Oroo eeIyrlmB)Wédnedy 2à ~ 94- Getting- near election time Local politicians had their day at the 1994 opening of the Clarke Museum and Archives on Saturday when a good number were i attendance. Pictured abov e with baby Thomas Norman of Gardenhill, is Queen's Park Report (Continued from page 3) been able to come up with is that around 30, of them fit that category. A couple of years ago, I appeared before an ahl party parliamentary committee to speak to an amendment to the Human Rights Code that would have ruled compulsory retirement at the age of 65 to be discriminatory. 1 also spoke to Bihl 15 an amendment to the Human Rights Code in the Legîsiature on 30th April 1992. 1 said then, and still say, that ageism today is as odious as racism or sexism. Age-based retirement squanders people's talents and in somne cases drives the elderly into despair. 1 can tel you that my comments were not well received by the Cana dian Federation of Labour who let me know their displeasure in no uncertaîn ternis. Lilcewise, 1 can tell you that my comments were not very well received by some of my government colleagues. So you can sec, 1 amn not a supporter of compulsory retirement. And 1 reaily wonder if this decision was a good one in -spite of al the valid rational offered. This leads finally, to the suggestion by the columnist of "1toeing the party line and -jesignation over this issue." From le to time, I get letters or reÏceive telephone calîs from constituents, urging me not to vote for this or that, and to represent the people on various issues. 1 can tell you that 1 raise and will continue to raise, constituents concerns over a variety of issues, in our weekly caucus meetings, with the Premier and with respective minister's. 1 always have, and wil 1WA flot moved by demanci firom Lalaw Waste Systenis Councillors Ann Dreslinski and (right) David Scott of Ward Three and (middle) David Wing who will be a candidate in Bowmanville for the local councillor position this fail. continue to be, quite forceful in my presentations on behaf of al those 1 represent. 1 can also say that 1 have only once said 1 wil not support the government. And this issue was over the suggestion of a small charge for a doctor's visit and drug charges for seniors. This didn't mean me acting like some yahoo. t meant speaking to the Premier and the Minister of Health of my non-support on principle, and in a reasonable manner. 1 don't believe it to be in the best interests of those 1 serve to act like some have, by bad- mouthing the govemnment, or just behaving like a jerk. To be effective as a member, one has to earn the respect.of colleagues, including the Premier and his ministers. Once thîs kind of respect is earned, then the real service to constituents becomes a reaity. t enables decisions made to be looked at again. Like the Orono Tree Nursery closing, extra money for unforeseen hospital expansion costs, getting hospital expansion plans on track, getting money for a new fire engine where the tax base is 50 small that the purchase would be impossible, getting money for special road needs, over and above the standard grants, getting traffic signals, getting turning lanes built into highways to enable people to exit their turn safely, getting water into a community, acting on behaif of seniors and the poor, and the list goes on. I guess what makes me madder than anything is those yahoos who jump atany excuse to attack this governiment regardless of the trut.h or what is fair and reasonable. Until next week - take care. Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd. in a letter to, the Interîm Waste Authority Limitecl has asked that the IWA consider the proposed Laidlaw expansion plan at the Newtonville area landfill site as a possible Durham waste site. Laidlaw state that the company has been working since 1988 on the proposed expansion and that this site should be compared to that of the IWA choice of Site EE 11 in the Whitevale area. Laidlaw states that their technical information on the Newtonville area site has neyer been evaluated on its own merits by the IWA. Laidlaw also points out that the JWA has agreed to consider an alternative site in Toronto/York that had not been included in tie short list. Laidlaw suggest that this site is to be compared with the preferred site selected by the IWA. Laidlaw has said in their letter that the IWA did not consider al reasonable alternative landfill sites in the Region of Durham as they had set out to do in 199 1. The IWA in a letter of response to Laidlaw said that the IWA has engaged in extensive pu blic consultations at every step of the process. The IWA state that the Laidlaw submission is now being made 21 months after the announcement of the long list of candidate sites. "Not only is your submission a year and a haîf later than the first opportunity to provide it, but your expansion site would not have passed Step 3 of the IWA's process because only 80 hectares remain when 90 hectares were needed. The IWA letter ended stating that they were not prepared to consider the Laidlaw submission The Laidlaw Newtonville area landfill site did corne hounding hack to the news front of late with a proposai by Laidlaw to proceed with a reclamation operation. Laidlaw had suggested that the projeet would get underway as of the first of April. The fact that the municipality has called for an Environmental Assessment Hearing may have put such an operation years in the future, if ever. ( 1,1 m i L l I I l l fl i .i ii I Balanced Feeds & Farm Supplies Durham Farmers' C%;oo-p Orono, Ontarlo Taunton Road at Hwy. 115 Telephone 905-983-9134 - ............ .......... e= N4"