OronêWeekly Tim~. Wed*~uy1 May 4,1994-n SALLY STAPLES* REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD., REALTOR* ! e_ acll-rdlnîl -- Thlinking of seffing? Caff mefor afree appraisa( - taIkç advantage of thie est market conditions in years! 623-6000 Country paradise - a picturesque drive winds is way up tai tiis inviing four bedrocm home, complote wilit dramatio, catitedrai oeilinged living noom, stone fireplace, huge bright kitchen, four baths and fully finished basement with second kitchen and bathroom - al averiaoking thecrysta dlear pond backed witit birches. The 8 stail horse barn and six paddocks side directly an ta the Conservation area. Cati for al lte details ...- $299,000. LISTED Easy Gare - Easy Life! Orono Village - a delightful backsplît located an a mature .28 acre lot, yaull lave the tayaut, including eat-în kitchen, separate dining room, three bedrooms and family noom with fireplace. Recent upgrades include new vinyl windows tiraugitout, roof redone in '93, new broadloom and new steel doors. The double paved drive leads ta a carpart and large garden shted. Extra canvenient location .., $1 28,900. < j 0,£JLFUU 24 hw. pager COUNTRY LOT Family Pleaserl PICTURE NOT AVAILABLE Towering trees enhance this immaculate five bedroomf bungalow. The sliding glass watk-out from the separate dining raom Ieads ta a huge, private dock oveftoking lte surrounding fafmland. Tastefully decorated throughout the fulty finished besement indludes a lovety big rec roon and woadstove. The detached garage cornes with fult ýbasement ... $ 990 December 1972 The Orono Hydro and Water manager, follewing a request by the Orono Trustee a month ago, contacted the Ontario Water Resources Commission by letter asking at wbat stage the development cf the second well bad now approached. Altbough Orono Police Trustees bad given approval to complete the project nothing had been beard by tbe group for two to thive months. Tbere were five tables of eucbre at Kirby Centennial Scbool on Saturday nigbt. The weather was stormy as usual but we enjoyed ourselves just the saine. Higb lady for the evening was Doreen Lowery, high gent Janice Rutherford, low lady Norma Moffat and low gent Ruth Chater. The door prize was won by Bob Golder. On Monday tbe electors cf Clarke gave more tban the required percentage to pass three of the seven questions on the liquor vote; Liquor Store - 1131 Yes, 460 No; Bear'Store - 1028 Yes, 542 No; Wine Store - 976 Yes, 595 No. The Orono Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring its annual Fantily Christmas Party at tbe Orono Arena this Sunday, December 17th. December 1982, The Hooey barn at the north cf the village and wbich bas been a land-mark for years was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday afternoon with the fu"e departient continuing into the nigbt containing the burning of the contents. David Nickerson, a student at ,no Public Sohool, was k._0s-=ted with the School Letter at the opening ceremonies at the school on Monday by John Reid, principal. David has been the top student at the Orono School over the past two years in collecting contributions for UNICEF. Tbis past Halloween David collected a total of $40.00 for UNICEF. The annual Heathe.r-Rebekah Lodge bazaar was held on Saturday. Bertha White and May Allen kept busy at their booth with the many customers wbo visited the annual event., The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority held their annual sleigh ride at the forest centre last Saturday afternoon with over 200 in attendance. 'Me group were transported throughout the forest trail by horse and wagon. Free bot dogs and bot chocolate were provided. Yvonne Maitland, wife cf Frank Maitland and daughter of Dini and Klaas Schoenmaker, graduated from Trent University, wbere she received ber Bachelor of Arts Degree in Englisb. The awarding of a contract to Regional Reclaimers for the collection cf garbage in Orono and Newcastle was stalled Monday when Councs. Hamre and Taylor called for te tabling cf the item on the agenda. Hainre asked tbat council table the awarding cf the contract until such turne as Regional Reclaimers could prove that bonouring the contract would not bc in violation COMING EVENTS ELMIRA CRAFT SHOW: Saturday, May 14. 9a.m.-S p.m.; Sunday, May 15, 10 s.m.- p.m. Over 80 vendors. Adults $2.50, Children under 12, Iree. Elmira Arena/community Centre, nex to Raceway. Int o: (519) 669-2533. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING t the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Nex Clasa: JuIy 16-22. Inormation, contact: Soul'hwesterm Ontario School of Auctioneering. R.R.#S. Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN may have teaching opportunities in your ares. If you have paobackground, caîl for information about Tacn.her Training Seminars 1-800-561-1692. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $12000 in pries yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poemn 20 lies or less: National Library 0f Poetry. Box 704- N, Owings Mill, Md 21117. MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE! ConventionaV/Equity 1 st and 2nds Land, Cottage, Renovation, Construction. Consolidate Bils inito low monthly payments. Cal Barham Invesîment Corporation tol free 1-800-265-2694! MORTGAGE S, MONEY AVAILABLE. Any Purposel Credit Carda. Buis, Construction, Arrears, Purchase, Refinance. Example $20.000 psy $23500 monthly, DavidlKevin (416) 447- 2200, (416) 538-8297. Donmills Financial. al may qualify! PERSONALS BIRTH FAMILY SEND GREETINGS TO: Sullivan, Tanya Louise, 01-20-73; McAllister, of their landfil site licence. The Orono Cubs were flot to be left out as far as Santa was concerned and Santa visited the group on Monday evening ini the basement of the Orono United Church. A group of musicians - Carlos Tamblyn, James Lowery, Carman White, Clare Nesbitt and drummer Alvin Yeo, provided music for dancing at the Orono Senior Citizen party, held at the Orono Oddfellows Hall. MOTOCYCLE1 INSURANCEN Cynthia, Lou, 05-28-63; Beaton, Mark Joseph, 04-12-59: McDonald. Uisa Carey, 01-23-70; Keane, Shirley Ann, 08-15-42; Maracle, ???, 1950-1954; Vareny, Lauren, 11-07-58; King, David Christopher, 06-06-59; Ouderkirk. ???, 12- 67; Parent Finders 416-760-7759. ADOPTION ADOPTION - AN OPTION! Affectionate. fun couple seek to provide Ioving home with "Stay At Home" Mom for your newborn. Ail legal expenses paid 1-800-420-9471, anytirne STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS. S. Modela, straightwalla. Many ies to chooae from. For Value. Ouaîity and Integrily. cal Future Steel Buildings 1 -800-668-8653. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Straitwatl Type - not quonset- 32x54 $8,257; 40x72 $12.512; 50x90 $17,843; 60x126 $27330 - other sizes available - Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 H-ours 1 -800-263-8499. WATKINS DESIGN dealer for Steelway Building Sytems, CSA certilied, arenas, commercial, fsrm, etc. Top quaîity woodlsteeî or ail steel building. Contracting available 1-613-764-3552. VACATION RENTALS 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES w/showers. Swimming & fishing. Book now 1-613-336-2342. Also seasonal trailer sites avalable. Caîl 1-905-662-2042. 9 COTTAGES, TRAILER SITES. 2 yr-rnd homes on approx. 325' waler frontage, 4 acres, newly updated, excellent opportunfty, sale due to ilness. $400.000 firm. 1 -905-662-6533. 170 7. The Orono Town Hall wbîch bas. been untouched through the years has now been chosen as the location for a political rally in te movie, "The Dead Zone". The film "The Dead Zone" is based on a book of the same naine written by Stephen King and will star Christopher Walken, Martin Sheen and Brook Adams. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders wiIl bs received by the undersigned Solicitor up ta 12:00 o'clcck nmon on Saturday the l4th day cf May, 1994 for the purchase cf two real properties cf the Estate cf Clarence Greenly Burley, by separate tenders, ccnsisting of the following: EIBýTLX A farm including house and farm buildings, comprising the South haff Lot 20 and the South East Quarter cf the Road Allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 4 cf the Geographic Township of Clarke, in the Municipality cf Clarington, containing 110 acres, more or less. Vacant farm lands, comprising the North 50 acres of Lot 16 Concession 4 cf the Geographic Township of Clarke in the Municipality cf Clarington. Terme: 10% cf price with tender; balance ta be paid in cash an cdosing; closing date te be arranged. Highest or any tender net necessarily accepted. Inspection cf the properties may be arranged by contacting Hazel Pigott, Exeoutrix, 183 Church St., Orena, Ontaria, Phone (905> 983-5973. W. Kay Lycett, O.C., Box 87,5301 Main St., Orona, Ontario. Phone 983-5007; Fax 983-9022 0ES Coi'l me to buy or seil ... Orono and area's. real estate rep. 4 Krystyna Jones ecilty-Net ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)lnc. 1050 SIMCOOSST. N 103 -OSHAWA lii...TEL:(905)721-2112 LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL o e LOT TO BUILD ON? CALL ME FOR MORE INFOI associate Droker __________JUST 13 Acres of Tran quiltyl CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. Yuadculd appear in communhty newapapera in Ontario, or right acrosa Canada, Or an>' individual province. Space la Limited, so Cali This Newapaper Toda>'! 4