2- Orono Weekly Times> Wednesday, May 11, 1994 KenjLdal Colum The greatest growth industry If ever there was a growth industry in Canada and in Ontario we would stack gaînbling at the top of the list. To say the least it is coming out our ears. Ibis week an article appears that the Native band of Mississuaguas on Scugog Island have firm plans to construct a major bingo hall and as well hold Monte Carlo gambling. Future plans for the Exhibition grounds in Toronto would also cater to gambling and most municipalities talk about the windfal1 that could exist with a gambling table. It is noi that we don't have enough gambling opportunities at the present ime and we would hesitate to try to list aIl the opportunities that are now available from Lotto 407 to betting on whether the Ottawa Senators will win the Stanley Cup. We don't have to go any further than bere in Orono and the Nevada ticket sales benefiting the Clarington Concert band. Profits for the band could well reach $l10,000 in the first year. And there are other monies directed in this one promotion from the municipalîty, the province and of course the local selling agent. Surely it wil have to stop somewhere and if it doesnt it will likely strangle on its own strength of over-growth. The "buck' bas to come fromn the pocket and the urge to become a millionaire through the purchase of lottery tickets is as grinding as paying taxes and paying the much hated G.S.T. We would bamper a guess that we may get more back through paying taxes and paying the G.S.T. With Ail Good Intentions No doubt it was ail about good intentions the Rotary Club of Bowmanville promotion of the Green Planet Earth prograru to plant some 22,000 seedlings on municipal property in Orono, Bowmanvile and Courtice. The plan involved the Municipality and a boped for work force of 1600 public school students. The municipality allocated the S. B. Rutherford Woods Walk Park in Orono as the site for some 4,000 to 5,000 seedlings wbich under normal circumstances were enough seedlings to plant 3.6 to 4.5 acres of cleared land. The S. B. Rutherford Park does not include that mass of land for 4000 seedlings and one would have to doubt if there was 20 acres of cleared land for the 22,000 seedlings. t is now quite evident that the planting at the Orono location was Dot adequate for the number of seedlings which are spaced in some of the open spaces with couple of feet rather than the six foot spacing regulated for plantations. The seedlings, if they do survive, will change the environment and the ecology of the park. t would become a lree plantation rather than a nature area with a mixed eco-systemn which most people speak about to-day. One case in point is the destruction of an open area in the park that has been a feature of massive bloom of Dam's Rocket and latter the Jewell weed. The survival of the seedlings will wipe out this part of the beauty of the park. The prograins has many benefits but some care should be taken before man plants bis unwanted footprint on a way that nature evolveq Orono Flower showý (Continued from page 1) to Shelley Etmanskie. Best Plant went to Inez Harris. Isabelle Challice was the judge for the show and made a few comments, tbanks to Isabelle. A very enjoyable sing song was beld witb Doreen at the piano,-followed by God Save the Queen. Lunch was served by Minnie Zegers, Carol Mostert, Jennie Bowens and Isabelle Challice, and a social time was had. Our next show is May 26th, Spring and Flower show, guest speaker is Mrs. Sharon McGee from the Bramble Bush Flower Shop in Bowmanville, topie on Flower Design. Winners of the Plant Show are as follows: Section A - Houseplants African Violet, single, one crown, any colour: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Dorothy Barnett; 3) Lorna Atkins African Violet, fancy leaf, ruffled or fluted: 1) Doreen Lowery; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Shelley Etmanskie African Violet, a miniature: 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Shelley Etmasskie; 3) Mfinnie Zegers Geranium, potted up from outside: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Minnie Zegers; 4) Inez Harris Hiouseplant. fançy leaf- po size 4" and under: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) June Heard; 3) Minnie Zegers 1by Phyllis Loweiy Lt certainiy has been cool, doesn't seem like Warmn weather will ever get here. The fields and trees are turning green and there are lots of birds around and the grass is growing, I've already cut grass twice s0 it must be spring. Sunday was a nice breezy day, warmi when the sun was out but cool when it was cloudy. There was a good tumnout at cburch. t is good to see so many children out, of course many of thema are vey young and baven't become involved in sports yet. t seems a shame that sports come first before attending Sunday Sehool, in the winter it is hockey and skiing and in the summer baseball. Ian Savage gave1 the announcements and welcomed ail to church. The hymns were, "You Called Me", "To God Be The Glory", "Our Thanks 0 God For Parents" and "O Lord My Church and Home". Rev. Black led in the Prayer of Scîf-Examination and the Words of Assurance. The children were call ed forward, David asked them if they knew that this was, a special day and wbat iL meant? One cbild said it was Mother's Day and it was the day to honour theas for ail they do for us. David told them that iL is also the day we give tbanks to God for mothers, fathers and aIl members of our family, we also give thanks for the life of Jesus, wbo was also a member of a family. The children's hymn was, "Mothers of Salem". The Seripture readings were from 1 Samuel 1:1-28. The Sermon was titled, "In The Tradition of Hannah". Samuel was considered by most theologians and students of the bible as the second most important person, next ta Moses. Samuel was a product of his faniily, how often have you beard someoône say that a child is the spitting image of their father or mother. Samuel's father was Elkanah, he was a good mas, lhe respected Houjsep2lant. fancy leaf or foliage: pot size over 4": 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Dorothy Barnett; 3) Eleasor Terril Houseplant. flowering. ot size 4" and nder: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Minnie Zegers Houseplant., flowering. pot size over 4L- 1) Shelley Etmasskie; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Eleanor Terril Section B - Decorative Breath f Sring - a design using branhes: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Minnie Zegers Ail Toeher - a ollection of individual potted plants: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Eleasor Terrijl Easter Bonnet -. an arrangement in a bonnet:,1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Inez Harris A very good show. Press Sec. Doreen Lowery bis wife, Hannah. Hannah was loyal to ber husband, consulted bim, she was a woman of faith. Hannah and Elkanah were childless and wben they went to church the others made, fun of her and made her life miserable. To a Jewish woman there was nothing more humiliating then flot to beax children. A man could divorce his wife for this. t was a source of great shame forHannah but Hannah took ber grief to the Lord, she prayed ta the Lord for a son and promised that if she had one she would give him to the chuith. When she gave birth ta aa son asd named him Samuel, she kept her pledge asd when Samuel was four she took him to the church and gave him into the service of the church. Hasnah did flot abandon Samuel, ail her life she worked to make him worthy. The night she left bim at the church, she returned home and cried, Elkanah held her in his armns and comforted ber. As Samuel grew he learned and the Bible says Samuel became a Prophet of the Lord. Wben Samuel spoke, ail Israel listened, what a testimonial to the devotion of Hasnah asd Elkanali. In Mark we read wbere Jesus becamne angry witb the Disciples wben they tried to chase the children away from Jesus. In Luke we read, the Lord said that people that led children astray, sbould have a milîstone tied around their neck and be tossed into the sea. This was a very severe punishment as the people were afraid of the sea. How cas cbildren know Jesus unless they are sbown by adults? How cas they learn ta pray or ta love Jesus if their parents do flot do this? Hannab did flot just take Samuel to churcb and leave bim there, she taught him his faith by ber own example, her faith in the Lord. She had tald him stories of God. There is no doubt that this led to bis becoming the second most powerful man in Israel. Today we hear more and more of violence and crime among children, this is because their parents have flot shown them the love and caring of God. Everyone sceems to have less and less time for church and do flot bring their children to church and Sunday School and do flot show them an example of a christian life. We should be more like Hannah. Dont forget that next Sunday will bc U.C.W. Sunday. When there will be special speakers at ail three churches, Newtonville, Kendal and Shiloh. Services at the regular limes. Seen in the Readers Digest ... "Trust in Ood, but lock your car." St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minister: Rev. Robert Hartiey 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAy sCHOOL snd YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Mlnister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russell Marlesse > ,. Risebrougb, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 9&1-5502 SUNDAY, MAY 15TH Regular Services Times Kirby United Church 9:30 iam. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, May llth Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (For botli boys and girls.> BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, May Ilth - 8 Pm. t Kirby Unied Church CONFIRMATION CLASSES Friday, May 13th Orono United Church - 4 pa. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 tutt, rmaCY 1