2- Orono Weekly 11m.s~ Wedneuday, June %~ 1094 It has always been so .... In the mid 1800s one can visualize the entrepreneurs standing upon a deck of a sailing ship in Lake Ontario, viewing the tail tinibers along what is now known as the Oak Ridges Moraine. There would no reason for them not to speculate the the use of the resource for profit and indeed to create jobs and stimulate the economy. But the tail timbers being a resource of nature it lasts only so lo ng before over use destroys ali hat exists. It is true that man bas not in the past learned to live within the confines of nature. It is also a fact that over the past three-quarters of a century, efforts have continued to repair the damage that had been done on the Oak Ridge Moraine that bad at one time support a livelihood for a generation long gone. Nor was farniing' an answer after the cropping -of trees. The days of tbe sailing ships on Lake Ontario are over but to-day the entrepreneur rests bis elbows at tbe conference table after baving looked east to tbe deposits of aggregate another crop of developed by nature and, see bis own fortunes enbanced as well as that of others. It is a natural feature of man and possibly is one that is expected to bappen. Everyone admires the foresigbt of A. H. Richardson and bis report on tbe Ganaraska Watersbed but it was A. H. Richardson wbo also saw tbe returf of the forest and an econonilc move for the area and one that would be cropped as tume evolved. But being cropped need not be total destruction as did bappen intbe past. It is not a matter of trees to-day that may be the economnie swirl for the area and even the GTA but that of aggregate. It bas to be remembered that aggregate is not a renewable resource and once taken is taken for good. AlIthougb we are told that aggregate extraction in the Moraine will flot barm the individual water recharge areas or the quality of water there has to be some doubts ato the validity of the claini. They make dlaim that the Oak Ridges Moraine is that of a rain barrel but wbat bappens wben part of the ramn barrel is removed. It just does flot hold as mucb water and thus a reduction in the water recharge. There is no doubt that aggregate extraction will be hotly pursued and it will likely be extracted from the (3anaraska Forest but let there be solid assurances tbat other side effects will not bave to be corrected over another period of seventy-five years. Bingo (FuMpg1)' projeot. He States that thie building bas nothing wo do with the local municipality. Durbam Police Chief Trevor McCagberty bas said that the Regional Police force bas patroiled the reserve for 20 years with no problenus. The band could ask Uic police to leave Uic reserve and Uicy bave Uic rigbt tw do so but neyer bave. Mr. Milîs bas said that a private security force will be used inUic charitable gaming facility and that off-duty Regional police Kmendal by Phyllis Lowery Well aftçr ail the beautiful weather we had on the holiday weekend we were once again reminded thit we bave no control over the weo»ther, it turned cold and wet once more. Thbis weekend has been not t00 bad, mnaybe this will be the end of the cool tempera tutes for awbile. The weather certainly hasn't slowed down the growth of the grass, it seems that every other day it needs cutting. Sunday there was a good tumnout at church, this was Trinity Sunday. Rev. Black welcomed ail, the hymns sung were, «Holy, Holy, Holy; God, The Father of< Creation; and Tbanks to God Wbose Word". Ian Savage led i the Prayer of Approach, Rev. Black led inutbe Prayer of Self- Examination and tbe Words of Assurance. The children were called forward, Rev. Black lasked themn how many of thern liked to wear masks? What does it do? They said it hid their face. He asked them why they wanted to bide their face? And tbey said, so people would not know them. Rev. Black brought out a piece of cardboard witb holes i it for the eyes to look tbrough, he asked a girl to put it over her face, tben he asked if she looked happy or sad. The cbildren said that tbey couldn't tell as ber face was bidden. Then David drew an upturned mouth on it and tbey said she looked happy. He put the mask on a boy and drew a downturned moutb, tbey said be looked sad. Then tbey were asked if the mask had made them feel any différent, tbey said, no, tbe mask made no difference. We al wear masks at times, sometimes we wear a smile wben we really feel angry or sad. We sometimes put a frown on our face ifa small child bas done somnethig naughty and wc reaily want to smile. We do these things to bide our real feelings from others. God bas three faces but undemneath He is one. The children's bymn was, "Jesus Loves the Little Children". The scripture reading was from-Exodus 34: 4-6;,8-9. The sermon was titled "Ood: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit". Today is Trinity Sunday, al over the world we speak of God as three persons, Tbe Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. We speak of it but do we really understand it. Children are confused because we speak of three, but tell themn that there is only One God. Sometimes the more we try to explain or understand it, the more confused we get. Jews and Muslims, saywe bave tbree Gods, tliey worship only one. wil be bired for traffic control. Mr. Mils also said that a six- person foundation will be appointed ho oversee distribution of profits from gaming for charitable purposes. Threc members of the foundationwill be appointed fromn outside the reserve. Mr. Milîs said that those opposing the proposai must Column 1 iod the Father, as Christians we believe there is only one God, but, there are different sides to God. Wben tbey say three persons, it does not mean three individuals. Persons actually means, persona, masks. In ancient times,,actors on a stage used different masks to change their appearance. God, decided to croate a world, there was no effort, no one forved Hlm to do it, Then God created life, again no one forced Hilm to do this. God the Son, God in redemption. The world is Dot as God created it and us. Si entered, so God had to do something. God did not send Jesus mnto the World, God came hito the world as Jesus, He lived among us as Jesus. God brought redemption. Once sin came into the world, we could Dot be friends with God but tbrougb the deatb and resurrection of Jesus we once agamn were -able wo be friends witb God. The Holy Spirit. We may Dot understand Uic power of God's presence,ý but if we accept it then we may be able tu live as God itended us wo. We are eacb one person but we relate to the would i different ways, a teacher, a bousewife, a farmer, a factory worker but like The Trinity we are still, one person. God is The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, One- Person. The service ended witb tbe bymn, «God bas Spoken". It bas come to my attention that one little girl in Kendal bad a nasty accident a short time ago, Robyn Scbolz feil from a swing and broke botli of ber arms. Glad wo report she is mending nicely. Robyn would like tb ank al Uic children for their visits and gifts and would also like wo thank thc adults for their gifts and the concern they showed for ber recovery. IL doesnt seem tb matter how closely you watcb a child tbings like this dan happen, even wben tbey are with a parent or an adult is present. Best wishes ORONO, ONTARIO go out to Robyn for a speedy recovery. Once again the men of Kendal Orange Lodge will be holding thieir annual Salad Supper on Saturday, June 4th. If you wish to attend contact 983-5477 for tickets. Supper will bc served at 6 p.rn. at the Kendal Orange Hail. Entry in a dary .. ."Today" bent the truth to be kind, and l' bave no regret, for I arn far surer of wbat is kind dma I arn of wbat is truc." St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREEýT ORONO, ONTARTO Interlm Milster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. OROMO PASTORAL V CHARGE 1% Minuter M 1ev. Dr. ~ ~. Marlene Seoetry 983-5702 cburch Office 993-5m0 SUNDAY, JUNE MT Sacrament of Holy Commnunion Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m. UPCOMING MEETINGS Orono Board of Stewards meet Monday, lune 6 -7:30 pan. Orono Session meet Tuesday, lune 7 -7:30 pan. Klrby bouse Committee & Session meet Wednesday, June 8, 7:30 pan. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pan. 983-5009 Remem ber FATHER'S DAY