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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Apr 1994, p. 1

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45 rono'J'eekfy 'itmes Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville Vol. 58, No. 16 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,1994 Things are happening at We're In, Th e Hayfi eld Now " Tie vote dumps Mosport Park music festival proposai Over Uic past two years much bas been happening at Uic cleven acre "Wc'r c In The Hlayfield Now" daylily gardens on Pollard Road wcst of Orono. Douglas Lyccît and Henry Lorrain nccd only turn on their Apple computer for a compîcte sketch of the operation. To go On Saturday, May 28th, from Uic hours of 9 a.m. 10 4 p.m., Uic Great Pine Ridige Kinsmen will be holding Ueir 5th annual Bike- A-Thon and Roadeo, at Clarke High School on Hwy. 35/115. Eight local primary schools in Uic area wiIl bc taking part. The main purpose of Uic event, is 10 promote bicycle safety. Al entrants mnust go through a bicycle safety inspection, trY their abilities on a skill îesting course, then enter onto Uic Bike-A-Thon track which is laid out on the parking lot. It's on tbis îrack, where the students will drive around (for a maximumn 100 laps) 10 generate money from pledges they have collected. During the event, ail entrants receive a prize plus spot prizes are given out t 1hroughout the day. Prizes, further Uic CD/ROM is brought mbt play for coloured pictures of blooms that have been of their creation and now growing in their own gardens. The eleven acres is beginning 10, feel the pinch of expansion. The show of daylilies originally were in smaUl gardens in front of including bicycles for higbcst pledgcs collected, and trophies and medallions for driving abilities will bc prescntcd aI Uic schools at a later date. Free admission t0 this event offers many family attractions, which is being held in conjunction with Canada Fitweek. The Clarington Pire Department's "Pire Safety House", which simulates an actual fire with smoke will be Uiere. T he Pirefighters will take Uic cbildren Urough Uic bouse 10 show thcm tbe proper way 10 escape in a emergency. Clowns, Children's Tractor Pulls, A dunk Tank; Music by Disc Jockey "Yellow Jacket", Pood and Drink and more. Por more information, please phone 436- 1636 or 983-9540. thc house. These gardens have expanded to an interesting backyard and barnyard space formcd by the "U"-shapcd barns. .You will walk, a littlc farthcr for other larger gardens wcll spaccd in Uic former hayficld. There is ~no doubt that daylily growing at We're In The Hayfield Now is consurning more propcrty -more time. Mr. Lyccît spcaks of plans that extcnd 10 five years in the future with lilac bcdges and rose hedges to border Uic property. Mr. Lycctt il had been (Continued page 3) The Mosport Park Limitcd proposal 10 obtain rezoning t0 allow music festivals, concerts and other entertainment events wcnt down 10 defeat on Monday night aI council through a tic vote. With an even number of counilors, six, preserit a tic vote was possible and did corne 10 pass as bas been the case on a number of occasions Uiis year. Carson Elliott who was recently appointcd t10 fUic eposition of Regional councillor for Ward Two was not prescrnt. Council took thc usual split of Councillors Novak, Hannah and O'Toolc opposing the rezoning application while Councillors Scott, Dreslinski and Mayor Hamrc wcre in support of the application. Prior to council meeting on Monday night legal counsci for the Municipality and that of Mosport had corne to an agreement stipulating conditions under-which festivals and concerts çould e held. 'fIce conditions were substantial including such items as security for private property with off-duty officers acting in and outside of Mosport. Programi activities would bc limited 10 il p.m.; fire safety measures would have 10 mecclUic condition of thc police and fire department; no off-site parking would be allowcd and would be strictly enforced; the camping area would be fenced and away from the north-wcst corner. Mosport also agreed to provide liability insurance along with funds which could amount 10 $50,000 t0 bc used for private property damage. Agreementwas also reached tb Uic appointment of 'an arbitrator to handie claiis' of damage. Attendance would bc limited to 50,000 and campers limited t0 20,000. Mosport would also set- up a Hot Line to0 handie al concerns and problems that may arise during thc event and up t0 72 hours prior to the event and 24 hours after the event. The Hot Line would be able 10 give immediate response 10 the concerns. The level of policing would be scttled by Durham Regional Police. Mr. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer for the municipality stated that thc two parties had met ail day Monday to corne up with' the term of conditions. He said there were problems that couldn't, be alleviated, one bceing noise. He also admitted that incidents will (Continued page 4) Recording the resuits of waste reduction at Newcastle Happenings.. Orono School Fun-Fair The Orono Public School's Fun Pair will be held this Thursday -,i15 bo 8 p.m, in die school. Thierc will be plenty of activities for evcryone to cnjoy, gamnes and events will cost 50 e ach and ail funds raiscd will go dircctly back into thie sehool. Sece you there! Book store in Orono presents Homieopathic Talk Crystal Pages Cave, the Orono used book store 5500 Main St., prescrits Dr. J HawrylAk, D.C., on Wed., April 27, 7:30 who will bc speaking on Homcopathdic Treatnicnt for back pain. Cost is $8./person and refreshimcnts will be served. Live Musical Devotions The Orono United Church will be presenting a night of Live Musical Devotions featuring Uic Bowmanville S)alvation Army Band, Sweet Charity - Close Harmony and a Comnmunity Hymn Sing on Sunday, May Ist, beginning at 7 p.m. Main Hall. Free Will Offering.,ý Ryani McCracken and Heather Houston of Uic Newcastle Public Schiool outlines to Mrs. Judi Armstrong, chair of the Nor- thumberland and Claringlon Board of Education, Uic records of school waste reduction accomplished over Uic pastthUrce years. The opporlunity 10 outline the process camne due to an Environnmential Launch in cedc- bration of Earthi Week and the green efforts of the Onitario School Boards' Association. The Association is being assisted by the Ministry of Uic Environment and Energy. The Newcastle Public School was chosen for Uic launch by ic Association and Uic local school board due 10 Uic fine effort that has been made at Uic Newcastle (Continued page 3) Kinsmen prepare for May 28 Bike-A-Thon an d Roadeo_

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