ýOrono weekicy Timon, WeZne8dfiy, AprIl 6, 1994 -7 Cash taken at Newtonville A smali amount of cash appearsto have been taken froni the school office i Newtonville. following a recenit break-in. Entry into the sebool, was made by breaking a window inia door., Has a taste for mushrooms Thieves bad a taste for mushrooms a week ago Sunday evcning stealing 1500 pounda of musbrooms froni Uic Darlington Mushroom Farm on Taunton Road west of Orono. The thcft involve 300 five pound boxes with the boxes seling for $10.00. It appears dat somecone backed a truck up to thc Ioading dock and made off with tic mushrooms. At Uic present tume mushrooms arc in' short supply. Lawyer gets six months A proniinent Oshawa lawyer, Ralph Jones, 71, has been scntcnccd to six mondisn jail for helping bis son, a former pamter, use millions of dollars of clients' and investors' money to boîster hi: son's failing. real estate pro ecta The judgc did recommcnd that Ralph Joncs bc considercd a candidate for the temporary absence program at Wbitby Jail. The judgc also made compensation orders in the amount of .$652,000 against Joncs. It bas been stated that Uic law society bas paid out $2.7 -million go 58 former clients of Donald Joncs, ( thc son) and a further $431,000 to claimants affected by Ralph Jones. Donald Joncs iascrving a six year prison terni. A further $5 million of Ralph Joncs' personal assets, almost everything he and bis wife owned, bas also been paid. Only a few left Walter Kucb will close bis shoc repair sbop in Oshawa this week wbicb will leave only direc other such shopa in the area. Kucb bas been in thc business for 50 years after taking over a shop he used to belp in whcn being a teen-ager. He states at Uic tinie Uiere were 12 sboe repair shops in Oshawa. Photo-radar test being delayed Ontario drivers won't bave wo worry about getting spccding tickets in Uic mail just yet as a 'eult of the ncw pboto-radar fIco province, howevcr, la stili committed go undcrtaking the tcsting as soon as possible. Thic ticket includes a picture of thc vebicle, thec tue, Uic place and the speed. Because the systeni cannot identify Uic driver tic owner of Uic vebicle will not bave ment points take away. Thic province plans initially to operate four cameras during a six montb test run on bighways in Uic Niagara Peninsula and Metro Toronto area cast wo Cobourg and Peterborough. Cobourg restaurant smoke free, The Cobourg franchise of McDonald's Restaurant bas now joincd in making the fast-food chain smoke-fee. A survey was undertaken and neiUier smokers or non-smokers bad problenis with Uic decision. GRCA looks for infrastructure funds The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority la looking to Hamilton Township go make application on bebaîf of the Authority for inh* ucÙure funds., The Authority bas want go mire repairs to Uic Ball's Mill dam at an estimatcd cost of $70,000 but funds bave not been made available for the project froin Uic province. Hamilton Township bas been asked go apply for infrastructure funds from the provincial and féderal govcrnmcnts for Uic two- third portion of ic $70,000. The GRCA would pay Uic other share, $23,000, thus no cost go the Township. flhe Township clerk said thc municipality bas scea this as taking away infrastructure funds for their own projects. Hope purchases new ire pumper Hope Townsbip bas comnpleted negoiations for Uic purchase of a new fire pumper at a cost of $147,305.08, Uic lowest of thrce tenders. lbe new pumper wiil replace a truck purcbased in 1952. Investigator saves county $218,000 In Uic past 15 montbs it is cstimated that the County of Northumberland bas saved $218,000 due go the use of a welfare-fraud investigator. Thic noney bas corne througb repayment of funds from those wbo had tried to clieat tie system and as well froni reduction of over payments. Durham to get kinde rgarten The Ministry of Education bas backed off some as far as Junior Kindergarten la concerncd in Uic Durhiam Board junisdiction. A partial- start on Junior Kindergarten will bc made for January of 1995 and then pbased in to full implementation by 1997. Junior krindergarten bas been in operation in the Northumberland -Clarington ma for a number of years. Composters on sale for only $15.00 Thic Region of Durhamnisl once again promoting Uic sale of their composter: at a, low pricc of $15.00. They arc available at Rekkds Gardon Gallery wcst of Bowmanville on Highway 2. To -date over 27,000 ~The egion compostass h<C been distributed and purchaj d through thc Regional plan. You could the next to play a part in compwýdnlg and diverting wast.e fr-omni ,ýjfil sjtes. UnsuccessfUl robbery attempt at gas station Thieves tried unsuccessfully to make off with a safe fromthe Easton Esso service station, Highway 115. The suspects entered the garage about 1:40 a.m. after breaking a window in the north side of the building. Their entry set off an alan. The 200 pound safe was lifted out through a window. An unsuccessful attempt was made to pry open the door of the safe. Police investigating found the safe along with a hammer and screwdriver. Region taking over section of No. 2 The provincial government and the Region of Durhami have corne to ternis for Durham's take- over of a 42.5 kilometers of ---- ---con o bu ane n cnmnosternfnrnn n n n1nnbutn n co ler I ocmota n fDra einsfe I o-T Cops-Wrsos xetsafwl eo Ndt I e osrt th Iprcr n aneac fyu co pse Ntteflo in oain Reke' Gadngley(0)6320 2 kmws f omavle w.# Iaura Api ,9Im-3pm Fo moeifraino o psigo rsccIgpes otc h Duha ReinW rsDprmn I(0)6872 rcl h ops Iolie I-t1806757 Ontan Fundd i par bytheMinitryof Evirnmet an Enrgy :DU HAM Highway No. 2 from Altona Road and a point east of Newcastle. The Region is to receive $1.8 million this year for improvements wo the road and a further $7 million in 1995. Some say it is a good deal while Other state that the Region had no choice. It is being said that planning matters along the road such as access and location of devclopment will be bandled more quickly without the more rigid guidelines of the province.