0ro~io WeelcIy Tlmes, Wedessdoy~ Mai, 4 1994 - ýiceDireCtory SE V]CE jjp cjj'p-y; el.9350 oo lAETOY e * A-30 C= mmqz ROLFE BEV. A INSURANCE WAKEFIELD0 e e 983-9438 83 King Street West Newca3tle, Ontario Il B 1 L2 Telephone 905> 987-3200 %xMatthews &Associates INSURANCE BRO4ERS LTD. Pauline Moto, A.C., C.l.B. Branch Manager O HAMILTONS ~INSURANCE SERVICE à 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 ORONO LOB 1iMO 1-905-983-5115 Fax i1-905-983-8228 Women h Abuse Relationships For Help Cal "The Denise House"t For Women and Children Toîl Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidentially Assured If you want to drink, That's your business. If you want te stop, Thats ours. cail Alcoholics Anonymous, Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 011 HE J' AND STRýO&E FOU NDATION Improzing your o"d againsi Ca nu,ýL 'l kili: VIDEO PRODUCTION Weddings. Anniversaries, et Overseas video conversiom- to & from every country. 8mm films, slides & picture to video. Vldeo TimeIess Treasur 436-2992 Profe-ssional Car Stere Instajiations, Sales an Service, Kenwood, Clario Orion, SHOWTIME T.V. STEREO, 1000 William St. Cobourg, 373-01265. 'Me Sun is hot SPRING IS HERE The time for grass cutting is near. But you're so busy You cant do it al, So why dont you once ag air give me a cail? 983-9895 - Tomas 27A4 Homelite String Trimmers C.W. LEMON SmalI Enigines Phone 987-5200 3rd Line east of Hwy. lf Newcastle May4, 11, 18,25, WES'S SmaIl Engine Repal We Do I Ail SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SH-ARPENING YOU NA ME IT WE DO IT 5105 Main St., Orono For service cail (905) 983-9772 t u 4 1 M N GR M NT A ja x a d P c k e r n g 0 INORMAION General l-ospai es SYSTEMS Ifyou are an innovative, dynamic leader with solid MIS SS credenials then this opportunity may be cf interest ta youl The Ajax/Pickering and Bowmanville haspitals are undertaking a joint venture in the implementation of common MIS solutions ta meet patient care, financial and other administrative programn reo needs. You will provide overaîl direction in the use cf information nd technology te the 2 hospitals and manage MIS resources and Dn, activîtes te ensure that initiatives correspond te faciiity strategic & plans. tn The successfui candidate wiiI have a degree in computer science, or equivalent combinateon ef education and experience. You will aise have a proven track record in systems implementation and overaJl computer operations management, preferably in the heaith care field and possess excellent knewledge of micro computer applications, indluding LAN, WAN and Neveil software and related hardware. Strong leadership, planning, organizationai, analytical, interpersonal and communication skiils are aise required. in If you possess the above-noted qualifications please send a detailed resumne by May 18, 1994 te: ac Huan Resources Department 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanvlle, Ontario 1L1C 2N4 We thank ail applicants for their interest but advise that enly those selected for an interview wilI be contacted. The AjaxlPickering aid Bowmanville Hospitals are Equal Opportunity Employers. 5 ap r Heather Rebekali Lodge Chili Luncheon Oddfellows Hall Thursday, May l2th 11:30'a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Contact Violet Dunlop 983-5212 or Joyce Major 983-5858 for tickets. Apt 27, May 4, il ac Kendal United Church Wonien SPECIAL SERVICE Sunday, May lSth 11:15 a.m. at Kendal United Church Guest Speaker Denzil Dale, of Oshawa Special lunch to follow. Everyone Invited 4,11, ap General sewing donc in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761. r Used Sega & Super Nintendo gamnes and players. Will buy seil or trade. Call Linda 372-4110. f Blackjack dealers neededwith or without experience. Professional training availabie. Earn $10-$25 per hr. Guaranteed job placement. Phone (905) 435-8199. Apr. 20, - May il ac Interested in part-timne sales? Contact the Orono Weekly Times. Phone 983-5301 for appomntment. SHINE! wîth AppI&s no wax finishAP E ~~ POISHING -SYSTEMSawb - Exterior Cleaning -Restoring - Poishing - Protecting Interior - Engine Shampooing - Written Guarantee 404-6273 (mobile) Orono "YOUR VEHICLE CARE EXPERTS. [,ý,WJÙAPPLES Fred's Apples everyday, is the healthy way.. Fruit Market Crlsp and Fresh C.A. McINTOSH, EMPIRE, JOHNAGOLD, MUTSU, CRISPEN, SPY & DELICIOUS Wileys 100% Pure Fruit Juices FREDYS PURE APPLE CIDER Farm Fresh White & Brown Eggs, Browns Potatoos _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..........._