2 Orono W..kt~rTImes, Wodnssday, AprIl 20,10*4 It should be possible It was somewhat refreshing at Monday's general purpose cornmitee meeting to hear some reason as 10 the promotion of music concerts at Mosport Park. Up 10- this point al, has been negative and that voice has flot been reduced. Quite likely if we go back enough there were problems which neyer should have happened with proper organization on the part of ail parties., The reason on Monday camne from Mr. Dan Hoikema of Bowmanville who represented some of the tourist-related industry in mhe municipality who reaily haven't expressed their viewpoint mhat wellinhe past. It was stili somewhat disorganized but not the logic expressed by Mr. Hoikema. H1e spoke of the benefit to the tourist-related indu stry in the municipality but mon pisented a list of action that could be' taken to exercise control over many of the problems being seen by tixose opposed 10 the endeavours of bringing music concerts 10 Clarington and more particularly Mosport. If any place in Claringlon is suited for sucli an outdoor event il is Mosport. As far as numbers are concemed they did ex ist wimh the major racing events in the distant past and possibly could again if change takes place and swings back 10 such bases as Mosport ramher than the inner chies. It is often seen that counicils will follow the course of Ieast resistance in contentious issues and this is part of our democratic system. The Detox proposai surely was one example and an example that industry was sulent for a service mhat could have been a benefit in mhe municipality and a indust ry that surely should have some growth factor. The cail for an environmental hearing certainiy dampened any further move for mhe expansion for Detox. Surely an licence under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Environment should have been enough in this case. nhe decision on Mosport cornes on Monday of this coming week and il will be interesting how the attitude will swing after the logical presentation on Monday from Hoikema and indeed from mhe representative of the promoters. It should be possible mhat such an event can be held wimhout a flood of abuses and problems. Eliott Régional Councillor (Coninued f rom page 1) time, at least two names should ho available for a choice. A tic vote in this situation would be resolved with both naines being placed in a hat and, a draw would be made by the clerk of the municipalîty. A motion was presontod toý council by Councillors Mary' Novak and Larry Hannah that councillor John OToole be appointed to fi the vacancy existing in the Regional/Local scat. Both the movcr and the seconder pointed out that Counc. O'Toole was qualified to fi the position, had taken a great intcrest in the municipality, had given 101 percent and as wcll there was only a few months left in the lifo of counicil. Coune. Ann Dreslinski said she would not bc supporting the motion and foît that the runner-up 10 Mr. Ken Hooper should be appointed to the position. She said electors did vote for the runner-up in a dcmnocratic system. Counc. David Scott was of a like mind and stated that ho had no doubt that Counc. OToole could do the job but foît that council must support the demnoc- ratio process and appoint the runnor-up. "We have to go back to the people and the results of the 1991 elec tion", ho said., Coune. O'Toole, who had written to memlbers of council, outlining bis bid for the appointment to the vacant seat said there were a number of incidents where others than runner-ups were appointed to a vacant seat. Counc. Novak said it was council's purpose to look for the MRAosport rezonîng (Continued from page 1) He stated that the Town lost $30,000 and the police bill, somne suggested at $50,000 was neyer paid. Mr. Hardy supported the holding of concerts and stated that he did own property on both sides of Mosport and had neyer had problems. He said the events in the past did create a lot of traffic. He also noted that the operation ofMosport did bring business to the community. Mr. Dan Holkemna, Kylight DoNuts, Bowmanville spoke on behalf of a number of business enterprises ail support the bid being.made by Mosport. H1e said no other attraction in Clarington would draw 20,000 to 50,000 people who would need housing, meals and othcr services which could be supplicd in the municipality. Along with his support for the rezoning Mr. Holkema outlîned a number of features should bc' incorporated into an agreement to lesson problems. These included a strong police presence, no stopping along side of road in Mosport area, a Mosport Hot line bc established, that performances be closed out at il p.m. and proper traffic con trol. The Orono Downtown Business Association also supported the bid for the rezoning application. Brad Parsons of Concert Production Inc., a Toronto -based live entertainiment company outlined their background with 500 to 600 shows a year which could include both indoor and person to fill the position not to follow a process. When Mayor Hamre called the vote on the motion to appoint Counce. O'Toole to the vacant position Counc. OToole said, "I would like to decline." Mayor Hamre pointed out that she had a letter in whîch Counc. 0'Toole had asked to bc appointed to the vacant seat. "Are you asking that the letter be withdrawn?" asked Mayor Hamre. "Yes" stated Counc. OToole. At this point Councs. Novak and llannah withdrew their motion for the appointment of Counc. 0'Toole. A motion by Councs. Scott and Dreslinski supported the appointment of the runner-up in the 1991 election for the Ward Two Rogional/Local seat and the party be asked if they would accept the appointment. The motion passed. Then a following motion of Councs. Dreslinski and Hannah passed that Carson Elliott be appointed to the vacant seat. Mr. Elliott operated the funeral homne Northcutt-Elliott in Bowmanville from 1961 until it was sold in 1989. in speaking with Mr. Elliott he said he was going to find it interesting and that he would likely make a bid for the seat in the upcoming election in somne outdoor events. He mention Cats, the Phantom, the C.N.E. shows and recent summer events in Markham, Ontario and elsewhere. "We have been here for a long timne and expect to romain," he said. Mr. Parsons said they would work with the various agoncies such as poiicing, ambulance, fire and insurance. "WE would abide b>' the conditions that have been lad down to Mosport", he said. When asked ,"why Mosport", he said the company did wish to increase their profile in outdoor concerts and events. He said it is possible that the>' could operate six to seven events a year but that likely wouldn't happen this year. H1e suggested two or three this year providing an agreement was reached. The represontative of CPIdid say there wero other option that the firm was considering at the present time and that il wasn't al for Mosport. 1He also said the company had nover loft a bill unpaid but reminded council that they did have to make a profit on their operations and events. It was pointed out that a special events permit bas to be, obtained for each event and without such a permit events could not be held. George Rust-Deye spoke on behaîf of Mosport stating that Mosport had made many concessions in the agreement to date. H1e also denied that an event scheduled for May 24th was not a music festival but a auto race with some musical entertairiment. The Mosport rep said business in the municipality did support Mosports application and ho presented a petition in support of the rezoning with 326 signatures. The issue will be debated again on Monday by counicil mem bers. Mayor Hamre said she hadn't hadany complaints over Mosport for the p ast five years. There has been a change, she said. The planning staff report on the, rezoning application recommended passing of the rezoning providing agreement had been reached on the agreement between Mosport and the municipality. kirve /k St. Saviour's Anglican Churchiý MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Mlntster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. 983-5009 ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Mister Rev. Dr. *Mervyn Russel Marlene f4 Risebrough, Secretry, 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, APRIL 24TH Regular Services Times Kirby United Church 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, April 20th Kirby United Çhurch 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (For both boys and girls.) BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, April 20th - 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church CONFIRMATION CLASSES Friday, Aprîi 29th Orono United Church - 4 p.m. SACRAMENT 0F BAPTISM If youinterested in having your children baptized, please contact Rev. Russell. Sunday, May 8, Family Day, is Baptism Day. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. -MO0THER'S DAY Sunday, MVay 8th ORONO, ONTARIO 1