mmpe7 by Helen MacDonald Halfway lhrougb a îiny paperback of less than 100 pages 1 stop rcading. Ibis is unusual for me. No malter how uninteresting I flnd a book~, or bew bad I find tbe writing. I always finish what 1 begin as a courlesy le tbe writers' labour. Nett dûs lime. Thiis lime, the writers' words are tee painful. "DONT": A Woman's Word", writlen by Elly Danica, is ber story of abuse at ber father's bands. Incest, exploitation and pornography were ber life from the age of four until she left home at 18. And nobody listened te ber cries for help. Nobody beieved ber. "Liar" was wbat tbey called a cbild of four. She was Iabelled a "treuble-maker" when she tried te describe wbat he did 'down tbere'. That he did 'thaC te ber with 'it', ber young childs language ill- equipped te explain, define or even comprehend the darkness of sexual abuse. A teacher told ber that fathers punish cbildren for their ewn geed. A priest, tells ber te renounce ber hatred, and ask for forgiveness. Her penitence is a few dozen Hail Mary's. She must werk te keep her tbougbt pure, be tells ber. She decides to pray te the Virgin Mary, heping that she wil understand ber problem. Her aunt is angered by ber accusation. "Filthy child", she says. "You are net welcome ie My heuse!". Her siblings don't understand ber problem. There is ne language te explain 'it' te other cbildren. They accept their tyrant fatber's dlaims tbat she is bad. That she is crazy. That she wîll poison them, aise. Her mother simply says: "You don'î understand him." She tells ber mother tbat she knows be hurt ber tee. He's always been a good busband", is ber motber's impotent reply. Her mother is tue afraid te promtc ber one child frem the monster wbicb torments ber by day and by nigbt, and wbicb invades ber sleepin the form of nigbîmares ne less borrific than the reality in wbicb she lives. Others are complicit. A judge. A lawyer. A docter. Tbe cbild of eleven peels berseif eut of ber ewn skin. "lb. body' pretends tbat it is dead. I ceuldn'î finish tbe boek. I ceuldnt stand ber pain. I can't understand bow a cbild ceuld be se cruelly victimized. 1 can't understand why nebody helps ber. Saturday morning Kyle breught up the Star fer me. He takes eut the sports section. 1 pour a cup of tea and sit next te bim at tbe dining table. Our papers sprawl across ils top. His eye catches the frent page headline: "Child-porn probe spreads." "What's 'child-pom'". I tel bim. 1 don'î wanîte. Bu 1 bave te. He needs te know the language. He needs te know about the monsters. Statistics tel me that ene-in-four of my femnale friends bas been a victim of sexual abuse at some ltime in ber life. There are ne statistics for the men and beys ini my life. But, it happens. Just raid a newspaper. Yes, the monsters'stalk in the daylight heurs just as mucb as tbey do in our childrens dreams. And I hate that I have te wam my cbildren of tiiese monsters. Remember those first words your children spoke? Mommy. Daddy. Grandma. Grandpa. Milk. Cookie . .. and, NO. Survival words. DON'T! isn't only a weman's word. It is ase a child's word. A survival word. Citizens Committee commends At a recent meeting tbe executîve of the Commitîee of Concerned Citizens reviewed die most recent draft of the Officiai Plan for the Municipality of Clarington. The Commitîee commendeth te Council and town planners for their position on Hwy. 407 as outlined in the plan whicb states in article 19.4.2. "Council supports tbe construction ef tbe future higbway 407 from the Oshawa border te the future freeway connecting link'. The Comniiuee noîed that tbe appendix Map B I clearly showcl the municipaltys treatment et Hwy. 407 for ihe 20 year planning period. A letter was sent te the Mayor, Councillors and Planners'tbanking them for iheir consistency in treaîing the local plan proposai for the termination of Hwy. 407 in Courtice ai Hwy. 401. However, the committee did comment wih concem ioni the fact, tbat agents of the Minisîry of Transportation are taking core soul samples in tbe areas wbere tbe Ministry's "iechnically preferred route" bisects our sideroads. Further, we, are informed ibat tbe Ministry continues te acquire land along the route. The Committee encouraged the Council to remain vigilant and sîeadfast in executing the plans in order that the Municipality may experience reasoned growth and that the lifestyle we cherish may be preserved. In the communique the Committee aise requested that the Council keep them informed of THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality FamiIy Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal Bowling Banquets HOT - COLD - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 Oron Fire Cails The following fire calis were received by the Municipality of Clarington, Station # 3, Orono from May 19 te June 1. May, 22nd, at 1:14 p.m., ambulance assistance, Main & Park Sts. May 23rd, at 2:44 p.m., grass fire, 3511 Conc. Rd. 4. No change to GO sehedule Gilles Pouliot, Minister of Transporation bas said'that the GO schedule is not to change ini the immediate future and that ail- day service will not bc extented to the Wbitby Station. 'ne province reduced service last year but cutting out ail day service te Whitby and replacing the service with bus service to Pickering. As a resuit of the move the province saved $2 million. Early morning and late aftemnoon service still bas GO providing rail service to Whitby. any new developments or activities that might bc generated by the province or its agents regarding Hwy. 407 Lynn R. Helpard & Jim Slyfield SAL BY TENDER SEALED TENDERS, for offers to purchase the proporty listod bolow, will be roceived by tho undersignod in the onvolopo proviclod. Ail offers by tenders must be accompanied by a certified choque, money ordor or cash in the amnount oqual to 19% ot thÏ total bld. Doposits will be roturnod immediately aftor the award. SALE, BY TENDER SD94-1 Municipal Building (former Armourles) Located at Part Lot 7 and 8, Block 0, Hannlng Plan CG, Northwest Corner Park and Church Streots, Orono, Ontario Bid forrns may bo obtainod from the Purchasing Office at 40 Tomporance Street, First Floor, Bowmanville, Ontario, LI C 3A6. Ail items wili be sold on an "AS IS - WHERE IS" basis. CLOSING TIME & DATE 2:00 pan. (Local Timne) Wednesday, June 29, 1994 The highest or any tender not neoessarily accopted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purctiasing & Suppiy Agent Tlephono: (905) 623-3379- Ext. 268, Date of Publica tion:, Wednesday, June 8,'1994 Pr). 4311 905-786-2793 MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St.. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAIO FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES- CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO, DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB iMo ON HWY. 115&35 PHONE (905) 983-9151 BALLS RADIO& T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 Michael Spooner and Shela Stephens Spooner ROSE - ARBOR -ANTIÎ-QUES EARLY CANADIAN PINE - O0W LAMPS - PRIMITIVES OPEN APRIL TO DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - 10:00 a.m. te 5:00 p.m. AISO BY APPOINNENT OR BY CHANCE (905) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 km. east of Hwy. 115/35 R. ,Kendal, Ont. LOA 1EO on Clarke 6th Conc. iLlndmaY ç1A1%JAAo!I(A 115 AAAK LEATHERCRAFT Rd. ________________ ,401 Phone ahead or by chance ~\3847 Wllcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO - (905)983-9540 VISAj 1MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Chîldren and Aduits Rick Jones NewtonVille