ORONO - TWINS- 4 Pitch Player of the Week kaitlyn Lech Kaitlyn receives a fanny pack courtcsy of hier coach. Heavenbound leaves Cobourg Harbour Cobourg council Lot their way and the former Coast Guard Cutter known as Heavenbound has left and has docked in Desoronto. The vessel is now useti as a floating ministry and caters te troubled youths. County selling compost Northumberland County waste management group is now selling ,compost after 18, months of preparation. The compost goes at $25.00 a tonne or $2 a bag. They hope it becomes a growth business for the county. No thrills here Neither the Port Hope or Cobourg police chief were excited about the federal legisiation to tightcn up the Young Offenders Act.. Both have said it is unlikely that it will reduce youth crime especially that of a non-violent nature. No movement by board SThe Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education has laid down its regulation concerning busing of students. It lias approved a package of recommendations from 'its operations and finance commnittee enforcing an existing policy. An objecting group froin Cobourg did not move the board froin its policy which states that -students who attend a school having all grades froin junior kindergarten to grade 8 must wallc te school if they live within 1.6 kilometers: -if students attend a senior public school they must walk if they live within 2.4 kilometers. - if they attend high school they must walk if they live within 3.2 kilometers. O4*rono1 PeeWee Girl register a big win The statèment ail happened at M. J. Hobbs School on Wednesday, Junc 8. 1994 against thc Hamptongirls. Unusual for the Orono girls as they cnded the firat inning widx, a 3-0 lcead, but things took over in the second whcn Orono went aheati 9-2. Mlonie Alin pitching a fine game with Ashlcy Hendry being the back catch. Tho third inning was scorcles for bodx, teams after a nice double play was made by Ashley Bickell who caught the fly and then tossed it to Ashley West te catch thc tagged runner. In thc fourth the bats got flying again by Terida LWest, Ashley West, Melonie ffllia and widx al thc rest gctting walks scored 6 more runs. Hampton etidcd the fourth inning now bcing only behind by 6 runs. Omono pulling their socks back up made another double play to end the fifth inning. Orono finishetl with 17 runs, Hampton 12. Congratulations girls on a very successful win. If that teamn spirit keeps up there will be many more wins. Good luck on toniglits Orono Midget Basebali weekly report '94 After being rained out on two previeus occasions, the Orono Midget/Juvenile Basebaîl team, sponsore by the Donut Gallery, suited up for a Tiursday nigit gamne against Hooper's Trophy froni Bowmanvile. The gamne started off with superb pitching, from Nick Brown (Nuke) letting up only two runs in the first two innings. This was countered by a strong teamn offensive launch, te put Orono ahead by a run (3-2). T'Mis set dic stage for the middle relief expertise, of Alan (Crazy) Lee, who was taking control on thec mound. 1Pitching in dxc last two inigs for, Orono, was Kyle Montgomery, a.k.a. "Stretch", Who pitcheti a fine, two innings te lold dxc Bowmanville teani te one with thc lead, and enly in the top of thc sixth on a fluke outfleld hit was the score tied, when Bowmanville managed te squeeze a run eut. Then geing into thc bottom of the sixth, with runners on the corners, Kyle Montgomery, smacked a dribbler past the Bowmanvillc pitcher, and second base, whe thc bal cludcd. This allowcd Dan Pierra (Digger) te score on the errors, which won- Orono thc game 8-7, in a wcll fought emotional matchup. Spetacular plays, came from Rob Winnacott, who caught an over-the-shoulder pop fly at short, also Jcff Tonks, with a in lcft field, who turned on the whecls to make thc timcly snag. Stmong support also came froni the right side of the infield, from Nick Brown on first and Corey Stapleton on second, with excellent communication on a last-second play te first, te force the out and return te thc dugout. This ycar's teama consis of a strong pitching rotation made up of Nick Brown #27, Alan Lee #4, and Kyle Montgomery #8. Widx strong supperting catchers Matt Black #2, and Scott S awyer,#26. Infleld and on dic bases a steady, defensive backbone of Dan Pierra #39, Corcy Stapleton #55, Jeff Tonks #49, March Weitheid #25, and Rob Winnacott #9. Yet to report te camp arc Dave Evans, Craig Locklxart, and Ken Woods, who is currently on thc D.L. witlx an ankle injury. Also special thanks to the coaches, Deug Stapleton, and Tcrry Brown, wio displaycd impeccable knowlcdgc of the gamne. Happy l6th Birthday, to Orono Donut Gallary , star pitcher Alan Lee, who tumned sixteen on Monday 13th, froni teammates and friends. Team Representatives C.S. N.B. Orono Novice Girls, bow to Cable TV Orone "B" girls loose at home on June 2nd te Rogers Cable T.V. 10 -2 Roger's pitching was tee good for Orono allowing only 6 hits, walking 1 and striking eut 9 Orone batters. Shiela Angl started pitching for Orono but Uic reokie pitcher found it te lic te nerve racking se after walking 4 batters and iitting one was relievcd by Ashley Dwyer striking eut the- side. Ashley's other 2 innings were aise wcll pitched striking eut 3, walking one and alowing 5 hits. Terina West came in te close out thc game catching a fly bail and striking eut 2. The only otier briglit spot on defence was Michelle Henderson with an unassisted eut at second. Orono "B' girls win on the road June 6 against Courtice White Sox by a score of 30 -6. Tic, Orono teams hit attack was on froni the first pitch of the game. The Orone hitters were very selective sud the stats show it with 22 uits and 13 walks and Don1y 5 strike outs in a complete 5 inning gamne. Coach Raye West thanks his teani for their hitting after receiving a little ribbing froni Coach Bob O'Neill abouthis batting erder. The big surprise was dlean up hitter Michelfle Hendersen going 4 for 4 and aise playing a great defensive gamne. Locals attend OMHA annual meeting Thue following is the summary of the annual meeting held in Toronto on June 11, 1994 attended by Gord Lowery, Anme Marie Hogle and Ray Rester represeniting the Orono Amateur Adletic Association. 1) Let it be known that the motion from the MTHL to the OHF on change of age classification was defeated. Therefore thc age classification wil stay the same as last year for thc up ceming year. 2) Financial S tatement - the OMHA is' approximately The offence was lead by Terina West with a grand siani, 3 two run doubles and a single. Katie O'Neill had her usual steady hitting game with 4 hits also a great surprise to both coaches was thc hitting of Amy Walton. With a 10 batter maximum Amy was the tenth batter three innings ini a row driving -i 6 runs, good work Amy. On defense the tandom of Ashley Dwyer and Terina West pitching was too mucli for Courtice with a combined 12 strikeouts and only 2 walks. Ncxt gamc Monday June l3th Courtice. I I overspent $1 10,748.00 for last year mostly due to legal expenses. 3) New Executive - President Ken Russell, Western District Vice-President Pat Parlette, Ccntraol District Vice-President John Archibald, Eastern District Vice-President Mike Hlammond, Representing Region Six Executive in our area is Sharol Griffm for two year terni and Jini Lytie for a one year terni. 4) Rule changes effective for the 1994/95 season: - Each local league team and Rep team must have a registered coach and tramner carded. This doesn't include local bouse league teanis. But for a house (Continued page 6) Stephen's Sporting Goods Hunting, Fishing 1 & supplies 80 King St. W. Bowmanvllle 697-2546 Clip and Save On Any Regular Priced Cap or T-shirt BOWMANVILLEI SSPORTS SHOF I I I 58 King Street West OPEN EVENINGS 623-0322 Valid June 16, 17, 18QONL Y ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION HOCKEY PROGRAM 1994/95 i Representative Teams - Novice, Atom, and Pee-Wee House League Teams - Tyke, Novice, Pee-Wee, Bantam, Midget Instructional -Mites Registration - August Need - Coaches, Trainers and Sponsors Rep. Coaches Picked in August, H.L. Coaches Picked in Setember For Applications and Sponsorships Cali: Ray Bester - 983-5584 ARJAY'uS VIDEO NOW OPEN AT IlS NEW LOCATION 5345 Main Street (Formerly known as Viewer's Choice) i 1