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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1994, p. 13

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SALLY STAPLES associate broker -iiktwnofseffing? Caff mefor afree appraisal- take, advantage of the est markt conditions in geai-s! 623-6000 REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR 623m6000 24 hr. pager Fabulous four bedroom brick bungalow, shows ta perfection! Gas heat, half acr lot! Excellent starter, five bedrooms, updated wiring and plumbing, walk toalal amenities! -I I "i. t I Oît I .., o Terrific Bowmanville court location, eat-in kitchen, three bath&s, waîk-out, gas heat! Tales Told Twice (Continued from last week) November 1972 Somne Kendal folk went te the Newtonville Bazaar on Friday afternoon. There were a great many useful things for sale and a tasty lunch was served. A euchre card party is being held at Kirby Centennial Public School on December 2 at 8 p.m. with the proceeds going for the Grade 8 graduation. Plan te attend the Annual Bazaar and Tea at the Community Hall, Saturday, December 2nd at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Olive Millson as hostess, with ber efficient help, will be ready te serve you a delicious lunch and cup of tea. Mss. Toots Barrabail and helpers will have fancy novelties and plenty of homemnade candy. Tom Moffat spent a few days last week in Bowmanville Hospital due te an operation for appendicitis. Remember the Horticultural Christmas show te be held on Thursday, November 30, 8 p-.. at the church. There will be a musical program and carol smnging. November 1982 The Canadian Imperia! Bank of Commerce on Monday observed their 8Mt Anniversary and for the occasion the local branch in Orono served cake and punch toalal customers., John Reid of Orono, was returned as president of the Clarke Newcastle Progressive Conservative Association last Friday evening following a pot- luck hield at the Orono Oddfellow's Hall All stores in Orono are this week participating in a coupon )tion with specials being o 'Yîýrd with the presentation of the coupons printed in this week's paper. Robert Blight, a grade six student at the Lockhart Public School was presented with the Lockhart/Orono School Letter on Tuesday for his effort in collecting donations for UNICEF on Haliowe'en. T'he presentation was made by John Reid, principal. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders wiIl b. received by the undersigned Solicitor up ta 12:00 oclock noon on Saturday the i 4th day of May, 1994 for the purchase of two real properties of the Estate of Clarence Greenly Burley, by separate tenders, consisting of the following: FI RSTLY A farm including house and farm buildings, comprising the South haif of Lot 20 and the South East Quarter of the Rond Allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 4 of the Geographic Township of Clarke, in the Municipality of Clarington, containing 110 acres, more or less. 5ECQQ2LX Vacant farm lands, comprising the North 50 acres cf Lot 16 Concession 4, cf the Geographic Township cf Clarke in the Municipality cf Clarington. Terms: 10%/.cf price with tender; balance ta be paid in cash on closing; closing date ta be arranged. Higest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inspection cf the properties may be arranged by contacting Hazel Pigott, Executrix, 183 Church St., Orono, Ontario, Phono (905) 983-5973. W. Kay Lycett, Q..C., Box 87, 5301 Main St., Orono, Ontario. Phone 983-5007; Fax 983-9022 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ST S FAST - T7S EASY' ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES ITALL. OUEiVI !DIMARA,ýTHOrN. ONTARIO ýilt on Paper, Lae o0 o1 00 osiyClorhoc30929 o AsL 1, 994 Gre . hme 10, g lstîvîl s Wnleý 50i1h o Io, CBo2, MARATHON OoilvoPOT 2 E Greo accmlvootîo f, J04,sprts. Wekly co ed 50ens Jne.r ptebeeroýbot, rockes, sotl!les, asinom Edc -on l'a dentor.! Brochore 80O 1EtRRORO1 UGH ANTIQUE SHOW, bo-eielllog The At Gollery .ol"0, 5 roogh.At 150 Roread. on,100 Choîlott SI, Pterboroogh. Aprl 29, 30, May l151 Admission 5300. 742-6510. SUSI NESS COPPORTIINITLES START YOUR OWN HOME-BASEO BUSINESS! Wkîoss odoy's 5051 business opportunîiFor FREE inormation contact - Indoenert M arheîîsg elo 218 Mglud O, Saskatoon, SK 57H 4Z6 (1-800-263-2999). CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLO R TRAINING INSTITUTE o Vaouvoer offers correspondance courses fr the cerificate or 100 studoîs 1o begîn th.155 o tol ntoh. For br[och[re phone: 1800.605 7044_ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNIES MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILOREN nay Sýaoe eac j opOlmies in 0001 areo Il y900 hava pioo. bacrlrgrn, callfot inormation about Teacher Tranng Seminars 1-800- 561-1692. FOR SALE TOYS- CANADAS LARGEST SELEOTION el lrr, nehcle, and censtruction leys. Fer 28 page catalo gue, Write leConbry Heritage Produ cts. Box 941, Lngenburg, SK, EGA 2A0. OSTRICI-EMU/RHEA: Are you boyirig or seling? BBods Item acress Canada Boers cuIt "Free" (eenngs). Sellers, lsI eth Adrr(,peler Resulîs! Toi Ifre1-800- 361-3660. H ELP WANTED ECOTOURISM MAN AGEMENT. HALIBURTON CAMPUS. Sir Sandîord Fleming Eus a posl-diffloma progrin1 Ecooriore Manegemeýnl slarting Fal, 1994. Part-lime insructors reqoîred who have extensive expertencae operateg a ootsm aciliy - mtarketing: promtng, plannng brochures, rgantzing eveuls - otcourses enth1e olowing areas Toursm Mareting; Strucure o the Torsm Indoslry, Sales and Consumer Behavtour, Toursm Establishment Opralions I & Il R sumeês shold ne orarded, ho May 11, letu elt Human Resouroe Serices, 526 MoDonel Streel,> Petetbotogh, Onarin K9J 7B, quoae onrpelton ,il89 Course objecives mey ho oblaned hromtHamac Rorc., (705) 748 8930.: ECOTOURýISM tMANArýGEMENr, HAL1BURTON CAMPUS. Su Sandlord Fleming has a pesl.dîplomta progrere le Ecolourîsm Managemenl slarlîng Fait, 1994. Insruclors mlh prior eepirenc.e in lacbing ouldoor eduation, requred leoeach the lellwog hEnirenrenlal Sadies: RlatiuaiRserce S6îiIs for Ecoeurînm re rgrares; axoorofe Ecosyslems; Trees and Shrubs o Ontaro: Habitata Maiaement lot Fsh and Wldlie; Ecosysere Dynamis and lolteracýîtes; Conservatio; NaauraI reserce Legmslaluen. Resam4és sheuld be lermarded, by May 11,.tl: Orector, Haman Resoucea Services, 526 Mcourelt Sreet, Peterborough, Ontarie K9J 761, qaole Competlî8en #F2694. Co. 1e licet upbe ob.i.. ond ,0H-orn oa (705) 749-5530, MISC ELL ANSOU S MORTOG1E MONEY AVAILABLEI ooet 'stEoiy 5 and flhds Lond, Cottage, Renooation, Constr]ton Couosolidale Bills 010 10 owonthly paymoets. Cl 600 oosloet Corpoaton toll fre1 000 769 26941 SEEK AND FINO CLUB. Free Inormation. Sond SASE r, PO. B o140,. Gooonsvillo, Ontaro LOG t RO. P ERS ON A LS WHAT MAKES OTHER PEOPLE TICK? Boy Diaoelîcs: Th. Modemn Science o Mental HathbSpL. Ron HoSad and is Home Sdy Couse (S31,) 00l1-1800-561-.5800. RI O OUR BODY ofLhrl leffec01 of 40,10 pollution. Boy & reod'Coar Body Cloot Mind" hy Lt Son Hobbard S22) CaIl t-800-561-5008. IMPOTENCE easily orctdOveto me.aIliptence proS omns cosed Sp ogng, medicationc, surgery, diabeles etc.-Gel the actsfr om: Performance Medîcal, Box 418, Valemoont, OC. VOE 3Z0, 1 eLtO 603 121. ASIAN/OARIBBEAN LADIES seee eenmon Feo.pals, Fendsh:ipVcation, Mrrog -REE 52-page photo catloge DtelneBox .Station 'B', OttawaOntario Ki F'603-1 REAL ESTATE GTA CAMPLGROUNO memrbership/limeshoreOWe'Illaxe l'Amricasý lagesl, 014801 resale clearnghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Tireshare reolas needed. Cal24houts e day 9 COTTAGES, TRAILEPI SITES. 2 E-tedhmso approo. 325' mater fronlagu, 4 acres, newly updated. excellent oppertunily, sale 4ue le tness. $4990 999 8frm 1- 9066-0533ý STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - GUONSETS, S Mdes slraîghtmols M any szes lu cheese IreerFo.r Value Ooaliy and ltegiiry. valFuture Steel Bilins 00668- 8513 A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS IN. Fere oae commercial industrial. 08W types, seIWoqosl claddîng. For true value, action & unswers - al 416) 626-1794, FR56 brochures, clip end save. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Seel StraimaîL Tpe col quonset - 32x54 $7.898. 40x72 S11,924; 8eu9ù $16954, 6001252,883 - thel sîzen eavatele - Msclaeu clearance - Parogo - 24 Heurs 1-800-263-8499 GUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS: 21.24 S1,899 9, 2-830 S2,256.0, 27x34 S2778.00, 39e44 03.8,30 99. 4ü-69 S5,844.09. 44x64 $7,798.00, 46x66 $7.999 09, 80x24 $0,72400. Eds upional. 01561 sizes. Pion-er -800O- 668-5422, TR AV EL RESORT TAPATOO, OITER LAKE Parry Sound Holel reern.s, suies, cettages. ledeor Pool, sPe, seeteeeeg. Saper sprng special. 2 meleflore $58890 1-800-461- 5410 VACATION RENTAIS 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOUSEKEEPINIS COTTAGES w/showens. SWimmieg & fishng. Book Suer 1-613-336- 2342. AIse seeseeal Sellter soues ceaileble. Oe1Il1-905-662- 2042. NNorthcutt Elliott [)Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC2Z J21 4ol CO) 623-566à OFF STREET PARKING PI6vborough. GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT AUTIIORIZED DEALER FOR Tandy Craft -The Leather Flactory -:.Bristol Leathers Phone ahead or by chance 3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 IL Coil 'ni' e to buy or seli .. Orono and areo' real i stite rep. Krystyna Jones 983-6013 (leaJt y-Net ASSOCATES (DURHAM)Inc. 1050 SIMCOE ST N.#i03- OSHAWA TEL:(905)721-2112 GORGEOUS 49 ACRES, IIOUSE, WORKSHOP, POOL AND MORE... $229,000. 1 ora ol peri cormunity newspapera le Ontario, or rotght erosa Canada, orny inividuali province. Space is Uimited, sa Cali This Newspaper Today! 1 2

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