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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1994, p. 10

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.10 - Omno Weekîy Times, We~nesdBy, AprIl ~O, 19é4 Agathering of the conservative clan Garnett Rickard presents Steve Gilchrist with a basket of apples at tlhe Progressive Conservative Annual Meeting Iast Thursday. Rickard addcd that the, brand of apples were Empire. "If you eat ene, you will build one." Durham Conservative prepare for a rebuilding plan locally The Progressive Conservative Party is getting set te begin their rebuilding precess. Here in Durham Region thie precess got underway last Thursday niglit at thie Acres Restaurant as thie Provincial Progressive Conservatives of Durham Région beld their Annual Meeting. The order of business for thie evening was te elect the new executive for thie Association. Arnot Wotten was elected as thie new President. Guest speaker Steve Gilchrist assured thie assembled crowd dba <bey bad their work cut eut for them in thie next year leading up te provincial elections. Steve Gilchrist has been involved witb the Progressive Conservative Party since bis tens. He is thie past president of' the Association, a defeated candidate and is currently tbe federal President of thie Provincial Association. He is also tlie candidate for tbe riding of Scarberougli East in tbe next provincial election. "You bave all sorts of reasons te feel positive about tbe future of thie party, but that does net mean we do net bave our work cut eut for us", Mr. Gilchrist said. "In thie last nine years we bave seen anything but good Aswe find ourselves in the middle of Earth Week, let's take a look across our country at tbe tremendous progress'being made at govemmuent levels, te make our Canada an environmentally seund baven. Tbere are currently 216 species of living beings in Canada <bat are classified as endangered, threatened or vulnerable. By government', lie added, citing thie tax increases of thie Liberals and the NDP, and the increase of civil service-jobs, but cuts te services themselves as exaniples. Gilcbrist believes that with Premier Bob Rae "scrambling te paint bimsel f Tory blue", there is a 30% chance of an election being called by the fali. 1< is aise bis firm belief <bat the Progressive Conservatives will take 85 seats and that the balance of seats will fal o the Liberals. He adds that there is ne reason te formn a provincial Reformn Party ini Ontario. "If you want responsible government, we have already staked <bat dlaim", he demands. "There will be ne holding up a flimsy red book, we will have a binder filled", he continued. "If you have a specific question, we have a specific answer." Gilcbrist reporsts <at there are about 600 people <bat are interested in becoming candidates. He aise says <bat in Cambridge where he has rccently visited lie is convinccd that they will win the riding. He finished by saying, "It is time te get serious about getting the message eut there". signing the International Biodiversity Convention in Rie in 1992, Canada made a moral commitment te save endangered species. This cemmitment was strengthened by the Parliamentary Standing COmmittee on Environment's 1993 repOt No legisiation is currently ferthcoming. We bave already lest ahl of thie original Atlantic hardwood forests. Yeu wil neyer enjoy a wilderness park in seuthern Ontario because there is net enougb wilderness left. Clear cut logging is on-going B.C, *Clayoquot Sound. The Canadian government is pushing te have the brutal leg hOld trap deemed humane based on a newly drawn up peint system. On this point system, miner ligament severance on the trapped animal would equal 20 peints. A compression fracture - 30 points, etc. etc. Traps would be deemed humane if they scored 75 peints or less 80% of the time. This is a giant leap back. And it will sanction cruelty and over rule bans in 60 countries. Due te the federal court decision last year on the fixed link te P.E.1, full public hearings inte the envirnental impact of gevernment mega projects are in jeopardy. Ced stocks continue te diminish. Our water continues, te be poisoned, but thankfully it is ne longer part of a trade agreement witb the U.S. Garbage protests continue across Ontario. In the area ef progress, there seemns littie te celebrate tbis Earth Day. Fortune Teller charged with fraud A Whitby fortune teller whe received a fee of $20 from a client and later asked for payment of $2000 of which was paid bas been charged with fortune telling and fraud and is te appear in court on April 22nd. According te the Criminal Code, anyene who accepts cash for telling fortunes or "fraudulently pretends te exercise or te use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration" can be charged. TENE SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements isted below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Ctarington, Office et the Clerk, 40 Temperance -Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope previded until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtaîned from the Purchasing Off ice at the above'address. TENDER CL94-23 One (1) OnIy Fully Equlpped Chipper CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 p.m. (Local Time) Wednesday,, May 4, 1994 The lowest or any tender net necessarily accopted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephene: (905) 623-3379 Ext. 268 Date of Publication: Wednesday, April 20, 1994 P.O. 3064 1l a.rn. - 2 p.m. '8.95 TUESDAYS Fish Dinner $11.95 Fish Dinner for Two $21.95 WEDNESDAYS Chicken Dinner $11.95 THUSDYS Chicken Dinner for Two $21.95 FRIDAYS SATURDAYS Wing Night Pork Chop Dinner Pork Chop Dînner for Two Steak Dinner, Prices do flot include taxs or gratukties. AiU dinners include salad, potato, vegetable, dinner roll, dessert, coffee/tea. Reservations recommended 623-3373 S Dinner Served 5 p.m. <0 9 p.m. IV' Flying Dutchnian Hotel 401 and Liberty St, Bowmanville $12.95 $22.95 $13.95 (M-24 m.IR SEWIcE ( CALL (905) 983-5647 MOBILE (905) 432-4834 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL -En vironmen tally Friendly - Owned and operated by Dwayne and Alvin Souch.

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