l*Ia..à......4..... The Hospital Hoppin'Foundation event Want 407 extended easterly The Region of Durham council is urging the province to build an eastern section of 407 at the same time as they build a western link to Highway 48 (Markham Road). Durham states the eastern section is urgently needed to relieve congestion on 401 that is costing economic loss of upward of $2 billion a year. 'Me say that GM is bcing disadvantagcd by inadequate roads and that the just-in-time scheduling is hampered. Some 1200 trucks travel to the GM plant daily. The Campaign was kicked off (holding up their "record" with an injection of funds from donation of $6,000), Mary three major donors. Left to right - Fletcher of the hospital Auxiliary Councillor Larry Hannah, with record $25,000 donation, Foundation Chairman Rex and Gord Milis, M.P.P. for Walters, Rick Donald and Frank Durham East. Vanderzwet of Oshawa Ski Club Foundation launches We're Better Together" campaign Memorial Hospital launched its- first annual equipment campaign with a bang April 16 at a lively '50s-60's dance at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. The Hospital Hop was arranged by a committee of Memorial staff in conjunction with the Foundation Board as a fun way to raise money and make the public aware of the campaign. 'Throurghout the year, you'll be hearing (and seeing) the phrase "We're Better Together" as the hospital appeals to the community through various- fundraising strategies to generate money for equipment purchases not funded by the Ministry of Health. The target is $250,000, designated for equipment needed in the laboratory, cardiology and surgery departmnents. At the Hop,- Gord Milîs, M.P.P. for Durham East announced the officiai start of the campaign. Milîs was accompanied by councilor Larry Hannah. Foundation Chaîrman Rex Walters was on hand to accept three major donations from Oshawa Ski Club, Mr. Clarence and Mrs. Lena Soper, and the hospital Auxiliary. The ski club, represented by President Frank Vanderzwet and Vice-President Rick Donald, gave a cheque of $6,000 gathered from proceeds of the club's annual Mens Day. Although Mr. and Mrs. Soper were unable to attend, their private donation was $ 10,000. And Mary Fletcher, President of the Auxiliary, continued that group's unflaggîng support with a $25,000 contribution, bringing the grand total to $41,000. The economie times we are living in make fundraising campaigns'an essential part of hospital revenue planning. Cutbacks that most of us are all too. familiar with don't allow for any extra equipment purchases. In order to continue providing the most up-to-date technology avaîlable to the community, the Memorial Hospital Foundation is committed to demonstrating how "We're Better Together". GOOD HEALTH - NATURALLY l by Sandra Topper, Cert. Reflexologist, Aromnatherapist Fibre Fac±s - Part 2 1 The benefits of fibre relate to its activity in the digestive tract. Soluble and insoluble fibres have different effeets. Water soluble fibre contains pectin and gums and are found in beans, rolled oats, fruits and vegetables. These foods makes us feel full by slowing down the release of food *"ý>tn the stomach. Soluble fibre ý.-also been shown to slow the digestion of carbohydrates and the entry of sugar into the blood stream which is important in the. management of diabetes. Soluble fibres also have been shown to lower blood cholesterol. Insoluble fibre contains cellulose, himicellulose and lignin which are found in cereals and grains increase bulk in the intestine. Insoluble fibres hold water which causes stools to be bulkier, softer and pass more quickly and easily through the intestines. The effects of the various fibres of food are not yet totally known but there is unanimous agreement that dietary fibre is useful in treating constipation and diverticular disease. While the scientific evidence is indirect, there does seemi to bc some correlati on between diets high in fibre and 10w in fat and the incidence of colon cancer. Source: The Regional Municipality of Durham, Department of Health Service. Note: When in doubt about any medical condition always consult your Doctor. MAKE IT A MEMORABLE z DIAMOND EARRINGS 14 kT. DO 171 0.03 CARAT T.W. REG. $39 SALE $29 DD 172 0.05 CARAT TW. REG. $69 SALE $49 DO 173 0.10 CARAT T.W. REG. $139 SALE $99 DO 174 0.15 CARAT T.W. REG. $199 SALE $149 DO 175 0.20 CARAT T.W. REG. $279 SALE $199 DO 176 0.25 CARAT T.W. REG. $349 SALE $249 ONEIDA PLACE SE1TINGS IN STOCK UP TO 50% OFF GLASS rHUMMINGBIRD 22 kt. GQLD OVERLEAF REG. $27.95 NOW $1 9.95 LAURALIM CRYSTAL "SUN CATCH ERS" REG. $14.95 NOW $9.95 r LUIE BURD)S OF AOFFES 0FHPPIFES BULOVA * LORUS SEIKO - PULSAR WATCH ES 20% OFF with "Free Battery" Card BOHEMIA "CZECHOSLOVAKIA" CRYSTAL VSS& BOWLS 15% oOFF HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 39 KING STREET WEST, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO LiCliR2 "Your familyjewefler since 1945" 623-5747 STORE HOURS: MON.-THURS. 9-6; FRI. 9-9; SAT. 9-5 ........... .............