'I I I Orurno Weekly T*imes, Wednesday, April 13. 1 â4 - là Man bas long wondered how birds, with their relatively small brains and meagre intelligence, are able to find their way over, sometimes, long distances on their annual trips between their ,summer and winter homes. Many experiments have been carried out to try and answer this question. These trials have given some insight into the methods used by our feathered friends but the understanding is spotty and far from complete. One trial was set up ta see if birds were able ta navigate for long distances over unfamiliar territory. Manx Shearwaters, a species of long distance ocean migrants, were captured in their British breeding colonies and were transported and released off the coast of North Amnerica, near Boston. The shearwaters do flot migrate ta this location and 50 had neyer seen it before. It only took twelve and a haîf days for them ta show up on their home nesting grounds in Britain, making a very positive statement that they had been able ta correctly navigate for long distances over unfamiliar territory. While this trial did not show how the birds navigated, it did show they had ta use sensory iniputs other than physical features, since the whole flight was over water. For birds who no rmally migrate by day, captive European Starlings were placed in a box (during their normal migration time) where the sun was visible only tlirough windows. When the sun was visible, the birds fluttered in the direction of their species' normal migration route. If the direction of the sun was changed by the use of mirrors, the birds woulId change the direction of flutterings ta correctly &-ý>kate ta, the "new" position of the Sun. These birds must also have a built in dlock as they were able ta maintain the "correct" direction ail through the day as the sun followed its usual arc from easitot west. On overcast days when the sun was not visible the birds appeared confused as ta what direction ta take. For birds who normally migrate at night, captive Indigo Buntings (small finches),- during their normal migratory time, were placed in a planetarium, where nîght skies for any location an earth or any ime of the year can bc simuülated. They were exposed ta both spring and fail night skies and they arientated themselves in their proper migratary direction, according ta, the stars. Homing Pigeons have been of great interest ta researchers as their ability ta findtheir way home after being released in a mtange location is legendary. The research indicates that these pigeons use the sun and odour dlues as well as familiar landmarks ta find their way. Some research suggests that they may be able ta use polarized light ta maintain their direction on cloudy days and that they may even be able ta sense the earth's geomagnetic field as a means of settmng and maintaining direction. Ini general it is known that the suni, the stars and physical features are used by birds during migration. However, navigation is much more complicated than it appears on the surface. The Retraining program a success An alliance between govern- ment, private firms and the Toronto School of Business located in Oshawa is helping some unemployed get training that bas lead ta jobs. A group of 107 unemployed recently graduated from the program. The school of business, Canada Employment's Jobs Strategy Unit, JobsOntaria, Durham Regian social services and local businesses form the alliance. Tuition is funded by the federal goverrnment. Courses were completed in long term health care, birç's ability ta navîgate is achieved not by using only one of its senses, but'by using many areas of its brain, processing several types of information and combinîng these, using several physiological faculties. To say that the abiity of birds to navigate over long distances is poorly understood by mankind is an understatement. This secret of nature is likely to remain a secret for sometime to come. by BillBunting THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS 'Xj~frOur Specialîty FamiIy Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 NNorthcutt Elliott 1~EFunelral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaîd Services - Cremnation Arrangements Alternatives ta Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street. Bowmanviile, Ontario LiC 2Z 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING Visited central America countries Northumberland NP, Chris- tine Stewart, Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa information processing, locksmithing, and basic business management, retail sales and customer services, computer applications, and office systems. t was stated that about 87 percent of the graduates landed work related to their retraining courses. spent a week visitimg El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. She was an observer of mun- off elections in El Salvador. Ministry to review intersection The Ministry of Transpor- tation is ta review conditions at the Welcome/H-ighway No. 2 intersection following a number of complaints registered as ta the dangers that exist at the intersection. County Roads 10 and 74 along with Highway 2 aIl meet in the heart of the community. SALLY STAPLES* REIMAX CORNERSTONEREALTY LTD, REALTOR* associate broker 623-6000 24 hr. a« '7finkfryj of seffng? Colt me for a fret appraisal - take aévantage of tie best markt conditions in years! -623-6000 JUST LISTED Ail the Beils and Whistles.. A Lot for a Litte... Tere's a Deer in Your Yard .. Looking for a mature hait acre lot with a house that Centrally located, in the village of Orono, ths terrific Country living at its besti A pcturesque40 acres - with 10 shows like new? 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