i On'ono WoekI~r Times> ~ What 96 years in the life of Orono Town 'Hall The old lady or old man (whichever you prefer) of Down- town Orono bas faired well over the past 96 years. Just a few blemnishes here and there but nothing te be that concerned about. It looks as if she/he could survive quite comfortably for the next 96 years. That is, of course, if people don't get th idea il is about ready te fall down wbich it isn't. "Out of the Mist" tell us that the final spark te start, the hall in 1898 was the destruction by fire of the former Town Hall on Centrestreet. The building was burned te ne ground J une 2bth 18989 with the present standing Town Hall being completed by the fal cf the same yeur. The architect came from Toronto but other trades were from the local aiea. The book aIse tells us that the original cost of the building to, be $5,000 and one would imagine that the community had full employment for a period cf time without the use cf an Infrastructure program as endeavouîing te get off the ground te-day. We thought it was rather interestmng wituutme scaffoîcnng in place earlier this, month for the repair of the Town and Ross mercer must have aise thought se as he previded us with a. pictuire taken i the summer cf 1898. She bas weathered well and does have features that are net designed teday. A special tax rate was set in August cf 1898 for township affagirs and the construction cf the bail in an amount cf $7,662.00. 1The dlocka bequest by Mrs. Nicholas Harris in 1935 still bangs eut the heur on the 75 pound bell by Helen MacDonald Some things come along that just put me over the moon! Last week's annularceclipse did just that. Mostly, it gave me an opportunity te take Kyle and Garrett out of school, treat them to lunch at the Village Bakeshop and follow the movement of the moon as it blocked the sun from us, bit by bit, until the magical moment cf total eclipse. On the last teacher professional development day, we had travelled te the Royal Ontario Museum in searcb of special glasses to observe the eclipse. These in hand, we were three children, my boys and me, craning oui necks on the stinets cf the village, in the countryside, and gleefuily sharing oui mylar glasses with friends and strangers alike. What a treat - a retreat from the many sadnesses and horrors of eur planet. It gets te bc tee much when my children want te know se many complicated things: What does ethnic cleansing mean? Why haven't B lack people been allowed te vote in South Africa? Why do people kill other'people - even their own families? Why can't Aunty Peg find a job? Do I bave to grow up? And while the eclipse elicits ail kinds of questions about the science of it, and the technology of viewing it, it stili reaches to the depths of our being, and I find comfort in the fact that some things are just about the magic and mystery of tbe universe. There are no answers for why we are here and why the sun iS out there. I' s just nice te know that the sun and my sons bave met each other, and that the moon and the stars reveal themselves te us, and that 1 can forge, for a moment, everytbing else while dreaming upon the biggest star of al. Clarington Youth Comifttee The Clarington Youth Committee is holding a public meeting on Wednesday, May 25th at 7 p.m. i Courtroom 1 at the Firestation Building in Bowmanvile. Voluntee-rs are needed to help co-ordinate lyeuth activities, recreation and leisure, fund raising and administative duties. For more information cail Pat Street 623-4599 or Kim Huestis 623-1741. W,,ilmot Creek ow-n'ers get 20% tax reduction A decision cf the Ontario Municipal Board has been music te the ears of residents cf Wilmot Creek. The Board bas stated that the hemes in Wilmet Creek have, F' - ssessed 26 percent above Lx-a homes in other areas cf Clarington. in coming te this conclusion the Board bas ruled a 20 percent reductien in the assessment of the homes wbich wil take place this coming year. It bas been estimnated that this will mean a monthly saving on-taxes for municipal, education and region totalling $30 te $40 a raonth. This latest submission te the Ontarie Municipal Board was initiated by 28 home owners i the Wilmot Park. This group are now entitled te retroactive tax refunds fer overpayments since 1988. Fer some it will bc an ainount of upwards cf $2,000.00. Earlier this year residents in the retirement park were bit with a ruling allowmng a 24.4 percent increase in rental char-ges by the owner for land rental and maintenance fees. At the present time the homeowners' association is endeavourig te broker a deal. with the ewneî. In speaking with Merv Bowen cf the Assessment office he said that the Ontario Municipal Board had ruled on two occasions in the past againt any reductie ni assessment. He, said the decision te designate a 20 percent reduction in April came a surprise te those at the assessment office. As te an appeal cf the decision Mr. Bowen said the 0MB is the final court and be didn't expect that the Commission, would take any action on the decision at dhûs tinue. He said the whole thing was a matter of evaluatien. Labour Council objeets health eut Ibe Durhamu Regional Labour Coundil bas stnta letter of protest te Ontario Health MinisterRuth Grier ebjecting te the cul in eut- cf-country bealtb couts. SThey state it targets seniors, not necessarily the rich, and that a trip soutb fer many is gocd for their heahth. PUBLIC NOTICE CLARINGTON.CLEAN-UP WEEK MAY 22 TO, MAY 289,1994 Mayor Diane Hamre,, at the meeting of Council on May 9, 1994, proclaimed the week of, May 22 to May 28, 1994, Clarington Clean- up Week Mayor Hamre and Members cf Council are encouraging ail citizens, industries, businesses, sohools, community organizations and serviceclubs te participate in dlean-up projects such as picking up litter from roadsides, creeks and other properties within the community. The Public Works Department will arrange for collection and disposaI cf ail collected refuse as follows: Refuse from Residential Properties will be collected on the regular garbage collection day. Refuse Collected by Service Organizations, Schools and Volunteer Groups, etc. will be picked up at pre-arranged locations on Monday, May 30, 1994, commencing at 7:00,arn. Refuse collected by Service Organizations, Schools and Volunteer Groups should be placed in a pre-arranged roadside location. Locations should be arranged by contacting the Public Works Department at 623-3379. extension 247. Mayor Diane Hamre __________________Municipality cf Clarington MUNIIPA'T~ 40 Temperance Street I"~'arinton Bowmanville, Ontario ___ Li C 3A6 Dates cf Publication: Wednesday, May il and 18,1994 P.C. 3986 mcyoe Refecalom,