V o iL ir'mINr r 7i l , "f 8- Orono W.ekly T1rnes~ Wedn.sday, May ~ Buuilding a .B ird House? Try a hangingflower basket by Roy Forrester It would seem if one is interested in housing one of the bird species on their property or elsewhere it would be a bird house one would build. If my experience is average a bird bouse has littie tw do with a ttracting birds. Out of eigbt bird bouses placed around home and in thec cmetery none have been able to attract a tenant. The only interest shown cones from those testy squirrels that have ta stick their nose into everything. Ini the case of the bird bouses they found thiehale too small but that was no problem and four out of the eight now have an enlarged entrance way. So imuch forï,bird bouses in attracting birds. Thic solution however may be quite simple. Purchase a banging flower basket and bang it under an eave or awning. Do rotby Rob inson called the office last wcek and informed us that a House Fincb was nesting in one of their hanging baskets that had been placed under an eave. The nest contained five eggs. Telling Donna tbe story she said a Finch had been going into one of the banging baskets under thc canopy in front of the house. The basket bad only been placed there on Thursday. Bill Bunting relates that bis daugbter in Toronto bas a House Finch nesting i a banging basket. It has to bc thc in-thing for one of our books state that Uic House Finch likes ta nest in hanging baskets especially Uiose hanging under an awning or canopy. This sparkcd an interest in thc House Fincb sa, it was back to thc books. Tbe House Fincb is flot native to Ontario and in fact was flot recorded in the province until 1972 witb the finding being in Heritage waterways 10W 0open The 1994 navigation season on the Trent and Rideau waterways officially opened an Friday, May 20th. flic Rideau allows boaters ta travel fromn Kingston wo Ottawa whilc that of the Trent allows boatîng between Trenton on Lake Ontaxia to the Severn River on Georgian Bay. Car emission testing a must The government hopes that Uic car-testing centre, buîlt and managed by the private sector, will attract 25,000 car owniers. Thisemission testing will test beavy trucks. A team of emission-tèstiflg inspectors will Prince Edward County. The next report was made in 1978 in Niagara On The Lake. ,There is a sbady side to Uic history of the bird which originatcd in California and was known as thc Hollywood Finch. Birds. werc illegally shipped wo bird dealers in Long Island, New' York but due ta fear of prosecution the birds were released in 1940. The birds have adapted well ta urban 11ke. fIce House Finch is recorded in the Atlas of Breeding Birds of Ontario which was undertaken from 1981 ta 1985. At this urne the bird was recorded in very small numbers as far north as Lake Superior and North Bay. But in soutbern Ontario it was, a difféent picture. From 1981 wo 1985 it was estimated that House Flaches in southern Ontario wcrc increasing by 21 percent each year and doubling in numbers in 3.3 years. It is intercsting that Jim Richards in bis 1974 book of, Birds of Durham Region made no mention of the House Finch. I arn sure if the House F inch existed in Durham it would have been, repored in thc book. Dorothy Robinson was wondering just how long it would take for the cggs ta hatcb. Incubation takcs from 12 ta, 14 days and Uic pair will raise twa broads in a summer. The female generally'lays from four ta, five eggs for a nesting. There is fia doubt that the urban feature of Orono is to the liling of Uic House Finch and it can be beard singing its garbled song from many of, the trees and sbrubs in dic Vüillge. Want a House Finch farily - buy' a aging fiower basket and hang it under the awning or canopy or cave. travel from each wigh station and perform Uic testing. Drivers of diesel trucks weighing more than 4,500 kg wil not bave the choice to undergo Uic free emnission tests. But they or the companieswot have to fix emission problems, necithecr will private auto owniers. Communication Course The COPE MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM of Durham Region Community Care, Association is o ffering an 8 week course in Basic Helping and Communication Skills, beginning Tuesday, June 7th. It la available free of charge ta 'anyone please contact Janice Kraft, COPE Prograni Manager at 623-412 3. Queen's Park Report (Continued from page 3) persans charged wbo are youths bas remained virtually unchanged over the last seven years. The study also challenges Uic widely- hcld notion that youth crime is primarily seriaus and becoming increasingly serious. Altbough 15 per cent of young offenders werc charged witb a violent offence in 1992, almost anc - haif (48%) were for assaults wbich involve fia wcapon and fia seriaus inJury. Until ncxt weck - cverytbing is funny as long as it isn't happening ta you. "Up With'People" World'in Motion cornes to Cobourg. A Worl d of entertainment is spinning twwards Cobourg. The international cast of Up With People is bringing its exciting ncw stage production, "World in Motion" ta Uic Cobourg Arena, on, Tuesday, May- 31 and Wednesday, June 1 at 7:00 pan. The Rotary Club of Cobourg is prescnting this non-stop, two hour, live musical show wo help maise funds ta go towards future community projects. For more than 28 ycars, Up WiUi People's vibrant, cnergetic casts bave tbr illcd millions around the world with their dynamic brand of contemporary family entcrtainment. « World i Motion" is Up Witb People's all-new production for the 1993-1995 World Tours whicb will be scen ini early 1,000 communities in 25 countries. Authcntic international costumes, lively choreography, spirited vocals and a contagiaus encrgy that captivates the audience, are alI trademarks af Up With Pcople's "World in Motion". From thought provoking ballads ta exuberant production numbers, Up Witb People bas entertainment for every taste. Among the highlights of the show is Uic "Love is a Wonderful Thing" medley, a mhinmsical compilation of popular love songs from the 1950's through today's top its. From mountain music clogging, tw mariachi, tw gospel, wo rock 'n rail, Uic show features music for ahl ages, and offers something for everyone. The aim af Up With People is wo build understanding and mutual respect among ail people and ta equip young men and womcn witb the leadership qualities r equired w meet the necds af their communities, countries and Uic world. Tickets axe available at Bill's YIG, Municipal Trust, Bank of Montreal, Canadian Tire, Cortesis Jewellcrs, The Sharpe Image and Quigley Pro Hardware, at a cost of $10 for adults, and $7 for students and seniors and groups of 25 or more; $8 groups of 10 or more. For more information, cail the Up With Peopfle Advance THE CATERING CONNECTION > SOCIAL CATERERS D ur Specîality Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings- Anniversaries Business Functions Hockey - Basebal *-Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUJFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 W 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE COMPLETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE 'MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO , ONTAR-10 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB îMO ON HWY. 11!1&35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 BALLS RADIO& T.V. REPAUR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.S P.O. Box 27, R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 Michael Spooner and Shela Stephens Spoaner ROSE * ARBOR - ANIQUES, EARLY CANADIAN PINE - OU, LAMPS - PRIMITIVES OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - 10:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. AISO BY APPOINMEI'I OR BY CHANCE (905) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115/35 R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont. LOA IEO on Clarke 6th Conc. AMASARU KARAT"ECLUB SHORIN-RYU- Classes for Children and Aduits Rick Jones Newtonville 905-786-2793 GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT TadyCaf The Leathër Fattor?:'::ý: Phone ahead or by chance 3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 . ........... ...........