( 4 - Orono .WeekW:y imes, Wednesday, May i,1Q Awards presented at Durham Central Ag Society bànquet JuIe a new venue for Environmental Fair The Durham Central Agricultural Society held their annual banquet in the Newcastle United Church hall recently when dipîQitas and awards were presented ta a number associatcd with the operation of the Fal Pair held in Orano. Pictured above Stephanie Clapdorp, 1993/94 Ambassador ta the Fair, George Carson recipient of the Adams Private Stock Award, Agricultural Society Volunteer of the Year, Francis Jase who was presented witb the Agricultural Service Diploma. Francis bas been assaciated witb the Fair since 1954 and scrved as president of the Society in 1963/64. Gerald Rainey, presefited with an Honourary memtbership having been director of the Light Horse Class at the Pair aver the years, and Tomn Moffat, 93/94 president of the Durhamf Agricultural Society. Aftcr three years of putting the best foot forward in the Bowmanville Recreation Centre the Environmental Pair has moved aver to Oshawa for the fourth annual event. The Environmental Pair is being hcld in the Jubilce Pavillon on tie s hores of Lake Ontario at the foot of Simcoe Street. The fair, instead of two ful days, runs on Saturday, May l4th from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.. 'aere is a one dollar charge for admittance for those over 12 years of age. The fair bas over 50 exhibitors this year to intrigue, educate and to provide environmental infor- mation. Cedar Valley Resort SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $930.00 Attractive! Winter Visits Permitted 7 kms. east of Orono/Hwy. 115 Enter Clarke 4th or 5th Cono. LUne 1-905-786-2562 One can cat at the Green Café, shop for gifts that don't "cost the earth",. games, toys, house hold items and Green Personal Care products. To be viewe.d outside of the pavilion the Queen' s University Solar Powered car. There is also a lot for the kids ta enjoy and even a'strolling minstrel. The Environmental Fair is sponsored by the Canada trust "Friends of the Environment Foundation", the Municipality of Clarington and the Oshawa Green Conservation Action Program (Green Cap). Stephen's Sport*ling Goods Hunting, Fishing & Supplies 80 King St. W. Bowmanvile 697-2546 The year of the Horned OwI It seems ta be die year of thc Homed Owl for us for up ta this point it bas been twa nestings recorded and bath witb young. ILt is flot tbat we have been specifically looksng for Horned Owl nests. It is a matter that we have been directed ta their locations. 1The first came a couple of weeks ago in wbat is called Tbickson Woods in soutb Wbitby, a small tbree or four acre bush but one that bas a lot of birds passing tbrougb or staying for the summer. The nest had two young and it was attracting a lot of intcrest for the birders. It was located bigh in a white pie. The othier camec on Saturday, when Bll Buntîng beard of a nest in the soutb of the troc nursery property just outside the village. ILt wasn't that difficult ta find but wc could sec no Homed Owls in evidence and were walking away from the location wben a Horned Owl flew across a field te settle in a pine. t wasn't anly our eyes that had caugbt the fligbt of the owl but that of at least five or six crows. They. had a lot more ta say about the movement of the owl than did we. They made a great ruckus diving at the owl coming within feot of its pcrcb near thc top of a pinc -but comfortably beside the ltre trunk ILt certainly appeared that the wisc aId bird was accustomed, ta thc attack by thc crows. It hardly blinked an eye lid or at lcast we cxpcctcd it didnt, so unconcerned did it pcrch there. There bas been occasions in the past that we have heard an outcry from a pack of crows but were nover able ta fmnd out wbat Ït was all about. The next time we wil take a dloser look - it might bc another owl. Sunday a.m. was spent in tripping around in thc Darlington Provincial Park but for a Swamp Sparrow and of course thc usual run of birds alI was quiet. There was a time Uiat Uic shoreline in this location did provide a, habitat for shore birds but tbat bas l cbanged over the past six or seven years. Tbey do have a nature walk at the park that runs alongside a water course on Uic east side of the property. t was here a number of years ago that I bad sîgbted a numbor of Winter Wrens in the spring migration and as, Bill is still looking for bis 300th bird species we played a visit ta Uic walk. 1The birds were ce rtainly silent but we were trcated witb a fine sbowing of Trout Lilies or wbat some caîl Adder's Tangue. Neyer have we seen sucb large patches of this beautiful spring wildflower. Generally tbey are spaced at a distance but flot on this occasion tbey existed in sizeable patches and ail of a*good size. Just ready ta bloomn out were the Marsb Marigolds or Cow Slips. The Marsh Marigolds bave been out in blooma in thc Orono area for aimost a couple of weeks but due ta thc modcrating effect of Lake Ontario bloomn takes a littie longer break eut. This is also noted with the leaves on Uic tes, they budout a' little later. t is aise, getting a little later as ta putting titis issue of Uic Times te bed. Before 1 do leave I must remind you that this Saturday is the day for the 5pth anniversary at the Ganaraska Forest Centre, the construction of the playground facilitY at the public school, the EnvirçêflmcftaI Fair at the Jube in Oshawa and dont forget the Chili Lunfcheoli at the Oddfellow's Hall @n Thursday. A taste for canned tomqtoes A thief or tlileves has stolen same 70 cases of canned tomatoes from the storage room at Pazios RestaurilPt in Oshawa. Each case contamned six large cans of tommtes. The total value of the loss was in the neighbourbood of $ 1,000.00. -PAR 70 - MEMBERSHIP and PAY-AS-YO U -PLAY Weeketid Mid-Week 18 Hales - $23-00 18 Holes - $20.00 9 Hales - 17.00 9 Holes - 15.00 Twillght - 4:30 p.m. an - 9 Hale Rate Season Pas§ (mIna. O..A. Card) FamlIly Couple Man Lad y Studont Juniors Full - 7 Day (Taxes Included) 885.00 540.00 520.00 315.00 225.00 ORONO TENNIS CLUB 1994 Registration Night Wednesday, May 1,8 (ANO HN ORONO PARK COURTS Students $20.00 Adu Its $30.0 Family $50.0 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. *ALL LEVELS 0F PLAY* *$5.00 Discount if registered before May 14 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND EARLY REGISTRATION CONTACT ALISTAIR AT: 987-2270 Mid - 5 Day <But No Holidays> $795.00 700.00 435.00 4 10.00 265.00 160.00 Seniors - Ç5+ yeArs before July 1, 1994 Couple 780.00 600 Man 490.00 395.00 Lady 470.00 380. 00 --1,!/ 4 Weekend Te@ Times Requlred - Dr.,. Code Golf Course Road - East of Newcastle on Hwy 2 ýffl