Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, MaWiy 25,1994- 3 Trees for Canada awards The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen donated and presentcd a number of awards to Orono Beavers, Cubs and Scouts relating to individual efforts in the Trees for Canada plantings. The presentations wcre made on Monday, May 16 -in the basement, of th e Orono United Church.' (Front row) Michael Boyd, Cvlleuung twe most money; rKye Secord, obtained the most plcdgcs and (Middle Row) Beavers, Philip Rupert runner up; Bill Landman second place for pledges and, money; William Lofgren, most pledges and money (Back row) Scouts - Kenneth Henderson, runner-up, Wayne Werry, most m oney and Shawn Ferguson with the most pledges. Queen Park Report from Gord Milis MPP Durham LEast If you have ever wondered just how it feit to be on a polilucal hot - seat, you should have exchanged places with me down at the Ontario Legisiature last week! You would have got to know just how uncomfortable it can be when opposing the introduction of goverrnent logisiation. There was considerable arm-twisting, tense telephone discussions the previous night, ail ending with terse exchanges between cabinet ministers and mysoîf right up until the time of the vote. 0f course 'm talking about the inroduction last Thursday aftemnoon of The Equality Rights Statute Law Amendment Act. This Bill will redefine what a spouse is under more than 50 Ontario statutes to ensure gay and lesbian couples are treated the same way as marricd and common-law heterosexual couples. Ail of my experiences as an MPP pale in comparison with those of last week. Hopcfuly they will not be repeated once this legislation comes forward for Second Reading as ail concemced ianderstand my position and know end to remain firm on it. I-,Eieve me, politics really is a blood sport! To those constituents who wrote to me and to those who have called the office to thank me for having the courage 10 stand up for what the majority believe to be the right decision, I wa nt to thank you for your support during a most difficult period. To those who have called and written to express their anger over the position I have taken, I can only say it is of course impossible to please cvcryone over such an issue. Al I can take solace in, is that in my conscience I believe that I have made the right choice. If at die end of the day I can live with my conscience I truly think 1 have done the mjoity of those I represent a service. I can live with my conscience. I believe I have carried out the will of those I represent. The final arrangements have been completed for "D" Day celebrations in Toronto on Sunday, June 5th. Funding from corporate donors has corne forward to make this event truly one to remember. These donors wiil ho publicly acknowledgcd for their generous contributions prior to June 5th. The events will commence with a Cenotaph Service of Remnembrance at Nathan Philips Square. The two thousand or so veterans on parade will march to Union Station where His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Henry Jackman will take the salute along with Premier Bob Rae. From that position, free TTC transport wiil take evciyone there down to Ontario Place where another parade wil take place in front of HMCS Haida, honou ring those who servcd on that ship during the.Normandy landings. Following that ceremony, the famous Spitfire, Band will pcrformn at thc Forum, playing al the war time music and cncouraging a sing-a-long. This segment of the celebration wil ho foilowed by a càgÇÇIl01f iiiIy music. I have provided the local Royal Canadian Legion branches in Bowmanville, Port Perry and Brookîja with the time table of events. If any ex-serviceman or women wishes to march in the parade tbey can. An area has been set aside near the Cenotaph to form up ini order to join the parade. Those wishing to take part should be there no later than 12 noon. There isn't any charges or fees to pay for anything connected with this parade and entertainment to follow. Please plan to corne down to Toronto on June 5th. We wil neyer again get this chance te honour those who took part in the historic "D" Day landings which paved the way for the subsequent victory over Nazi Germany and ensured freedom for everyone. On June 6th, I have been given the honour to speak in -the Legisiature on behaîf of the government in respect to "D" Day . Veterans from across Ontario will be present in the House, this wil ho followed by a reception g iven la their honour by the Speaker, the Honourable David Warner. His Honour, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario will also be at the reception, along wi th the Premier of Ontario. Given the type of entertaimnent provided at Ontario Place. Given that entrance is free. Given the pleasant enjoyment available to ail Ontarians and visitors from other lands throughout the Summer at Ontario Place, I thought it particularly mean of Toronto Sun columnist Linda Barnard to ask in her Friday column "how much fun anyone could possibly have at a Bob Rae-run theme park is beyond me". How the Toronto Sun and their writers must hate the NDP to say such a thing. 1 find such comments to be sickening and a dis-service to the province. If you live in the Port Pcrry area I want to advise you that concernis over a proposcd gaming enterprise on Scugog Island arc being addressed. I have arrangcd for a meeting of ail the key players to take place next weck, whereby the situation will be assessed in a sensible, calm, rational manner. It does nothing to arrange public meetings whereby people "steam" over issues that they do not have fu 'Il explanations for. Following that meeting I will release a statement to the local media explaining al the facts frue of bias and easy to understand. 1 arn sure this will do much to relieve the present tension being felt in some quarters. The topic of considerable discu ssion these days centres around the YoungOffenders Act and Youth Crime. People mostly say we nced to toughcn sentences as it scems crime committed by youth has reached epidemic proportions. I have had the opportunity to read a document produced by tne John Howard Society of-Ontario regarding young offenders and the Young Offenders Act. Strangely enough, 1 found that the proportion of al Finally It Happened! It reaily has been a long, hard winter in wbich we have been lnaa deep freeze. It neyer seemed to warmi-up and it nover seemed to end. Surviving the real winter days with their biting cold chilis one would have thought we could have been rewarded with an early, and warmn spriag. But that has not been the case and the 'annuals' have been late in coming out of their flats to take up quarters in warm carth in the garden. Perhaps we have been trying to push the fact of spring a number of weeks an d likely that is so because the old-timers will tell us that gardening can wait until the 24th of May. It has been the case again this year and blaze of the suit and the warmth of ils rays were not feit until this past week-end, May 21 to 23. The point was weil proven at Presquile Park south of Brighton. The park was filled with campors and birdwatchers surely came close la number to the birds they wcre secking. Those not looking into the tops of trees were either biking along the paved roads in the park or perhaps it was walking, jogging and roller blading that ncw hit of the day. You could see it in the faces, the smiles and the nods of "Its a great day". The park had become alive and people were about every- where. It certainly appears in most of nature, however, that spring is some late this year. The trees have held back in springing their buds into leaves but it will now ho a fast forward. The blotchess of green wil become masses of green on the hilîsides and along. the fence rows. Yes spring has fmally arrived for another year. BETERPRICE We use the full 7% G.S.T. Credit to give you the maximum $$$ for your Trade-In. Tol Free from Area Codes 905, 416 or 705 at 1-800-361-8154 or local calis 885-8154 0 ONO SHOWC-ýASP EE Antiques and Collectibles Show ~ zi ~june 4& 5, 1994 Rain or Shine E ADMISSION $4.00 Scorne out for a great day of farnily fun ~ at theE ORONO FAJRGROUNDSE Saturday 2 p.m. - Dusk; Sunday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. For information cali Fancis Garrett (905) 725-6858 orMarenO'Mahoney (416),484-6287 - Weed Spraylng - Fertilizlng - Inseci Spraylng - Plug Coraeration Soo the Dfferonce Qualfty Makes fLAWNI 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle)