The kApple Blossom FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don tjust specialize - We make every order special. "Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono El ectric Mt. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-51ý08 Barina Home Check *Vacaton Home Checing *Let us malce your home look ived in *Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSURED Barb Shetier - Inn Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycet983-5908 Wilda iddleton 983-9819 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CUINIO 5 George Stréet, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Heé Who '77 Thunderbird, ncw paint, tires, trans, air, power windows,,excellent condition, certified, asking-$2,500. Cal 983-5422. 306. ap HAY FOR SALE 4 x 5'Bales No Ramn - Stored Inside Delivered cal Bd Carscadden 983-5422 Mar. 30. Apr. 6,13,20, ap SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent, Newcastle Village from $39 'CHECK OUJR RATES' Now Available 10'x20' l0'xl5', l0'xlO', 5'xlO' Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 LANGSTAFF, George -In loving mcmory of a dear faUter, who passcd away April 5, 1956. Though his smile is gone foever Ami hi, hands we cannot touch S&Wi we have so many memories' 0f the one we Ioved so much. His memory Lt our keepsake With which we wlI neyer part God lias htm in his keeping We have hn in our heart. Sadly misscd by son Carl and wifc Theresa Langstaff and Family. 3,ap MacGREGOR & WEST Auction Service ESTATES, CONSIGNMVENTS. HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Sold at your location or at ours STORAGE &TRUCKING Caîl for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor, 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 REID, Les' - In loving mcmory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, who passcd away April 4, 1992. If tears could build a stairway And memories build a lane, Wed'walk the way to heaven, Dad And bring you home again They say that tint heals everything Wc kw that isnt 30 Recause it h urts as much today As it did two years ago. Sadly missed but neyer forgotten, wife Dorothy, daughter Mary, John & Family, son Bert, Cheryl and Famfly. 30.ap MacGregor & West AUCTION SALE Antiques, Collectable & Household Effects SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD 12:00 p.m. (viewng 10:-30) ORONO TOWIN HALL Main St., Orono Auction features a selec-an nf antique furniture ini originai and refinished condition, plus a large selection of collectable that would be found in and around the home from the past ta the present. Partial lust includes; 6' oak buffet (ref.); drop leaf pine table; glass front, book case; misc. dressers and chests of drawers; washstand; 7' oak church pcw; bench; kitchen table and six chairs; blanket box; Cathcm kitchen cupboard; Hoosier cupboard; tredie sewing machine; misc. chairs & rockers (pressbacks, sets, plan seat, etc.); stained glass windows; old coins; bottles; tins; o 'il lamps & quilts; new bruss pcs.; old pine cupboard; Limitcd Edition & Decorative art prints; TRS 80 -computer; plus varied selection of glass & china (Flow Blue, Nippon, Crystal etc.). This is only a partial list of tic many quality articles ini this Sunday's auction. Somcthing.. for anc and ail. Cati for ail you Auction needs. Your location or ours. (Next Sale - Sunday, April 10) FheGrogor & West Auctions hikce MAcGrsgor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-9835556 I Womer Fiîn Abuse Relationshîps HR For Help Cal FUDlO Dt~nk~ANDnuieeE For Women and Children Toîl Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidenfiâlly Assured (iA(1988)l Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wod. & Thurs. 12nmon -4 p.m. - Cther times by appointment - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 THE NATURAL NUT 5925 MAIN ST. N., ORONO Treatments A vailableby Appointment On/y *Reflexology *Aromatherapy *Therapoutic Touch and other natural thorapies Please cail Sandra Topper 983-8162 Mon. - Set. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Evenings 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Inpmuving pour Mdis agaiitst Canada's, 'l killer Lau ghs, Lasts! Il is true that laughter cmn sus- tain us through even the most stressful of situations. Laughter is used as medicine in many stress- fuI situations. In bospitals, for ex- ample, comedians entertain patients recovering fromn surgeiy or illness, and in the corporate and business world, comedy and laughter are used to illustrate otherwise tedious data. Looking at the lighter side of life is worth living in spite of the challenges common to ail of us. A good laugh can go a long way at relieving tension or dis- tracting us from our anxieties and fears. Taking the tinie to play-with your mate, children, grandchil- dren and friends-is a great way to feel good. A good laugh can release endorphins into the bloodstream, proteins with potent analgesic properties known as the' body's natural opiate, making you feel good. You can see why it is healthy to make room for spontaneous fun and play in your life, and to try to look at the lîghter side of ail situa- tions. It is indeed true that lie or she who lauglis, lasts. This column is provided by the Investors Group Inc. in col- laboration with the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute. s Simpson Memorials M 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor 1 Outdoor Dlsplays -~*Excellent Prîces *Guaranteed Workmanshlp *EtchIngs - Personal and Scenea Try us before you décidée by visiting our new facilities, or cati us collect and arrange for an appofntment in the comfort of your home. SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Shoot Metal Work Galvanizod, Stainiess Steel or Black Iron Bàrclay Crozier 983-9311 Stephen Crozier 983-6301 »IF YOU DAN DRA W IT, WE CAN MAKE Ir" Memorabilia N V A SIO à0N Imports Nascar Product Comic Books CLARINGTON HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION invites Property Mai ntenance Contractors to attend the PRE-TENDER MEETING Property Maintenance and Repair Requirements at Clarington Hydro Off ice and Substation Properties. Meeting and site tour to be heid at CLARINGTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION S2849 Lamb's Rond, Bowmanviile April 5, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. Contractors must attend Meeting and Site Tour ta b. eligibie. 0a 0\ô 44 King St. W. Bowmanvllle, Ont. Li C 1 R3 (905) 623-9778 1 r, m lui ic; OUT OF TOWN CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS 1 1 MARKERS and CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME SHOWROOM.:,....,."..ý.;.ý ýÀýPOlNTMEN.t,.kýýý mi :PFFéàENCEàý'ÂV REQUE *ýMS AVAILAëËÈ GES ..................... y 1 Nascar Product Comic Books Imports