enough to see him Uic leader lot out a loud "khonk' and the geese darted away. Jack was convinced that the, birds recognized him and regarded him as an enerny. Jack decided to befriend the geeso. The following year ho flooded one of the pits on bis land and bought several turne geese to act as docoys. For four years'tie geese refused to corne. Finally, in 1908 eleven arrived. In 1909, tiore were Lirty- two. In 1910, tl4ere were four hundred. Jack A I N <Minon's sanctu- -ary had become a home for the migrating geese. In 1909 Jack began banding birds. A frien dly duck named Katie was his first subject. Ho took a piece of alu- minum, scratched bis address on the band and wrapped it around Katie's log. Two rnonths later ho recoived a letton fnom a hunter in North Carolina who had shot 'Ihe Heritage Projoct is proud to bo associated with the International Year of tho Fanflly. For more information about the Heritage Projcct pîcase call 1-800-867-1867. Katie. Inspined by a Salvation Arny Calenden ho began marking each band with a biblical verse several years later. Lettons began pouning in from all over the country - some fro m people who had shot a goose and wanted to lot Jack know, othens from people who were inspined by his unique messages. Over the next thirty yearsJack gave lectures acnoss North Amn- erica encouraging hundreds of thousands of people to support conservation. With the help of bis son ho publishied frequent articles and two books., In 1930, ho embarked on the biggost personal challenge of bis life - bis autobiography. For four- teen years ho struggled to describe what nature and religion meant to him. Twenty-five years after bis death WiId Goose Jack was pub-, lished. In 1947, the government of Canada honoured Jack Miner by designating thbe week of bis birth (Apnil 10) as "National Wildlifo Week"'. was preoented with a Life Membership in the association. The presentation was made by Mrs. Lynn Brown on behalf of the U.C.W.. and Mrs. Isabelle Challice president of Uic Orono U.C.W. assisted in the presentation. The Kirby U.C.W. arc holding a Bazaar and Teaon Saturday, November 6th from 2:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. at thc Kirby ScbooL. SEALED TENDERS, for the, contract spécified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wil be receivedby the Clerk until the specified closing time and date. TENDER CL94-3 Construction of Mearns Avenus tram Orchard Park ta Concession Street CLOSING TIME & DATE- 2:00 p.m. <Local Time> Friday, Aprli 15, 1994 The work for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington under the direction of the Director of Public Works, involves the reconstruction of Mearns Avenue to urban standard Including earth excavation, curb and gutter. sidewaik, hot mmx pavmng, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and watermains for a iength of approximately 730 metres. Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms may be obtained at the office of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, P.O. Box 910, 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario, K.9A 5G6. for a $4Q.00 (inciuding G.S.T.) non- refundabie fee payable to the Consultants. An Agreement to Bond and a bid deposit in the amount specifiled in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Bfirkett, A.M.C.T.<A), Purchasing & Supply Agent Corporation of the Muniipality of Clarington 40 Temperanca Street Bowýmanvi1le, Ontarîo Li C 3A6 Telephane: (905) 623-3379 Ext. 268 Totten Sims Hubioki 513 Division Street P.O. BOX 910 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 5G6 UN[CtPAL17v OF Date of Publication: We<hiesday, Mardi 30,1994 P.O. 30m' COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOBi1Mo ON HWY 15 &35 PHONE (905) 983-9151