Orono Weekly Times, Wedneeday,. Mey 4, 1994.- 3 Queen par from Gord Mils, MPP Durham East Last week, down at Queen's Park the focus of Question Period was the allocation of money to the Supportive Housing Coalition, a Toronto social agency, in spite of the advise of the Provincial Auditor niot to. Sean Conway, acting Liberal Leader of the day, attacked the Mimister of Housing in his nice grand way, until he suddenly turned the shade of tribulated vermilion and put his finger on the button marked "push" to up the level of assault on Evelyn Gigantes. Mike Harris, when bis turn came, took quite the delight in spreading across Ms. Gigantes' face, a tale of mismanagement of government funds. The Minister of Housing, rather effectively I thought, took ail the sting out of the attack, when she calmly pointed out that the Supportive Housing Coalition had received no new funding from our government since 1990. However, the Coalition continues to have allocationrs that were allocated under the former Liberal government in the late 1980s. 'Me reaction to this news hy Mr.'s Conway and Harris was oddly muted. Like most other senior's who - 1to Florida, 1 was very ý ,,_ýpointed by the Minister of Health, who decided that the daily level of out-of-country OHIP coverage be reduccd from $400 daily to $100 daily. This action of course means higher insurance costs, and makes it that much more difficult for seniors to spend the winter months in warmer climes. The savings Ito the Ministry of Health will bc $200 million a year. 1 can tell ail the seniors in the riding that 1 didn't îk Report hesitate to express my feelings on this decision to Ruth Grier. Some people, including many in our government caucus, dling to the myth that seniors who go south ini the winter are well-off and can afford the extra cost of health insurance. That myth couldn't bc further from the truth - read on. Having been told by the Minister of Health on Tuesday morning of the impending announicement, 1 meet with the Directors of the Canadian Snowbird Association, and insurance company executives, on Wednesday momning to discuss the impact of the cuts in daily OHIP coverage. From the Canadian Snowbird Association 1 was told that 90% of all seniors wintering south have an annual income that doesn't exceed $2 1,000. Travel south last wmnter was down 30% and the impact on travel, brought about by the latest cuts, suggests that travel this coming winter could fail by 45%. 1 arn pressing the Minister of Health to give me the statistics to show the difference in health costs for seniors who spend the winter here, compared with savings in costs when seniors are in more healthy climate for the winter. 1 already know that seniors suffering from various forms of arthritis, depend less on the health carç systemn while in a warmer climate. I will continue to press for more favourable treairnent of seniors in respect ta hcalth care. My discussion with the insurance company executives centred upon making insurance mo re affordable to those with an existing medical condition, and lowering premiums for those 70 (continued page 5) Ganaraska to celebrate 5Oth Happy 91dh Anniversary Ste yen anniversary at On Saturday, May l4th the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Richardson Ganaraska Watershed report which sparked the conservation movement in Ontario. It was also the beginning of the Ganaraska Forest which now stands as a living monument to the conservation movement in this area. The occasion is being marked at the Ganaraska Forest Centre, located on the boundary rond between Clarington and Hope, north of Regional Road 9. -The activities of tree planting, the unveiling of a rock monu- ment, conservation displays, time capsule, video presentations and a forest tour are to take place starting at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to this special celebration. Individuals and groups are encouraged to become involved with the celebrations and are asked to caîl 905-885-8173 if Forest Centre interested. It was in 1944 that the Ganaraska Report was completed and quickly became the centre piece for the conservation movement throughout Ontario. The report was also the birth of the Ganaraska Region Conser- vation Authority. Since that time the forest, including the Durham Forest and the Ganaraska Forest have grown to cover what had been desolate, barren lands in the north of Clarke Township and Hope Township. The forces now enhance some 10,500 acres of land mainly covered with trees which are absorbing carbon dioxide, providing habitat for wildlifé and birds, reducîng run- off and playing a part in, recreational activities. The fiftieth anniversary ceremonieïs at the Forest Centre on Saturday, May 14 commencing at 2:00 in the afternoon. NEW POLICY ON RAFFLES AND LOTTERIES The trustees last week gave approval of a new "campaign for funds" policy for schools which will allow parent-based commnittees to operate raffles, gamnes of chance or lotteries to raise monies for sehool. The event cannot be held in the scbools or on school properties. Restaurant and Fine Foods NOW OPEN SUNDAYS for lunch and aftemoon coffee & cake 11 am. -4 p.m. (Commencdng May 8th) Join us May 8th for our spedal MOTHER'S DAY LUNCH l12.50 p.p. 1/2 price for children under 12 RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED 885-2323 61-63 Walton Street, Port Hope' Love your Bunch Annette, Ryan, Alex and Jennifer OnIy (INCLUDES FREIGHT &P.D. 1) INTEREST FREE until Oct. Ist, 1994 4.9% FINANCINGM..... for 24 months (OAC) The 17-hp F,525 with 48-incli mower can eliminate much of the time normally required to trim by hand. Leaving you extra lime for more leisurely pursuits. Three-wheel design. Tight 7 1/2-inch turning radius. Exclusive 2-pedal hydrostatic drive. Quick-adjust cutting height, 1 to 4 inches. NOTHING RUNS LIKE A DEERE9u-. JOHNr DEERE SALES & SER VICE Taunton Road, West of Orono 983-9119 HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Fr1. 8 a.m. - 6 pm.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.