i Mli flans ,wr~w5sj Unt 'Jut. i weu. il _ u.rneiim... ~ gueen Par from Gord Milis MPP Durham East "Constiiuency Week" allowed me a change of Pace from being ai the Legislaiure. i was a busy week thai included speaking te several groups on the work of an MPP, atiending a press conference in Toronto te make the final anneuncements about the UD Day Parade in Toronto, attending the Cancer Treatment Open Heuse ai, Oshawa General Hospital, meet wiih local communiiy leaders and Chief Gary Edgar over the Scugog First Nations gaming faciliiy, as well as being in the constituency office talking te people needing help and or assistance. Sandwiched between events h did get rny car serviced,I saw rny doctor and had my îeeth checked. Having survived my personal 10,000 mile check-up, if's back te the grindstone ai Queen's Park until the House breaks for the Summer. When that will happen is any ene's guess, given the irack-record of previous years. During the pasi week, as 1 drove from one event te another, rny mmnd wandered off thinking about why we don't try te get ýo basics in this country' of ïr:What for example has happened te personal responsibiliiy rather than the culture of dependenCY? h say that afier listening te someone demand welfare, while being thie owner ef a large RRSP. Everywhere, society seerns te be falling apart. We have cbldren, who can barely string two sentences on paper together, effectively 'divorcing' their parents te live without any code SOth Wedding Anniversary Christened My narne is Dayna Louise Marie Crough. Recenîtly I was Christened at Orono United Church. I wore, the Christening gown worn by my rnom and three aunts Judy, Jackie and Angela. My parents are Janice and Doug Crough and my little brother is Dylan Crough. My grandparents are Keith and Marie West, Orono and Ken and Muriel Moore of Port Perry; and the late Emmett Joseph Crough. We had a lovcly Christening lunch at my rnom and dad's ai Pontypool. k Report ef conduci. Ne longer it seenis, are the crimes of parents visited upon their children. Increasingly it is the reverse. Peoie now spend longer and longer ai the werkplace believing that an ever- rising incorne is the way forward. Husband and wife spend more and more trne apart. Yeungsiers now spend more trne cernmunicating with TV role models than with their parents. The modemn famifly is net one in which grandparents easily fit eiiher. I their loneliness they fret over health-care, or what the future holds for thern, and they visit docior's surgeries and the office of thieMPP sirnply te talk te sorneone. What clearly needs te emerge is a new relationship in which authority can give a lead, but in which individuals must find a sense of purpose within theniselves. History books tell us that previeus moral revivals have been hugely popular for there is ne substitute for self-respect and the security of famly. Okay - ruI get off rny soap-box for now. At the lasi Committec of General Government Bill 21 fmnally made sorne headway. This is the legislation dealing with the Land Lease Lot Communities. It has been a fearful struggle fighting te gel this legislatien passed. Now, apart from a few clauses that remain te be exarnined, the Bill will be introduced for 3rd Reading.rhe folks down at Wilmot Creek wi11 bc pleased, as 1 w iil be. Tbis was sornething 1 promised te do when elected back in 1990. This Bill will ensure Wilmot Creek residents receive the sane rights other home owners presently Glen and Hope; their grandchildren Tamrny, Jay, Raymond, Janine, Brad, Mark, Paula, Mark, Jeanette, Steven, Tanner, Megan and their great- grandson Brandon. enjoy, and rigbtfully se. The Ministry of Health recently announced the first cancer strategy for Ontario. The cancer'strategy focuseson the ful continuum of cancer activities including prevention, heal th promotion, screening, early detection, diagnosis, treaiment, rehabilitation, supportive care, palliation, research and education. The Ontario Cancer Treairnent and Research Foundation presented the Foundation's capital plan identifying a requirement for 63 radiation therapy machines operatîng in the province by 1995. Recently, I arranged and acted as Chair, ai a meeting with members of the Board of Directors of Oshawa General Hospital, Ministry of He alth officiais and the Direcior of The Ontario Cancer Treaiment and Research Foundation, in Toronto. The subjeci of the meeting was te identify the immediate need of radiation therapy in OGH. Coming oui of that meeting was an agreement by ail parties that radiation therapy is needed in ibis area NOW. The machines will cost $18-rnillfion, however, I believe that new machines presently designated for installation aithie Bayview Centre could corne te OGH in order te serve a larger area relieving the trauma of daily travel te downtown Toronto for treatnient. h- arn looking forward te a decision being made before ibis Fail. While on the îopic of health and ef interesite seniors and others who recrive drugs through the Ontario Drug Benefit Pregrarn, the Ministry of Health bas, identified a number of improvements te address the' inappropriate prescnibing and use of drugs. There are 36,500 0DB recipients receiving over 100 prescriptions each per year. It is estimated that 20 per cent of al hespital admissions of seniors relate te problems with medication. In November 1993, the Ministry of Healih established the new Health Network, an elecironic pathway conneciing pharmacists and the Ministry of Health. hn the space of 3 monihs, 3,700 claims were highlighied with the help of the Network, preventing potentially dangerous ding interactions.* I tend to get a lile short with people who complain about the, decline of our health services. Until we took office, healih care spending was increasing ai the rate of 12 per cent each year. One doesn'i need te be a rocICet- scientist te understand thai if thai had been allowed te continue, our access te healih care, something we have corne te believe as our birthright, would disappear te be replaced by a scheme where those who have the money would get the service, limes have been tough, but we have managed health care effectively. A generation of Canadians still rernember wbat life was like *e FoaFnedOUni Youshe Basement nt DrNo Çoslea scato OrL ivcaing Repars' Phon0ç0Rge(0)5808 For Finshed Or U tfr hzed Installer ,gs Base D aengts t before medicare. These people survived the Dirty '30s. Many watched as a family member gel sick and died because ihere was ne money for medical care. As profits decline in companies the axe as a rule fails on the workers. They seem te be the ene's getting the pink ticket. Not so with company executives. The 22 executives of Dofasco Inc., the pride of Hamilton, awarded thernselves $4.3 million in salaries and $1.6 million in bonuses in 1990. This was the same year the company wrote off $713 million as a result of losses ai Algoma Steel, brought about by the decisions made by the very sanie executives!, Until next week - A cynic is someone who found out ai age 10 that there wasn't a Santa Claus, and is still mad! SHQP AROUND, GET YOUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US FOR YOUR PBLIC NOTRICE We setO ulIT S.TCTdIENSiv y h ot i reetin hldon ArCodes994,5 4un6l eoth 7u05iaty quartr, -361reg8a54y c oedleocl meetng l88b5he81 at4 Atuil meeting hedu rld1,te99be he on oeMue 1, 194,aty0 p.m. will be held at the Solina Cernmunity Hall. ~, Ui.ICIPAL T' OF Dates ef Publication: Wednesday, June 1 and 8, 1994 Patti L Barrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk Municipality et Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIc C3A6 P.O. 5021 Martin and Reita Foster, R.R. # 1, Campbellcroft, celebraied- their 50th Wedding Anniversary on May 11, 1994. A family pariy was given in their honour by their children Marie, Richard and Faye, Brian and Shirley, Bob and Doris, -Weed Spraylng - Fertlllzlng - Insect Spraylng - PIug Coraeration See the Dfference Quality Makes ILAWN[ 983-5598 <Orono, Newcastle) ... . . .. . ...... ........................... ............. .... 9 ... ........... . ........... 1