10- O m...........e ..............y Avicare Bird Rehabilitation Centre Open House Open Clarington meeting Women's Hockey League The Ontario Womens Hockey Association has announced that it is co-hosting an information meeting with a local group interested in forming a girls hockey association in Clarington. The meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, May 25th at 7:30 p.m. at the Courtîce High School. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the sport to parents and the girls. A similar meeting was held in Bowmanville in March. There are now 555 Womens' teams across Ontario, house league and competitive. The OWHA is governed by CAHA rules with no intentional body checking in all age groups up to seniors. Those interested in this area can obtain fuirther information bv phoning Garry Thompson 905- 623-2765 of the Clarington Girls Hockey Steering Committee. It is a matter of looking skyward at -the Avicare Bird Rehabilitation Centre on Sunday_ during their Open House. 11 Pictured above Bernadette Code, volunteer, Richelle Donald, a visitor,, Hilary Pittel,' administrator at the centre, and Alayna Miller, a visitor. The Centre is jointly witthe, Wild Bird Nature Shop at the Thornton Centre , King Street West, Oshawa are holding their second'annual Garage Sale. At Topic - Managing Our, Own Health Care by Pat Irwin Lyceu Crystal Pages "Our bodies are designed for, survival. It's up to us to keep themn healthy". "Foot problems can cause health problems in any part of the body and the feet may flot'even hurt!" The se are just two of the interesting keynotes in a lecture on low back pain given by Dr. John Hawrylak who bas practised Naturopathy and Chiropractory in Bowmanville since 1980. QwDQfliL a condition with which most of us are familiar was a major topic on the agenda. This disease affects 4-5 million Canadians and 4 times that many- Americans. Some of the predisposing factors leading to onset are small bonte structure, low calcium levels, hysterectomy, aging, being post menopausal, geneties, a sedentary life styles and flot getting enough sunlight (Vitamin D). Excess intake of protein, alcohol abuse, multiple pregnancies, smoking, frequent taking of antacids, steroids and soft drinks ail are implicated in the onset of osteoporosi s,, (literally a disorder in which bones become increasingly porous, brittle and subject to fracture). At age 25-30 our bones are at their strongest, and ut that age or, younger, prevention against brittie bones later in life can be assisted by proper ingestion and digestion of calcium, green leafy vegetables being the food of choice. PMS, which often hits in the late 30's is 'a sign that the individual bas been lacing in calcium. It can regulate menstruation and reduce cramps. Adequate calcium in the teen years, in the form of food or supplements reduces greatly the chance of PMS occurring, and if it does, a much purer form of calcium is required as treatment than is used in early prevention. Growing pains, many children have theîi, are a signal that the bones are growing faster than the muscles around them. These chuldren are in need of calcium. Regular exercise is very important, as exercise creates the need of thebody for calcium. Weight lifting (5 pound weights used frequently) can be an assistance but should be monitored to make sure that the lifting is flot simply taking calcium from the bones to build muscle. Sore joints can be caused by a lack of potassium, which often occurs with L'le use of, diuretics. Calcium taken in c onjunction with magne sium-i feeds muscles and aids i n the relaxation of muscles and nerves. A question from the floor regarding children who can't drink milk and won't eat green leafy vegetables; how to insure their adequate intake of calcium?, Alnswer: Supplemnents and they need around 700 mg./day. As we get older we need 1500 mg./day, either from our food or from supplements. A very pure formn of supplemental calcium, which greatly improves bone mass in the prevention of osteoporosis is microcrystalin hydro.xyapetite, MCHC for short Back Pain - Three of the worst movements for the back are vacuuming, sweeping and raking. There is a hip support which can be worn, low, as a back pain prevention when performing these tasks; possibly availabie at Canadian Tire. the same tim(- the Ebenezer United Church Women will be hold a bake sale. Donations to the garage sale would be appreciated- Caîl 428-2439 er 723-9611 for further informatîWn For sudden on.-et of back pain which can occur when bending over, a muscle spýtsm occurs, and you can't get pack up. The treatment is to al)P1Y ice, for 20 minutes, everyý hour. The homeopathic -efi3edy, which is quite safe, (no homecopathic rernedy has ever peen rcalled in 20years of practise) is bryonia, in the case wheïe even slight movement causes pain.~ Hypericum (St. Jôbn's Wort) can be given to prevçntthe shocky feeling often asspciated. These remedies are available in creams and are very îlse-ful in the treatment of ostparthritis. For chronic back pain, the use of alternating hot and cold wet towels - 5 minutes for hot - 2 mrinutes for cold, improves the circulation and brings relief. Tiger Balm (if thWre is feeling in the ski), and A535 are recommended here. Arnica is a safe homeopathic remedy for use with a sprained ,Yrist, after first applying ice. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can often becured by chiropractic adjustmient of tbe elbow and V itamin B6 - 250 mg. twice a day.. IL handorts enerou, providing us with instructions on correct sleepiig positions, warningsigns of fçoot problerns, a chart showing f.he effects of spinal misalignnients, and Ten Danger Signs of Potential Back Injury: 1 - being Overweight; 2 - restricted rnobilîIy 3 - pelvic twist (one foot tý,isted more to one side when stalding); 4 - poor posture standing; - poor posture siuing; 6 - bend to lift from back (not Jcnees); 7 - heel of shoes wears out on one side; 8 - head tilt; 9 - shoulder tilt; 10 - short leg. WeldiJing Invitation Ensem6(es help make your wedding dreams corne true View the Iatest selection of Wedding Invitation Ensembles for quality and price at the Orono Weekly Times Main Street, Orono Phone 983501 GOING ON A TRIP??? GE1TING MARRIEDI? Planning a Special Evenîng on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I HOURGLASS L imousine Service will get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. "We Make It Easy" R E PLAC EMENTS. MOST installations in ess than one hour with a WVRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE, We cul t Iaglass any size CALL 697-1221 24 HOURS 157 Baseline Rd. E., Unit 2 Bowmanville We hoflour ail competitors co upons! . ................. .... ... .......... ...............