OrneWekl ines, eneadyM~ 19 47 M . .. .. Spring concert held at Kirby School Kirby Centennial School held their annual spring concert last Thursday night and it proved once again to be a smash hit. The theme of this year's concert was "Music Moves Me: A Musical Revue".The show featured a range of numbers from the ever popular "Sunrise, by H elen MacDonald Before you plant your garden or begin that home renovation project, or if you're in the market for a unique gift for an upcoming occasion, or if you just care about the healthiness of your family and the environment, don't miss the 4th annual Enviroament Fair coming up this Saturday at the Jubilee Paviion at Lakeview Park in Oshawa. 've been speaking with Evylin Stroud, one of this year's organizers of this bome-grown event, and she tells me that there will be mnany familiar faces as well as some new ones. Have you ever seen a solar powered vehicle? Queen's University engineering students travel both in Nortb America and elsewbere to race thîs sleak sun- powered machine -- cozier than a Volkswagon, snazier than a Jag, more inspiring than a Lada. Evylin tells, me there witl be other solar-powered innovations: windows, cottage power systems, heating systems and others, as well as, Indîsposables (wasbable diapers) whicb' also take advantage of the sun's energy as they dry on your washing ins. Some local folks who will be at The Environment Fair include Bernie Martin performing once ~gain as wandering minstrel. Sarol Taylor will bave on hand some, innovative clothing products made from recycled blue jeans, and Jim Richards will be on band te talk about the exciting tbings going on in Osbawa's Second Marsh. Once again, Walter Evans, Clarington's Director of Public Works, wilI be lielping our local Big Brothers Association as be constructs on-site bis beautifully- Sunset", and "Rockc Around The The show played to a capacity Clock', to the tragic story of Don crowd once again, and was a huge Gato, the casanova cat. And of success. course, there was the proper The grade 1-2 class brought te amount' of children dressed as the concert the stirring tale of butterfiies and ducks, forgetting Don Gato. Pîctured here are Don their lines and making the Gato in bis castle with bis one audience say, "Aab, that is so true love Iooking on. cute!" designed bird bouses and feeders. Kits are sold at a reasonable price. For those of you interested in the food you eat, our local Federation of Agriculture wiil be at The Environment Fair, as will Oshawa's Farmers Mýarket and the Canadian Organic Growers. If it's animais you are interested in, Avicare, the Bowmanville-area Bird Rehabilitation Centre will be on band. They do wonderful work caring for injured and sick birds, many of wbicb are victims of automobile windsbield as wefl as home window collisions. Also on band will be The Wild Bird Shop wbich carnies everything you might want te outfit your backyard as a bird-friendly habitat. Joywind Farmns from Marmora can tell you about their Rare Breeds Conservancy work witb numerous rare breeds of animais - - including cattle. If you are a Great Lakes bistory buff, or a salty sailor deep down, Save Ontario Sbipwrecks (SOS) will be on band te tell you some interesting tales of Lake Ontario sbipwrecks. If it's more you want te know about the environment, several magazines will be at the Fair as well as books for the young environmentalists in your life. There is lots more, but don't forget te taste from the lunch: meni of local Cook extraordinnaire, Judy Hurvid from Newtonville, wbo once again offers bealtby, organicaily- grown foods in'ber Green Café.. MMMM. The 4th Annual Environment Fair, "Green Today, Hcaltby School and students play their part., Pupils and staff at South Simcoe Public School are making their school a very big part of'the community. 1In .t he past three years 'the school has expanded to take in local businesses, service clubs and parents. t is ail being done through a series of innovative programs that involve-local businesses and local organizations and parents. It started with three parents three years ago which has now grown to a parental group of thirty meeting monthly. Run-down hotel has been purchased The run-down Chateau in 'Cobourg bas been sold and bas now a somewhat shacky future - whether it will be restored or tom down for a new building. If the building is to be tom down the new owners wiil have to get permission from Cobourg council's local architectural conservation advisory committee as the building bhas been designated an historical building. The Chateau was built in 1844. 1But the Chateau is not the only Cobourg building under threat of possible demolition. The rectory for St. Michael' s Cburch has been the subject of a study that suggests that the building be tomn down and the offices and priest's quarters be moved to another building owned by the Catholic community. Tomorrow, takes place this Saturday, May l4th at the Jubilee Pavilion (Simcoe Street South at Lakeview Park) in Oshawa, 9:30 - 3:00 p.m. Canada Trust (Friands of the Environment), the Munîcipality of Clarington and Oshawa Green Cap, and area environmental groups have sponsored the Pair. Don't miss it! Waste volume greatest in Welcome dump Late in April it was reported that the volume of 10w level nuclear waste stored in the Welcome dump was greater than had been thoughL. It is now estimated that the waste could reach 400,000 cubic' metres compared with 290,000 cubic metres estimated in the 1970s. The Port Granby lump is considered to hold 300,000 cubic metres while 235,000 cubic metres is stored in Port Hope. Generating enough electricity for Canton residents Lan, Angus of Canton, Reeve of Hope Township and Warden of Northumberland County, adds a aew enterprise to his accom- plisbments - that of a generator of electricity. Over the past three years Mr. Angus has built bis own generating station on the dam he owns in Canton wbicb is on the lands of Batterwood where he lives. Ontario H ydro wiil purchase the power produced on the station which will be some 0.35 megawatts. Lt would take some 90,000 such generators ta reach the capacity of the Pickering generating plant. But Mr. Angus said the Canton plant could produce enough electricity for the 25 residences in the Hamiet providing they didn't ail turn on their stoves at the same ime. "We Make It Easy-" I/ 1-lafidfng your insurance dlaims *Payirig your $tO.OO deductible on ALL WINDSHIELDJ ~ REPLACEMENTS. V FREE PROMPT Mobile or Shuttie Serice for 1 ~ CunstomnerConvtnience *MOST installations in less thani one hour with s WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEEF S We cut flatgass any ze CALL 697-1221 24 HOURS 157 Baseline Rd. E., Unit 2 Bowmanville We honour ail competilors coupo-s PUBtLIC NOTICE CLARINGTON CLEAN-UP WEEK MAY 22 To MAY 28, 1994 Mayor Diane Hamre, at the meeting of Council on May 9, 1994, proclaimed the week of May 22 to May 28, 1994, Clarington Clean- up Week. Mayor Hamre' and Members of Council are encouraging ail citizens, industries, businesses, schools, community organizations and service clubs ta participate in clean-up projects such as picking up litter from roadsides, creeks and other properties withîn the community. The Public Works Department wili arrange for collection and disposai of ail collected refuse as follows: Refuse from Residential Properties will be collected on the regular garbage collection day. Refuse Collected by'Serv ice Organizations, Schools and Volunteer Groups, etc. will be picked up at pre-arranged locations on Monday, May 30, 1994, commencing- at 7:00 a.m. Refuse collected by Service Organizations, Schools and Volunteer Groups should be placed in a pre-arranged roadside location. Locations should be arranged by contacting the Public Works Department at 623-3379, extension 247. Mayor Diane Hamre __________________Municipality of Clarington MUNIIPA r- 40 Temperance Street (3larngton Bowmanville, Ontario r c LiC 3A6 Dates of Publication: Wednesday, May il and 18, 1994 P.O. 3986