Politicians getting restless?9 It wasn't that long ago that we read an article that the Town of Cobourg was considering breaking away from [lie coenty system of govemment and going it alone for a mucli better future. Then of more recent time our astute Regional Chairman, Gary Herrema, made the front pages of ail newspapers in which lie had denounced the regional system of government and that it should be dumped for a larger metro-wide system. Oshawa is about to ask their citizen if the City shoiuld give up on the Region of Durham and further Councillor Jim Potticary has a notice of motion before the Oshawa council that Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington discuss the possibiity of amalgamation to a larger Municipal govemment. We wouldn't want anyone to hold their breath on any of these proposaIs. t lias neyer been a fact that even two municipalitiescould corne together to form a binding agreement of amalgamation into one unit. Going back to the formation of the Region of Durham it took the then conservative government of Bill Davis to wave the big stick, cail ail parties together at Eastdale Collegiate to announce that the Region of Durham was going ahead under the ternis of the provincial govemnment. This al came about after the local municipalities debated amalgamation for four years with little results or agreement. It must lie at least four years that the reform of county govemment lias been a consideration but again to little avail. Certainly now that the provincial goverument lias stated it is Up to the locais to devise their reform ail is lost to sucli a cause. t is a dead issue. Going back bo some of Gary Herrema's comments one would not dispute the fact that governing and politics is ail about power for a good majority of politicians and as Herrema states service to people gets lost ini the shuffle. 1Making the system larger is not going to solve anything other than power încreases. The human aspect remains the sanie no matter what size of pond. But it does seem that i many parts politicians are getting restless and once again bigger looks better. t might lie a point bard to prove. The kids have been great Over the past couple of weeks we have been impressed wîth the activities of youth in this community which no doulit is duplicated ail over the country. However home is always the best and the kids have been great. The boys in the Orono Auto team have excelled for their age in gamnemanship and, as far as we saw, were real sportsmen on ice. This is besides being capable hockey players. Take the Skating carnival on Saturday. Here again the kids of the community excelled and there has not been a better group to be assocîated with than the present crop of skaters in Orono. Their group and personal achievements speakwell of theseyoung athletes. For once letfs give the ids a big cheer. They do deserve it. Happen-wtinrwtgs. . *Euchre Results The euchre resuits for the Orono Town Hall for Wednesday, April 6 with 14 tables in play: _Higli scores -Grace Coatham 93; June Wilson 8 1; Mark Marchant 79; Edgar Mîlîson 77; Tom Simpson and Kay Powell each with 75. Low score Sharon Casey. Draw winners Charles Stapleton, Helen Thorne, Charlie Campbell, Hazel Pigott, Norma Moffat, Grace Coatham and Marion Sears. Euchre is held every Wednesday 8 p.m. Lunch is provided. Academ ic Decath Ion (Continued from page 1) fairly new scholastic competition that involves higli school students in a total of ten events. Each student is rigorously tested in six academic areas, econom ics, fine arts,, science, literature, mathematics and social science and are examîned through ann interview, and an essay. Finally students are tested as a team in a "Jeopardy'"style format in an event called the Super Quiz. The benefits to be obtained are may, Academic excellçnce increases personal poise and understanding. Inter-provincial good-will and fellowship is also a natural outcomr. of such involvement. A team is coming from Nanaimo, B.,C. and another team is coming from Spruce Grove, Letter to( the Editor: Dear Editor: The Denise Hlouse wishes to acknowledge Volunteer Week by thanking ail the special people who offer their support to the shelter in a voluntary capacity. Volunteers and their contributions are an integral component of the Denise House programming. Sincere appreciation is directed to past and presenit Board and Committee members, programme volunteers and our community supporters. With your help we have realized many of our dreams, during our ten years of operation. Your continued support will ensure the realization of many more dreams. Sincerely Mary Dumas Co-ordmnator Volunteer Services Empty council seat (Continued from page 1) time it could be one officer. Mayor Hamre said she was pleased that the facts were being straightened out and that the service is being provided within the Clarington areas. Inspector Adams said the response for funds to equip the bike patrols has been over- whelming. Upon question from Councilor Dreslinski he said they were short $1200.00 but they had spoken to the Bowmanville Rotary Club who responded along with local business people and individuals at the meeting.. The Orono Downtown Business Association contributed funds for the bike patrols as did similar groups in Newcastle and Bowmanville. Alberta. Other teains wil be from Burlington, Milton, Lindsay, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg and Bowmanville. The communîty has given terrific sponsorship for the event. Sponsors include Ace Submarine, Bruce Jensen's Nursery Inc., Charterways Transportation, Clarke Parents Advisory Committee, Clarke H .S. Student Council, Hooper's Trophy Centre, I.G.A. Orono, Newcastle Lions Club, M&M Meats, National Computers systems, Newcastle Village Optimist Club, Orono Town Hall Board, O.S.S.T.F., local Board of Education, Skylight Donuts, Toastmasters Int., Bowmanville and Xerox Canada Ltd. Students on the Clarke team include Mike Smith, Tricia Dubeau, Richard Jenkins, Jason Twardowski, Tanya Staples, Aaron Staples, Dave brink, Kevin Tutkoluk and Jamey Osmon<i. Mr. John Gale, co-ordinator at Clarke, is looking forward to this week-end's events and -hope to Letter to the Editor Dear Roy: Here's a story you may be interested in. You may print it in shortened form if you wish. I subscribe to-AUTOMOTIVE UPDATE, an automobile magazine from Pittsburg, Pa. t arrives once a month in a big white envelope. Yesterday, my, big white envelope arrived in the mail. On the front was the stamped message "Received without contents at". The post mark was dated March 25, 1994. My magazine was not in the envelope. But a life insurance policy belonging to MICHAEL G. COSCHKA was. So I searched the Orono directory for Michael's phone number. No such name. I searched the Oshawa directory. No such name. Then I searched the pages of the policy for a contact dlue. The policy was from PROVIDENTMUTUAL LIFE & ANNUITY CO. 0F AMERICA, 300 Continental Drive,. Newark, Delaware 19713. Lt had been sîgned March 24, 1994. Location of signing wasOmaha, Nebraska. There was a lot of personal information about Michael, but neither a clear address nor a phone number. Through phone information, Sylvia was able to get Michael's number in Omaha. 1-402-572- 6367. I phoned Michael toniglit. In the beginning he was totally dumbfounded. In the end he was totally thankful. I'11 redirect the policy to 5804 North 93rd Street, Omaha. 68134. We chatted a few minutes. He knew of Toronto and had fished at Red Lake. If Michael receives my magazine, he may mail it to me in a life insurance envelope. Sincerely, Leigh Parker ORONO, ONTARIO Xc-/ve/v» 'St. Saviour 's j Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minîster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GR0UP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russeu Marlene Risebroughi, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH Regular Services Times Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a&m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, Aprîl î3th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (For both boys and giril) BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, Aprl l 3th - 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church CONFIRMATION CLASSES Frlday, April lSth Orono United Church - 4 p.m. SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM If you interested in having your chldren baptized, please contact Rev. Russell. Sunday, May 8, Family Day, is Baptismn Day. A.A. raes every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 983-5009 :uI :11. .. ........... ...... vote 1 log Stutt'-s Pharma p p il