Wi nner of president's trophy at Home Show Bliglit iicrcauc 1n Boxd '~Y~.of Education taxation The Trustees with the Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education last week gave their approval to the 1994 budget which wil see an average 1.45 percent increase in their mill rate. The inecase in Clarington is less than the board average and has been set locally at .56 percent or about $5.00 on the average residential tax bill. Thetotal budget was set at $14 1.7 million which represents a decrease of $11 million of that of last year. Wilf Day chairman of the finance committee said that operating costs per student are down by 3.7 percent from that of 1993 but "due to provincial cuts this overali decrease stili translates into an average 1.45 percent increase. It has been stated that the 1.45 percent increase will translate into $12 for the average tax bill in the school jurisdiction., The budget passes with no cuts in prograre or staff but will see supplies and service culs by three percent. These cuts corne in the local schools, a reduction in rates paid to bus operators and cuLs in hydro and staff benefit cuts. Class sizes have increased by one to two students on average. The display by Evergreen Farm and Garden Ltd, Orono, Taunton Rond, featuring John Deere equipment, was presented with the President's Plaque at the Bowmanville Kinsmen Home Show. Mirs. Marilyn Morawitz and Helmut Klein are manning the display. The display had natural grass. The home show held in the Bowmanville Recreation Centre. AU exhibitors, and there were many, said the show was Downtown to take part hi Countxyslde Adventur Paringdowntown Orono agarn cornes Mr. Walter Evans, Director of Public Works met with members of the Orono, Downtown Busi- ness Association on Wednesday of last week Mr. Evans informed the meeting that the Municipality had included a sum of $25,000 in the annual budget for a downtown parking lot in Orono. He said consideration had been given to locating a parking on the grounds of the library where at least forty cars could be accommodated. He said it was apparent from discussions that there was a concemn as to enforcement of the parking regulations and this would have to be considered along with a parking area A number of alternatives were considered other dhandte library property but were considered too far away from the business area. Mr. Evans said he wanted to take another look at the area north of Mercer 's garage. 1Mr. Evans, Counilor Anne, Dreslînski and Murray Taylor were appointed to meet with members of the library board. Mr. Evans suggested that the three Downtown Business Leigh Street -Io Park .(Continued from page 1) Rutherford park. This will replace the present two culvert that have been acting as a bridge. The Municipality of Clarington held a public meeting on the project in the Orono Town Hall last Thursday. There appeared to be no objection to the to the front Associations, Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville, should join together in considering decorative lighting for their downtown areas and possibly could bc, considered under the Infrastructure program. He said that Bowmanville was interested. The Orono DBIA is 10 purchase additional waste re- ceptacles through the municipality and jointly with other centres. The meeting was informed that the sidewalk on Centre Street, north side, was to be replaced this year. The meeting gave approval for the purchase of new flags and flag poles. The Orono Association is to join with the Clarington Concert Band Lo take part in the Great Ganaraska Countryside Adven- ture being held August 27th and 28th. It is proposed to close off a section of Centre Street from Main 10 Church Street and on Saturday of the event provide a band concert during the noon, hour along with a corn roast and other goodies. plan and many agreed that Station Street was far below standard and that entrance into the park was due for improvement. The land for the new road is ini the process of being purchased for the project. Mr. Evans said the only stipulation was that the new street be called Leigh Street. The property will also provide additional parking area for the two parks in Orono and would be placed midway between the two. attracting greater crowds of people this year over that of former years. The show ran Friday evening through to Sunday afternoon at which time the event was being biled as a great sucess. Join the lawn. care experts 1It is becoming the in-Lhing - grass-cycling. t is a matter of leaving your grass cuttings where they fail. Lawn cars experts agree that grass clippings fertilize your lawn. In fact grass clippings can provide up to one-third of your lawn's nitrogen requirements. Cut grass breaks down quickly and does not cause thatch. Thatch is caused by overfertilizing and/or overwatering your lawn. Grass-cycling encourages deeper root growth enabling your lawn to better survive dry periods. The clippings also reduce evaporation of moisture s0 that this moisture can feed your lawn. It also ensures a steady supply of essential nutrients. They are calling grassclippings natures fertilizer., The Region passes along some lips being: -any rnower can do the job but do keep the blade sharp. -cuL only one-third of the height of grass at each cutting. -leave grass height at 2 10 3 inches. -water up 10 one inch per week. Place a cup on the lawn to guage the depth of water placed on the lawn., More information is available by calling 905-668-7721. The honcymoon is over The engineering firm of Totten Sire Hubicki, Cobourg, who have always been given the nod for work in Port Hope are now going to have to compete in tendering bids for engineering work. The Town bas always had what they called a Gentleman's Agreement with the Cobourg firm. Tenders are being called for the engineering of two road constructions works to be undertaken by Port Hope. CALL (905) 983-5647 MOBILE (905) 432-4834 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL - Environmentally Friendly - Owned and operated by Dwayne and Alvin Souch. Bowmanville Kinsmen Variety Thursday May 5th194 7:00 p.m. Sharp at the Bowmanville Iligh School Auditorium Advance Tickets: CHILDREN - $4.00 (under 4 Years rree) ADULTS - $ 7.00 Tickets at Door- Add $ 1.00 to above prices. [FOR ADVA1NCE TICKÇETS CALL: 623-2765 or 623-1209 ortcesavailable at McGregor's IDA Ail Proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis m24 E.oSýERVICE- Sornething for Everyone - Corne and enjoy this specî.a event. Help support a worth while cause and win thefight agains: CYSTIC FIBROSIS