Qro~ WeekiyrTime., Wedn.sduy,~ MNrct~ 3O~ 1~4 -15 New Horticultural Book Young has ail-important'.dates scientists The first meeting cf our Society was held on Thursday, March 24th, for this year, at Orono United Church, with around fîfty in attendance. President Shelley Etmanskieý .,ned the meeting with a lovely poem followed by O'Canada with Doreen Lowery at dic piano. Flo Sharpe gave the secretary report followed by Adele McGill with the treasury report. Shelley welcomcd all new members and old and proceeded with the following announcements: District 17 is te be held at Pefferlaw on April 16. Anyone wishing te go contact Lorna Atkins, or Shelley Etmanskic. A bus trip is planned for April 11lth at 10:30 a.m. te the Home & Garden Show. If you wish te go contact Lomna Atkins. Admission for bus and show $ 19.00. Orono Horticulture arc having a fundraising luncheen on April 20th, 11:30 - 1 p.m. Advance tickets only $7.00 per person. Se get your tickets new. Our new year books werc ready fer us, with all upceming events. A big thank you te the year book committec and te those who put the book together. A job well donc. Canadian Garden week is July 16-24, open to anyone wishing to have people viewing their garden. For more information contact Dave Hinton. Isabelle Challice introduced our guest speaker Mrs. Kathleen Petrie, District Director of 1 Her tepic was "Preparing For Your Show". Some of the main things te keep in mînd are: Balance, contrast, dominence, one element, proportion 1-1/2 x minimum, to container. Rythum, scale relationship te container, colour values, form, line'space and texture. Most important, "Read what is asked. A basket must have a bandle, a corsage a pin, These are some of the thîngs te know. Flo Sharpe thanked our guest speaker. Isabelle Challîce called for a minutes silence in mcmory cf Thelma Gilbank. Shelley thanked aIl for coming and the lunch cemmittee, Eleanor Terril, Marj Lowery and Lorna Atkins. God Save the Qucen was sung and meeting closed. Next meeting is Hobby and Craft Night, April 28th and House Plant Show se get your plants ail spruccd up. Sec you at tie luncheon, Press Secretary Doreen Loweiy Optimist Tyke Seleets host tourna ment The 3rd annual Bowmanvillc Optimist ClubTyke Select Teurnament was hcld on Saturday, March 26 at the Orone arena. The tournament fcaturcd our own B.R.H.L. Blackhawks, along with teams fromn Belleville, Ajax, Thornhill, Streetsville, Brampton, Georgetown and St. Catharines. The tournament turned out te be extremely competitive, with most of the teamns matching up well with their opponents te create many close and exciting gaines. When the final buzzer sounded, it was Belleville who skated away with thc "A" Division, championship, winning a 1-0 squeakcr over tic Georgetown Raiders, who had qualified for thc "A" final by dcfeating the B.R.H.L. Sclects in dramatic fashion. ,Congratulations Belleville! The "B" Division champs wcrc thc St. Catharines Warriors, whe defeated the B.R.H.L. Selects 3-2. The Ajax Selects defeated thc Brampton Maroons for the "C" charnpionship, while the 'I 11Rebels teok the "D" div isin from Strcetsvillc. Mr. Jcff Peirce, President of Bewmanvillc Optimist Club, prcscntcd .Uic MVP medallions and'teama trophies te the "A" and "B" division champs and fmnalists. 'the B.R.H.L. Optimist Wykc Sclccts played their first game against the Ajax Scîcets, dcfeating thcmn 3-1. This was a 'tight-checking affair, with only 12 shots on goal for the two teams combined. Captain Bryan Barchard had thrce of thosc shots, scoring on two of thcm to take Most Valuable Player honours for Bowmanville. Matt Best assistcd on Barchard's second goal, which turned eut te be Uic winner. Rene Cartier netted Uic insurance goal. Gord Baird made a beautiful save on a brcakaway ii Uic third pcriod te kccp Ajax at bay. Advancing te Uic semi-fmnals in the Champions series, Bowmanvillc's next opponient was Uic Georgetown Raiders, who qualified by dcfeating Uic Streetsvillc Tigers. This game was dominatcd for 27 miinutes by Bownianville, during which time icy built up a 2-0 lcad on goals by Mike Richardson (assistcd by Adam Cull and Chris Boyce) and Adam Cryderman (assistcd by Stcphcn Cornelissen and Bryan Barchard). However, with their goaltender keeping them in Uic gamne, Georgetown took advantage of an uncharactcristic lapse in concentration by the whole B.R.H.L. team te score thrcc goals in Uic last Uréeeminutes, the third tcam te score three goals in the last three minutes, the third with 20 seconds rcmaining, te score a major upset win. The result is even more surprising when Uic shets Orono (Continued from page 1 and allowed te dop over a raised pulley at the end cf Ithe lrough. it was flot difficult te determine the best design for speed and thus determine the surface tension. Cory DeMecy tels us that the, boat with the pcinted front and the rounded back had the least surface tension. Accerding te these young scientisis, andi most did take part, in thc explanation. We were told the point broke thc surface at the, front, waves passed along the side te join in behind the roundcd back. The boat was net only pulled by the weight but there was a pushing action from the back where the waves joined. We give these kids a lot of credit for their experiment, the detailed recording of time and speed and te bring the experi-m cnt te a final conclusion. No doubt their teacher had a lot te do with the success of the experiment. TENE SEALED-TENDERS, cleariy marked as te, contents, for the following requirements isted below, submitted te the Corporation of the Municipality cf Ciarington, Office cf the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanviiie, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and wiii be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the spocifiod -ciosing lime and date. Tender documents may be obtained f rom the Purchasing Office at the above address. TENDER CL94-9 - ^Surface Treatmnent heat, supply and appiy Ilquld asphait, emuision HL150S (approx. 502,000 litres) and HL150P approx. 605,000 litres) - suppiy, spread and rol 5/8" Class 2 aggregate (approx. 6440 tonnes) - Approx. 5950 Tonnes 3/8" chips TENDER CL94-8 - Asphait and Surface Treatment Pulverlzlng CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. <Local Time) Wednesday, Aprîl 13, 1994 The Iowest or any tender net neolessariiy accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A> Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (905) 623-379 ext. 268 ,.M& NCIPAL1 T' OF Date of Pubiication: Wednesday, Mardi 30,1994 P.O. 3047 E - Trent offering summer courses Trent University will bc offcring more than 20 summer courses at its Durham College Campus, Oshawa. Fourteen- courses are degrec courses and arc being offercd d uring the day and during the evening.. An information session is being held March 30 - 3 to 8' p.m. Phone 905-723-9747. HEART AND STROKE FOU NDATION Standing or Cut ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIEN DLV HORSE LOGGING 983-5669 'Wef4ing Invitation Ensembles help make your wedding dreams corne true View the latest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono Phone. 983-5301 TravelTalfte wh Elizabeth Belanger-L ink lette r C TC One of the most exotic and interesting islands in the Caribbean is as well known for the people that honeymoon there are for the beauty that you can find around every corner. After enjoying our honeymoon on this wonderfui island we could flot help but fail in love with the place. When talking to the locals, one ef the things that will- Lmmediately become apparent is that altheugh they are a tad persistent. they are also outgoing and warm; and prepared te share openly with you. Few pretensions among these people; altheugh. everything is just 5 minutes away or just around the cerner. Those minutes are often more like 30 and the corner is a long block away! A lush green island with breathtaking scenery and beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see. Situated about 950 km south et Miami, this third largest et the Çaribbean Island is aise the Iargest et the English speaking islands. A mature teurist trade has ensured that *the hotel trade has been well developed te meet the needs et the visiter when on holidays. They have developed a network et hotels that range f rom the modest te the Superclubs which have set the standard for excellence in Ail Inclusive Clubs. While the hetels have been develeped, there has also been a surge in teurist excursion activities ranging frem rafing down the Màrtha Brae te climbing a 600 foot waterfall. Activities range from horseback riding on the sands ef the ocean, sunning on seven miles et white sand. deep sea flshing or maybe just tradîtional things like renting a Catamaran and snerkelling off the reef s. If you are a littie adventurous you can rent a scooter and drive on the wrong side et the road or just take a train ride te the top et a meuntain and see where te find Blue Meuntain Coffee.1 If you really want to be daring and have a strong constitution for negotiation wander down te the Straw Markets and offer the vendors 1/4 et what they ask fer the basket and work up from there. Whatever you choose te, do in Jamaica, you wiIl do it with a smile on your face and say with the locals *EIRE, NOO PROBLEMI' Remember when you think of Travel, Think of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mil 623-0005 ............ ............. ................... ...........