14 - Orono WeekIy' Timea, Wednesday% April 13~ 1904 .. ......... ......... . . . ........... ...... ...... ...... Deadline for Service Directorý ..... .. .. .. .. .... jk ORY Friday N oon .... ...... ................ . ... ........ ... ... ......... .......... ... ........ . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ......... .. Appý1e Blossomi FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don'tjust specia/ize - We make every order special. "Haïr With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric M.d ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-FIS Sales and Service Hotpofnt -RCA White Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whrlpool Woosd's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 Banina Morne Check *Vacation Home Checking *Let us make your home look ived in *Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSURED Barb Shetler - Ina Cox NEWTONViLLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIETS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycen 983-590L,/ Wilda Mddlton PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 Georgle Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 6234473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholsteryv R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Carolyn, Pat, Judy, Wayne, Tom and their families will be hosting an Afternoon Tea honouring their mother Mrs. Eleanor Foster on the occasion of ber 80TH BIRTHDAY Ail welcome at Kendai United Cburch Saturday, AprUl 23, 1994 12:00 to 4:30 p.m. Best Wishes Only, Please! 13,20, ap Impact of Stroke Hosted by the Ciarington Stroke Support Group Guest speaker - Judy Dickson Fenelon Counselling Services Wed., April 2Oth 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church corners Scugog & Jackman Rds Bowmanville EVERYONE WELCOME For information cail Janice Kroft, COPE Program Man ager 623-4123. 13,ac Corne Play and Dance with the Orono Old Time Fiddle Club Newcastle Community Hall Wed., Apr. 2th Admission $2.00 For details phone 983-5786 13,ac THE NATURAL NUIT 5925 MAIN ST. N., ORONO Treatments A valable by Appointment On/y *Reflexology *Aromnatherapy *Therapeutic Touch and other natural therapies Please oeil Sandra Topper 983-8162 Mon. - Sat. 10 ar.. Io4 p.m. Evenings 6 p.m. b 9 p.m. *Building Supplies and Hardware - Bam Steel- Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stails 'A Centre frAî Your Buldffg Noes- (705) 277-3381 or (905) 4346665 (sveflifQs) ON HWY. 36,2 MILES NORTH OF He. 115____ MacGREGOR & WEST Auction Service ESTATES. CONSIGNMVENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES. FARMS Sold at your location or at ours STORAGE & TRUCKING CaII for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junlir West 905-983-5556 MITSUBISHIE T.V., 33" Up tc $888 or $10.00 pe Money Down. SI T.V. & STEW William St., 373-0265. TECHNICS 220 Package, remote, dual cassette. speakers, $12-00 SHOWTIME STEREO, 1000N Cobourg, 373-026' CLARION Ca: System. Fits an> model. Deck, ami installed, only: week. SHOWTI STEREO, 1000 ' Cobourg, 373-026' HAY FOR 4'x 5'Ba No Rain - Ston Deliverc cali Ed Cars 983-542 Mat. 30, AI Truck Cap - fits CI 882'94, steel shellh lights, interior d, 983-6464. Commnercial space new modem build Street, Orono. Si store/office. Appri ft. Cail 987-3211. SELF STOI UNIT', For rent, New Village from $3! 'CHECK OUR1 Now Available l0'x15', 10'xl( Phone Lci Newcastle Si 987-321 Big Screen :50", from ESTATE AUCTION )er week.* No Grist EIIi Auction Centre HOWTIME Newtouvilie EO, 1000 FRIDAY,APRIL15TH Cobourg, 6:30 pa. tfn Sellîng the contents from a rural Port Hope home; 6 Pc. watt Stereo dining suite with breakfront; 3 multi CD, Victorian parlour chairs; drop stand & front desk; 2 pc. chesterfield; D per week. occasional chairs;, two pride T.V. & power-lift tilt reclining chairs; William St., antique chests of drawers; 65 f swivei rocker; lamps; linens; also wardrobes; armoire; 15 ar Stereo persian carpets; queen ïmalte, anIy waterbed; 5 pc. dinette; Hoyer p speakers, patient lift; Everest Jennings $9.00 per Mod. 3P power drive wheel ýME T.V. & chair; VCR; glassware; William St., chinaware; 80 pc. Bridal Rose; 5. tfn Limoges tea set; R.S. Prussia; Doulton china egg; cranberry SALE sugar; mantde dock; tools; ,ales planes; bench planer; floor red Inside jack; commercial sewing red machine; power tools; ;cadden vacuum; new saw table; 1963 22 Ramnbler Classic 550 (original) &pr.6.1,20 ap and more. ~pr 613.0.ap TERMS: Cash or Good Cheque .M ful1 size with I.0. , florescent AUCTIONEER doors, caîl Frank Stapleton - 786-2244 13.ac 13,ac Relocating in Oliver MacLeod efrrent in Limited, a subsiduary of fgo ai Security Chimneys of, on Main fo Lavai Quebec is relocating uitab500 for its plant in Gravenhurst to 6,13,27,ac Whitby. It is stated the move will eliminate duplication, of operational RAGE overhead and make the RAGE company stronger and more S viable. The move will also wcastle provide a higher level of e service to their custiomers. 9 The Whitby plant will RATES' produce fîrepiaces and e 10'x20' chimneys creating somne 25 0', 5'x10' new jobs in Whitby. ri at Stili time to register ;torage for stop-smoking il program There is stili time to S register for the Lung Association's stop-smoking program, "Countdown". This seven session course will start on Tuesday, April 26th at the Lung * Association centre, 40 King St. W. in Oshawa, Suite 300. The leader descnibes the programn as a "very positive experience". Based on behaviour mo dification techniques, Countdown shows participants how to deai with their smoking habit, and is particularly with nicotime patch therapy. "It really puts people in control of their health and future", states Mrs. Sakata., Registartion fee is set at $95.00 - $45 of which wil be refunded at the end of the course. For further information and to register caîl 436- 1046. Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. -Other times by appointment - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 VMOTORCYCLE INSUIRANCE ~ 623-0331 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE SHEET METAL DESIGNS S Custom Made Sheet Metal Work o Galvanized, Stainless Steel or Black Iron Tig and Arc Welding ) Barclay Crozier Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 "IF YOU CAN DRA W IT, WE CAN MAKE 17' L JON STORY ~ .sc hcllSCOU STORY SSERVICES 905-983-5491 INSTALLATION- GROUNDS MAINTENANCE *WATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS' CONSULTING s Simpson Memorials M 111 Toronto Rd, Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor / Outdoor isplays *Excellent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanship *Etchlngs - Personal and Scenes Try us before you decide by visiting our new facilities, or cati us collect and arrange for an appointment in the comfort of your home. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST T IS EASY' ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES LT ALL. COMING EVENTSf SI TON HOMECOMING -Diton,Manitloba. Jly 22, 23,24, 1994. Adance Weeker,4 Reg iraion by June 30, 1994. S20.C0. Numerous C.merty veolo .Contact (204) 65-3303 t, o r r(204) 638-9607 -Dauphfor B USINESS OPPORTUNITIES CORSI1.i FASHION. Afotdab edesigner 5,fr I long.Run yout onrbusiness.Anywnere in Canada a n ay rwrdirg. Full-lieor part irr Fraiinormration 1-80026991699. START YOUR OWN HOME OASED BSISNE S'I Wtki, s s, day's b.sI basinonspp.runoy! For FRÉEE nn aîncontact - odep.ndent Marketing O rector, 218 Megond Cr Sskaoonr, SK, S7H 4Z6 (l1 9DD 632999>. CAREER TRAINING GoUN ELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE ef Varn.oer oners csporndese courses for tSe centf ficae oi Courselling Studirs 1. begin S te 1 5 1 e . ncli , o churechoir.: 1 - 1 665 7044ý FOR SALE L0SF 10 LES n ree-dayiWiD h.SeTLîle Oîel Plan ri Ty iIl .0 wrb IAilnaturai ingredierîs. Aoaîiable aI pao icipating pharmae. o ad SeailS fond stoes. info1 -800-361-4720. ENERCRAFT a eadîrg tmanufacurer nof Porableie Band Sawr ls aise carres wnodspli Iers, edgers, chainsaw chaîn grîrders, bandsaw clade gr'Inders, sbddirg wncSes and more' Open H.nseDerro Day- May 28, 1994 -C.u1 1-00- 387-5553 fnr etais NEW' 40 GAMES IN 1 CARTRIDGEf er yno Ni lned olN tan abein rstores. Imon ale deiloery, V'AOC ORD.$5495 1-800-663-6289. MISCELLANEOUS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE' ConvnotnabEquity lors ma n ds. Cons idate bis lto iow ronthly paymet, treovate or 1r-800-2652694. PERSONALS WOULO YOU LIKE no corresFord ath unaIachon Chr ian peopln acrrs Canada for crmpanonrship nrmariagea S.A.SE.Free iformior, tale age, AngîoeF..Box 205, ChaseSBC.VOE lMo. ASIAN/CARîBBEAN LADIES seek mer tor perpais. lrierdshipca tior, marage. FRE5 92-pa9O photo- atain gae, Daline, B o55, Stai on Ba, Ontario Kt P 6C3ý REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershifptmeshareî We'i tak.e t, Amn a'$s argost, 001d.. ooml clearirghouseo Rn ne Sains Iterntioral t800- 423-5967. Timeshare tertais roedod. Ca11 24 hours a day STEEL BUILDINGS SCST BUILDING P RtCES - Steel Etraîrwaii Type -rot qunrsot- 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 911 94 50x90 $19.954, 60X126 $25,883 other a _î boMîscoCar--s ofeaarce F. 24 Hours 1_900_263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS, S. Models. staigStwaIis. Mary sizes Id0 Sonse rom. Fnr vaioue, Guai y ard Irtegrity, oail Futurte Steel Buidings 1-980669-6653. QUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS: 21 o 24 $1,599.00, 25 0 30 $2,256.00, 27 x34 $2,778.00, 30 n 44 $3.930.00, 40 o 56 $5,844.00,,44 n 64 $7.799.00, 46 x669$7999050 X984 $10724 OS Erds optionai 016cer sizes. Pioreer 1-800-668- 5422. VACATION RENTALS 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOUSEKEEPINO COTTAGESnshners. Swmming E tîsfrrg. Ronk r,_W1 61t3-336-2342.' AI"oseSsorai Ira l, siles av.,IabIe.Ca1i t-9055662-2042. - Vur d cafdapparin commun iy neespapers in Ontario, or right aeross Canado n ndodaprovince. Space i Liited, so Cai This Netorpapr Today! Memorabilia 1INVASIO% 1uJ*N ~1 6~9 44 King St. W. Bowmanvii le, Ont. Li C 1 R3 (905) 623-9778 Comic Books Nascar Product Imports L mmmmmý itw,44