rSALLY STAPLES * REIMAX C'ORmiNERSTONEc REALTY LTD, REALTOR ass ociate broker 623-600024h.pge riik:i f f hsimcuasbikbuglwsoseapreto Country p aradiso - a picturesque drive wnds its way up te Towering treeu enhance tf-s Immacutate Ive bedroom whishga unace, bratarbuntgal vacshows I eretibond- thiS invitIrlO four bedroom home, comploeowith drama1îc, bungalow. The slidlingglass walk-out tromnthe separate Ca(( me for afree appraisa(t - double attachod garage you won't be dsappointed. cthodral çeilingod living room, mtne fireplace, huge bright dining room leads ta a huge, private deck overlooking Complte wth plush upgradod boadloom and now vinlyl kitchen, four baths and fully finished basement with the surrounding farmland. Tastefully decorated take dvantâe ofthi e st windows youtIl md four bedrooms, two baths, soparato second itchon and bathroom - ail overtooking the crystal throughout Ihe fully finished basement includos a lovely markt coditons n yers! dining mont and huge eat-in ktchon with sldng glass doear pondl backed with birchos. The 8 stall horse bamriand big roc room and woodstove. The detached garage tnr~t OIÛt n i 3eaS! walk-out Io deck and landscapod haîf-acre loi .. six paddocks sido directty on ta the Conservation area. cornes with fullî .en. .. $199,9W0. 623-6000 $ 8,0.Callaoldithe details ... *299,000. .~...:.. . .. . . . . c...E IR .CTOR ESTATE FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 14TH 12:00 Noon Forthe late Chris Jemmett, HillingtonFarm (Perrytown), R.R. 1, Port Hope, farm located on County Rd. 10, 4 miles north of Wekcome, Hwy. 2. JD 2130 diesel tractor w/safgard cab; JD 730 diesel tractor (p.s., 540 pto, good condition); JD 3300 gas combine w/12 ft. grainhead (2700 hrs.); Kvemeland A5 3- furrow plow(Q pth - 16 in.); MF 52 double disc (pull-9ft.); Glencoe 12 ft. cultivator, (pull-rubber); MF 33 seed drill (17 mun); Vicon KM 1241 disc mower conditioner (l yr.); Vicon windrow conditioner (new 3 pth); JD 336 square baler; 2 Walco Forage King basket wagons (3 wheel rubber); Int. 175 manure spreader (single axle, pto); 2 Turnco gravity wagons; Gibson rubber tire land packer; Drumland roller; North American 286 snowblower (pto, dual auger, 7 ft.); Feterl Mod. 70 3 hp. electric rotary screen grain cleaner; 2 platform scales; hydraulic cylinders; 2 hp gas portable sprayer; gas lawn shredder; harrows; goat feeders; shop and mechanic tools; 2 new tube gates (7-1/2 ft.);, fencing; hardware; appx. 1500 bales hay; numerous other items. Nt:Ail rolling stock and equipmnent is in good dlean, condition. Plan to Attend. Refreshments on site. Terms: Cash or Goed Cheque wth .D., AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton, Newtonville 905-786-2244 4,1, ac ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antiques, Coilectables, Household Effects, Garden Tractor SUNDAY, MAY 15TH 11:00 a.m. (vlewing 10 a.m.) Agricultural Building Orono Fafrgrounds (take Main St., Orono, and follow signs) Auction features partial Estate front Orono, plus an excellent offering of antique furniture i original and refinished condition, numerous rare and unique collectables, plus a selection of articlesfound ini and around the home. Partial list includes dining room set; bedroomn set; oalc washstand; several old dressers and chests of drawers; oak 4church pew; drop front desk/book shelf combo; dask & chair; misc. old tables (kitchen, harvest, parlour, work & candle etc.); large selection of old chairs & rockers; 3 old violins; spinning wheel; butter churn; rugs; mirrors; Gingerbeer boutles; Biodiversity Works for Wildlife. You Can Tool crocks & jugs; oil lamps; pine blanket box and storage boxes; old tins; irons; tools;' bottles; graniteware etc. Good selection of glass & china (Depression. RS. Prussia, Nippon. Bennigton Bowl etc.); colour t.v.; plus nuIflerous household effects. Also lawnrollers, Allis Chalmer garden tractor, outboard motor, chain saws etc. A large quality sale, something for one and al. Cati for ail your auctJon needs. (Next Sale Outstanding Estate &Antique Holiday Auction, Sunday, May 22nd> MacGregor & West AuctionS Mike MacGreger 905-987-5402 JunIor West 905-9835556 1 1,ac Ilustration by Christine Kerrgafl Did you know that by improving habitat for birds, you may also be helping bees, beeties, bats, and bears? That's right! When you enhance habitat for one species, you help build life- support sysrems for other wild creatures too. You don't have ro be an expert to improve habitat. Jusr remember that biodiversity - or a variety -of living things - is the key to well-being for ail species. Before you begin a habitat improvement project for birds, here are a few important tips to keep in mind: " Use a mixture of trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, and vines ro attract different birds. The American robin, for example, often builds its first nest of the year in the dense branches of an evergreen. However, a maple, oak, or leafy bush supplies plenty of cover for the robin's second nest site. " Provide plants that do double duty as shelrering spots and snack bars. A single shrub, such as honeysuckle, black raspberry, or staghorn-sumac, can provide shelter, food, and nesting sites for several species of wildlife. *Plant seasonal treats to provide birds and other wildlîfe with a continuous supply of food throughout the year. Prickly gooseberry and Saskatoon-betty offer fruit in summer. American mountain-ash, dogwood, and Manitoba maple are good so urces of fruit and seeds in falI. The most important plants you can provide for wildlife are ones like hawthorn, wild crab-apple, white spruce, and staghorn-sumac, which bear fruit and seeds in winter, when food is hardest to ftnd. To find out about dozens of projects to help wildlife and explore the fascinating theme of biodîversity, get your free copy of the 1994 Habitat 2000 booklet. Contact Canaclian WiIdife Federation Communications Depbartment "2740 Queensview Dr., Ottawa, Ont. K2B 1 A2 Tel.: 1-800-563-9453 721-0245 (Ottawa area) Fax: (613) 721-2902 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS If you plan to seek office in the 1994 Municipal Elections, you must register with the Municipal Clerk before you solicit or accept contributions or incur expenses for the purpose of the election. For more information contact: Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T.. Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmaniville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Date of First Publication: Wednesday, May il, 1994 P.O. 5008 %IJ NES Co$ '0 me tb buy or seI .. Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z ~983-6O1'3 Reolty -Net ASSOCIATES 8(DURHAM)lnc. 1e50 SIMCOE ST N 103 -OSHAWA I...TEL:(905)721-2112 JUST LISTEDI SUPER ORONO VILLAGE HOME ON LARGE LOT, $1 39,900. MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM, GAS HEAT AND MORE.