Vol. 58, No. 22 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 199 The subject of Open House meetingsA A nîmals ordered moved ut of Newtonvîlle area 1Councillor- David Scott and with David Crome of the features of the draft of the new Elva Reid take time to discuss Clarington Planning department Clarington Officiai Plan. Draft Oýfficti'ai plan now on publicâ% view,.. The officiai unveiling of the Draft Officiai Plan of the Municipality of Clarington to the public took place in Newcastle Village on Monday. 1The plan provides strategic directions and a structural framework for future growth and development until the ycar 2011. It is pointed out that the main intention of the plan are to foster economic, environmental, cultural, physical and social well- being of the residents of Clarington., As to growth in numbers the presenit population of some 37,000 is targeted to grow to 110,000 over the next seventeen years. Most of the growth is to be directed towards Bowmanville with a population rîsing to 50,000, in Courtice, 30,000, Newcastle 12,000 and in Orono 2,000. As it can bc seen future growth is proposed to be directed towards the urban areas now established in the mnunicipality. Most of the growth in the rural. areas of Clarington wili come through infilling in the hamlets. The plan calis, for 200 additional -lots in the hamlets, 80 lots for country residentiai and 20 lots for cluster infilling. Residential developmnent ini the urban areas is expected to foflow 70 percent in low density, 20 percent medium density and a low of 10 percent for high density. The density is somewhat higher than now exists.. The plan, targets a ratio of 25:75 between non-resîdential assessment as to that of residentiai assessment. At the present Urne the ratio rest at somie 16:84. A regulation in the plan suggests that the ratio is not to fall below 15:85. Boundaries suggested in the plan are expected to stand firm over the period of the life of the plan. The plan wili allow housing intensificatjin such as accessary apartinents to bc ailowed in single and semi-detached residences subject to specific criteria. There is also to be relaxed standards for home-based occupations. The draft plan is high in (Continued page 2) The courts have passed down judgement in that an animal sanctuary i n the Municipality of Clarington, south of Newtonville, must be removed from its location within the next thirty days. The decision came down on Friday of last week. In June of 1993 the sanctuary was set-up by a group known as the M issionary Church of St. Francis of Assisi which has no connection with the St. Francis of Assisi Parish Church of Newcastle. The sanctuary was located on a farm south of Newtonville south of Lakeshore road. The group was also to establish a Monastery on the farm property. An application to rezone the lands was turned down by the municipality. The development of the awaiting a decision of the courts as to whether or not Mosport Park has a right to hold outdoor music events at the park. The case was heard on Friday of last week and it is not known sanctuary aroused great concern ini the neighbourhood. Since exotic animals were being housed on the property Ciarington took the owners to court for contravening a bylaw against such use. The case came to court in March and at that time was adjourned to May when when the judge dîsmissed the charge under the exotic animal by-law and awarded the owners $2,000 in costs. On Friday die hearing into the contravention of the zoning by- laws was held and at which ture the courts ruled that the animais be removed fromn the property. The municipaiity is now awaiting to see if the judgement is to be challenged through an appeal. Mosport has also asked the court for costs to be awarded against the municipality which could cost Clarington from $50.000 to $70.000. (Continued page 2)- A "Thank You" (rom Kirby Cemntennial Students at the Kirby, Public School had some words for Mr. John Windatt and il was a big "THANK YOU". t was through Windatt Nursery that the school received three truck loads of young trees up to 20 feet for planting along the Ecology Trail now under development at the school. The students met with Mr. Windatt on Friday momning along with, Mrs. Helen MacDonald, head of the Ecology Trail committee to show what has been done with the ,trees, now al planted. Nineteen deciduous trees were plated by Grade Six students assisted by parent volunteers to provide shade at each of the eîght fitniess station spaced out along the trail. The students in all case learned how to plant and how to care for the trees. .Some of the names of the stations: Hilsonailey and Station Jerparridge. The Grade Six children were also involved in the planting of shrubs in the butterfly garden in recognition of their graduation from the school this year. Two representatives of the five Starships have planted a grove of spruce and cedar as part of the woodlot ecology being establish as part of the Ecology, trail. Last week, Jeff Thompson and his pad planted a pine grove fron, 70 red pine donated to the sehool by Bey Stacheruk and the First Orono Scouts. Other students at the same time established a number of living brush piles. t was Duncan Porter, Kyle Moore, Tommy Lucas and Robbie Herring who did ail the work increating the brush piles. As the school year progresses so does the creation of the Ecology Trail at Kirby and its al through the efforts of staff, students and parents. Mr. John Windatt humbly stated that the donation of trees was due to the contribution the school had made for his children who attended.the school. The Clarîngton/Mosport debate before the courts Mo sport Park and the when adecision will be handed Mîîniciialitv of Clarington arc down. Happenings.. Correction Last week we used the wrong naine in an article pertaining to an Orono Guide visiting Trinidad. We had used the naine Tonya Bunton when it should have been Ell Bunton. Elli said, with a smile, when we were making the correction we could put in a thank-you for her. "At this time 1 would like to take the opportunity to thank Girl Guides of Canada for giving me the chance ve part in the event. Thanks to the province, the area, division and v~ict for their fmnancial support. Special thanks goes to Pamn Allin, Marg Crashley, Mladeline Heard, my parents, my Ranger Unit, Oronio Pathrfinders for their help. Without them 1 wouldn't have made it. 1 will always remember. Orono Pathfinders Car Wash 'Me Orono Paithfinders are holding a car wash at Armstrong's IGA Saturday, June 11ith from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. to help raise funds for any Intenational trips this year. Orono Town Hall Card Party, May 25 Hligh Scores- Ken Gimblett 92,-Walter Murphy 84, Bernice Partner 79, Jean Jilison 78, Marie Couroux 77-. Low score - Tom Wilson. Draws L. Bolderstone, J.Gimblett, C. SIapleton, M. Clarke, S. Gordon