6 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday,, April 27, 19 Orono Cubs place well, in Car Rally event Orono Fire Catis SThe foltowing fire catis were' received by the Ctarington Fire Department, Station 3, Orono, for the weeks Aprit 7 through Aprit 20. April 9th at 1:30 p.m., grass fire, at 46 10 Conc. 6. April lOth at 1:51 p.m., car fire, 6493 Hwy. 115. At 6:22 p.m., rubbish fire, 3296 Taunton Road. April lSth at 2:27 p.m., grass fire, 8169 Langstaff Road. The Orono Wotf Cubs were successful competitors in the meent Car Ratty for speed and design. Willy Lofgren ptaced 3rd in the Orono event and 25th in the A Musical Week-end Perhaps we should say "An Extended Musical Week-end" for it was Thursday evening with a concert in the Orono Town Hall that it all began., The Clarington Concert Band performned another of ils concerts in the Orono Town Hall and wil be going public on a number of such concerts from now until, at least, the end of the summer. Last Thursday's concert was entitled "Concert In The Park" and as such started off with a Sousa march "Manhatten Beach". -The program also featured an AUâà Sax solo by Kristin Plummer of Orono and a trumpet solo by Albert Curtis, the band's new assistant conductor. The audience was as wel receptive to the toe-tapping portions of the final two selfctions, "Country Hits" and "Cranberry Corniers". 'ne Concert Band is showing considerabte improvement being, now well into its second year of operation. t has, lost some members over the past year but those that remain are committed to the weekly practices and outings. The band has comne a long way when one considers development has -come only through a weekty two-hour practice. It was from the Clarîngton Band on Thursday night in Orono to the Clarke High Schoot where a two-day Jazz event was being held, vocal and instrumental, and by groups from within the board area. t is flot that I hecard die ful program by any means but what we did hear was great. There was a feeling for music, good expression and lots of ability. District event; Jeremy Hodgson was second in Orono for speed and first for speed in the district event. Darryl McNair placed first for speed in Orono and 26th for speed at the district; Stephen On Saturday 1 left the local scene of music and travelled to Toronto. t was the Salvation Armiy Spring Festival featuring four bands including the International Staff band. In total 140 top-notch miusicians. The bands played as individual bands and as welt as massed bands throughout a two- hour programn. t would have to be the ultimate in brass bands and two solos, a baritone solo anid 'h trumpet solo were of a calibre to leave one breatheless. I wouldn't run home to get out thie trumpet to do likewise. Rather I felt as if I could pack it up and pack it in as a trumpet player. But I wilt continue playing realizing that at times I do hit the right note at the right time. But Peggy Thomas of the Chicago Staff Band playing "Song of Exultation" as a trumpet solo was terrific, so clear, so distinct and precise and making it look 50 easy. A considerable number fromn the Clarington Band were in attendance at the Toronto event. t does show the interest that members of the local band have in music. A good omen for the future of the local band. The final musical treat of the week-end was with the Sunday presentation of the St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanvitle, Performing Arts Series. "Open Line" an ensemble of trumpet/piano and accordian was a rallier unusual combination. But here again it was a professional presentation of technique with the two artists and with a varied program. A vocal rendition of Danny Boy was possibly the hit of the program. The old standards are stili favourites and Danny Boy Webb was first for design in Orono as well as first at the district. The young competitors are pictured above with their Akela, David Webb. dates back as a standard many many years. The real purpose for my attendance at the Bowmanville event was to hear the trumpet/ accordian combination. Interest- ing I must say with the Sonata beinig beautifually played, almost another Peggy Thomas of the Toronto music festival. 1The Performing Arts Series ait St. Faut winds up the series on May 29 when the "La Jeunesse" the renowned Northumberland Girls' Choir, wil perform. It will be a treat and one flot to miss. FOUNABO Your donations' help give sorneone a second chance. COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP Q SITINO TASK FORCE Low-Ievel Radioactive Waste Management GROUP DE LIAISON COMMUNAUTAIRE GROUP DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs Joint Workshop, Clarington, Hope Township, Port Hope on MITIGATION AND REMEDIATION IN SOURCE COMMUNITIES APRIL 29-30, 1994 TOWNSHIP 0F HOPE, ONTARIO PROPOSED AGENDA Location: Battered Playhouse, Canto 1n North of Highway #2, Welcome Corners TIME: Friday. April 29th, 7:00 p.mn - 9:45 p.m Saturday, April 30th, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., TOPIC The main focus wiII be on defining the potential environmental effects that coul -d occur from the clean--up activities in the source communities, with examples of how they can be deait vwith and what remnediation measures are available. Also, resuits of the long-haul transportation study wviIl be discussed. For further travel directions and information, please contact Dana Kerr ai (905) 987-7786. GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Specîal Evening on the Town for Dinne, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS 1V Limousine Service wili get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. em24 lui. SEWWIE CALL (905) 983-5647 MOBILE (905) 432-4834 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL 1 Environmentally Friendly - Owned and operated by Dwayne and Alvin Souch.