OronôêWeekly Times, Wednesday, pi2719-7 Take part in "Ladies Night O ut" specific case histories citing the example of a gentleman who had suffered from sever psychiatrie problems for over 40 years. He also had much digestive distress. Placed on tbe diet he now lives at home and drives bis own car. A young child, four years old, who was considered to be retarded and had frequent bouts of diarrhea, was placed on the diet after frantic phone calls from ber mother to the autbor. She quickly recovered, and has been in tbe top percentile of ber class ever since. Mrs. Gottscball bas suggested the diet to many people wbo we-re suffering violent bebaviour among other digestive complaints, and once tbeir overtaxed brai ceils were treated to some nutrition, were able to display more normal bebaviour. Tom MacDonald, a resident of Orono, attended the Wednesday lecture, went off grains, sugar and millc immediately, and reported to me two days, later that be feels vastly improved. I expect t0 bear more su ccess stories from others wbo enjoyed our very timely lecture. 'FOOD AND THE GUT REACTION' by Elaine Gottscball, B.A., M.Sc., is available at Crystal Pages 983- 9475 for $ 16.95. paR riuifala SaJ, Ann Bail, Orono and Karen including Quorum products and Elston, Wbitby attended the Children's Educational and 'Ladies' Nigbt Out" evening held Discovery Toys were of interest. in the basement of the Orono Attendance was somewhat United Church. The two ladies disappointing. Revenue from the display of Mary Kay items held evening -is being donated to the interest for those i attendance. operation of the Orono Drop-In A number of other bootbs Centre. "F'ood and Gut Racion" topicatCirystal Pagres by Palt rwin LyceUt A marvellous book, 'Food and' the Gut Reaction', was the topic of the Wednesday evening opening lecture at Crystal Pages Cave, tbe book store i Omno. Mrs. Elaine Gottscball, wbo researcbed, studied and produced this book as a result of caring for a very sick daugbter, drove from London to deliver a most enervating talk t0 a capacity audience. Sbe knows ber subject inside and out, bas appeared more than once on the Dii Petty Show (followed by a sale of 23,000 books), and approaches ber audience with a fervor that can corne only from success. 0f tbe 600 clients wbo bave sougbt ber advice in tbe past few years amost al bave been belped. .According to tbe autbor, restructuring tbe diet, understanding the reason tbat some foods produce cramps and diarrbea, and learning alternative ways to eat witb bealtb and variety are tbe cornerstones of ber message; a message of bope for tbose who suffer-from Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colis, Diverticulitis, Celiac Disease, ""-stic Fibrosis and Cbronic --nbrea. DIGESTION IS THE GREAT SUCCESS 0F LIFE! Taking in empty calories (calories without nutritional value) is a harmful practise because they do not digest. A prime example of an empty calorie is sugar. Caloric energy cannot be used as is, but must be changecl (by the addition of vitamins and minerals) to celular energy. WitJiout receiving proper nutrition (nutrients absorbed and assimilated into tbe blood streamn), our vital organs, including tbe brain, are not capable of doing their work. WHAT THE PATIENT TAKES BEYOND HIS POWER TO DIGEST, DOES HARM! Intestinal bealtb tbrougb tbe use of The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is tbe thesis of tbis book. The word Carbohydrate covers a very wide range, and in Ibis diet one must liinit carbobydrate intake to those found only in fruits, boney, proper-prepared yogurt and a specified list of vegetables and nuls. Beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fisb, eggs and natural cheeses are allowed. Glucose is tolerated because it is a PREDIGESTED SINGLE SUGAR, found i fruits and boney. DOUBLE SUGARS AND STARCHES require an extra enzyme action for digestion, an d Lhe-y are the culprits causing the problemn in those suffering from intestinal disease. The cel permeabiity of food is improved by cooking, and steaming is -the method preferred. Wbile il is true Ibat eating raw produce gives tbe best nutritional value, one cannot take advantage of tbis fact if o ne is experiencing chronic diarrhea due btb te digestive organs traumnatized processing abilities. Undigested refinied carbobydrates (not on diet) support an over-production of bacteria in the guI. Undigested, unabsorbed carbobydrates produce quantities of troublesome gas, bloating, and often bloody diarrhea. Mrs. Goîtschall referred 10 ---- ------ - - - - --- - - - -- - ITHE I iPýs SAL IýF T"l- I ISO I o onycnyubyanwcmose o ut$5 u o ca ler i-ocmota n fDra einsfe How-To Compost Workshops. Expert staff wiIl be on hand to demonstrate the proper care and maintenance of your composter at the following location. Newas#tleast of M(905)Street7I Newast2eaumbef (95)l987-471 Saturday April 30, 9 a.m - 3 p.m. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I t For'more information on Composting or Grasscycling please contact the Durham Pegion Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or coul the Compost Hotline at 1-800-667-5671 Oro Fundedin port by the M nsr f nioment and Energy 'DURHAM.-