'1~~~ Omno WeeIdyTI~~.........Apilfi 1 4 Look Who's -60 Bey. Grose elected - secretary Bev Grosu, wifu of Oshawa MP Ivan Grose, bas been clected secretary of the Parliamentary Spouses Associaion. The Association is an informai group which is involved in public interest and charity functions in the Ottawa area. The group has interest i the Battercd Women's Centre and paricipates in the Frontier Coliege literacy prograin. Ibo operate a booth as part of the International Food Fair and hold an auction ta support various charitics. The group also acts as a support group for new MP's spouses who move to Ottawa for the first dîme. Others clected ta office were Monica Ewcrt-Berger, president. Three vice-presidents were also clectud: Joycelyne Cretian, wife of Bloc Quebecois MP Jean-Guy Cretian; Ingrid Speaker wife of Reform MP Roy Speaker; and Caroline Anawak wife of Liberal MP Jack Anawak. Wife of Industry Minister John Maley, Judy, was electcd treasurer. Distress Centre training The District Centre of Durham is holding a number of training workshops for volunteer peur counisellors to assist in thu operation of the 24-hour Distress Centre. Four sessions are being held beginning May 29, Suptumber 25, - -vembcr 4, 1994. "- ro buc ligible one must bu at least 21 yuars of age for the adult Uine and from 18 10 22 for thc youth lime. The Centre carefully choosus candidates for the courses and provides intensive training. Furthur information by caling 723-4461. The Centre requ ires that a vohunteur commit 16 ta 20 heurs a month which timu can, bu flexible. Queen Park, Report from Gord Mils MPP Durham East There bas been cons iderable, comment, over the introduction of photo radar in recent weeks. Some say "Big Brother" bas arrived in Ontario, while others say its nothing less than another tax grab. But a crackdown on speeding also bas1 an environmentalpayoff. Provi ncial ministries of the environment across Canada have been promising to lay down the law on speeding for over three years now. In Novembur 1990 the Canadian coundil of ministers of the environment set a date for summer 1993 to have al provinces implement strict enforcernent of speed limits. But like other good ideas, it didn't happenr. The- environmental m inisters estimated that strict enforcement of speeding laws could reduce carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions by 10 per cent. Siiice motor traffic accounts for about hall of global warming gases, cutting back on speeding takes the country a long way toward meeting its pledge to cut greenhouse gases by 20 per cent over the next ten years. My recent TV Prograrn on The Substitute Decisions Act, proved to be a winner ini the community. If you live in an area not covered by Rogers Cable and Channel 10, a viduo tape of the progr-am can be obtained from Rogers Cable. It wilbc useful for information sessions in care facilities, reûrement homes, and other places where people gather. Giving a person the power of attorney, to act on your behalf, is something ah sbhould consider, younger people as well as those of advanced years. The Substitute Decisions Act, bas been about ten years in formation. Both the Conservative and Liberal governments promoted the changes we have today. The Bill itself received unaninous consent in the Legislature, it bas been recognized as buing legislation that carefully balances the rights of people who are capable of making decisions about their lives against the needs of those who cannot makethose ducisions. Having said ahl of that, you can imagine just how ticked off I was to read a widely published article by a Lincoln town counsellor, who said the Act was nothing more dma another attempt by the NDP government of Ontario to take cash and property from Ontario seniors. What planet do people like that come from? The Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights became law on February 15, 1994. This legisiation wil: ** give the public the right to request a review of existing regulation. ***" give the public the rigbt te initiate an investigation of alleged incidents of environmental harmn. " ~~increase public participation in significant environmental decision mnaking. ** create an Environmental Registry where thu public can earn about impending government policy decisions, reguhations, and significant permits -which will affect the environment. ** increase public access to courts where someone bas violated an Act, regulation, or permit and where the government bas failed to protect public resources. ** increase protection for emphoyees who report environmental harm in their workphace. establish an Environmental Commissioner bo provide , government accountability ta ensue the government lives up to its obligations undur the new Environmental Bfi of Rigbts. ***" require that Government ministries establish Statements of Environmental Values. The Environmental Bill of Rights bas been a long standing commitment of the NDP Party, and our government. The Bihl is a powerful tool to belp take better care of our natural resources than did the gunerations which came before us. As the Environentah Bihl of Rights, is such an important piece of lugislation, we have created a special scroll to celebrate the occasion. I have sent a scroll, t0 every school in the riding. It is my hope that the scroil can 'bc framed and hung in a place where all can see iL. Last week, in the Legishature, time was allowed for an a1-party debate on the Su pply Bil, which all ows the government to pay the wages of our.civil servants ini the coming fiscal year. During this debate, I was given a preview of Ontario - Mike Harris Style - through the lips of neo-right-wing Conservative Bob Runciman. 1 don't believe that Ontarians wilh subscribe to an Ontario stripped of compassion, Ontario Conservative style. Wben oh when, are the Liberal MiPs from Ontario, going ta stand up for our, province. Their collective support for our province bas sent shivers up a spine looking for a body ta land on. The latest plum going to Quebec, is yet another exaznple of their collective inaptitude ta stand up for us. We still are tasked with providing OHIP coverage for refugee claimants in Ontario. These refugees claimants are the rusponsibility of- the federal governmunt, which the federal government already pays their health costs in tbe provinces EXCEPT Ontario. Ini Ontario, the costs of hualth care ta us, you and me, for the 28,000 refugees presently here is a staggering $38 million. The Minister of Health bas asked the, federal Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to pay up. That was in February, te date we have huard nothing. To ail the constituents who write ta me complaining about the cos we bear in respect ta refugees, as if somehow the NDP is ta blamne for it aIl, turn your lutter writing 'ta local federal Liberal MP Alex Shephurd and ask him to do sometbing on our behiaif. Thiis coming Sunday, I will bu taking tbc morning worship service once again at Courtice United Cburch, on Trull's Road North, at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. My sermon is entitled, "One Large Household" I don't know of a more friendly church in the area.. If you are looking for a church home, I will be pleased te welcome you on April lOth. Until next week. 'An eye for an eye leads only to more blindness." - Margaret Atwood. ATTENTION VÂ.AI LeN'GjM. , 1: kS'd 8 Standing or Cut ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLV HORSE LOGGING 983-5669 SHOP AROUND, GET YOUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US FOR YOUR BETTER PRICE We use the full 7% G.S.T. Credit to give you the maximum $$$ for your Trade-in. Toîl Free from Area Codes 905, 416 or 705 at 1-800-361-8154 or local calîs 885-8154 m FRANK LAUI :1T±I Ie] hT±!I:11[ on ail im-stock items SALE- ENOS APRIL l6th "Our Fabric Prices are alw ays 25% below suggested retail prices"' COTTiLONWO QD 85 Station St.., Orono 983-9167 "L-ocated within Orono Building & Decorating CentreM PUBLIC NOTICE TO UTS CITIZENS 1994,MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS If you plan to seek office in the 1994 Municipal Elections, you must register with the Municipal Clerk before you solicit or accept contributions or incur expenses for the purpose of the election. For more information contact: Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T., Clerk Municipalty of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6a CMUN[ÇPALT(0F Date of First Publication: Wednesday, April 6, 1994 P.O. 5008 -.- .......... a r-